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Grupul Prospectiv
sâmbătă, 25 aprilie 2015
Un Prospectiv
July 9, 2014
Nu conteaza cum iti este tie, daca francezii sunt portretizati ca fiindu-le mai rau...
France Decapitated
The French dislike modernity. They mistrust it. That is the nub of the problem.
Un Prospectiv
sam FL
If modernity, adopted by the world powers was so desirable, why the constant manipulation of financial data and news? The French referred to as "pessimists" are in fact "realists". They sense, that all is not as it appears. They feel the malai
se acutely and are searching for solutions. Can we say that much for the consuming lemmings populating much of our country?
Jim Salt USA
The author badly conflates his so-called rise of "modernity" with the rise of post-modernity; to take but one example: the rise of the state (along with industrialization, urbanization, capitalism, etc) was a fundamental element of modernity's emergence, and its weakened current state the product of the very decline of modernity. It's the assault on modernism, and the hope for rationalism that came with it, that is troubling France and much of the rest of the increasingly post-modern world.
John Portland, OR
The essence of this op-Ed is that the French are the worlds canary in the coal mine. While we American's go about the task of policing the world, consuming ad infinitum and seeking the next "greed" bubble, the French see the coming reality of a new world, a world increasingly disconnected and devoid of humanity. It may take a couple more generations to sort out, but the French can sense, better than the rest of us, the impending doom.
Proudly Rooted. U.S.A.
Does Mr. Cohen honestly believe that an email address "replaces" a permanent physical address? Spoken like a displaced South African, a US citizen, living in London and summering in France... perhaps he is the displaced, unrooted one and the French are correct, in the long run.
He does sound very pessimistic and critical in these columns of late. Perhaps that comes from the insecurity of always being an outside observer, and never really knowing where one "belongs" himself?
Meredith NYC
Right wing Le Pen? She was quoted in the Times once, that she was to the left of Obama on social safety net issues, saying thsee cannot be left to private profit business.
So are France’s conservatives in any way like ours? Do they promote suspicion and hostility to the govt of the country, seek to undermine regulations, to reduce wealth taxes, offshore profits free from tax, promote billionaire donors dominating elections the name of free speech?
Does their rw seek to destroy their universal health care, in the name of free market freedom from govt coercion? Do they let their TV networks demand millions for campaign ads or do they instead mandate free media time for all candidates before elections, as I also read in the Times re Holland's election.
If these crucial issues interest Mr. Cohen at all, he might do a compare and contrast, just to give us some context for judging another country.
America is the least modern of the advanced countries, with the worst roads, rail and airports, and the slowest broadband speeds. Our right wing famously hates modernity. Have you heard of this?
Could you imagine France's supreme court ruling employers are free to deny birth control coverage? Or to allowing prayer in govt meetings? Would such lawsuits even be brought? Or to deny millions health care on the whim of local governors being legal? They settled those matters some time ago, while backward America is still fighting it out. So who is modern?
Smaranda Dobrescu
Francezilor nu le place modernitatea(???) pentru ca ei au incredere in stat, nu suporta ideea de dereglementare si se proptesc in sindicate in tendintele lor de modernizare. Ia sa ia ei modelul Thatcher+ Blair de laissez faire total!! Marele analist ar dori sa opreasca de la export poate si posirca de vin frantuzesc si ce branzeturi puturoase mai degusta acestia la picnicurile lor ca niste inconstienti ce sunt!
Gavrila Ch
Slava Domnului ca exista Franta; altminteri trebuia inventata.
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