sâmbătă, 27 august 2016

CSM-ul ii cere Presedintelui Erdogan...

CSM-ul ii cere Presedintelui Erdogan – 26 uiulie 2016


Smaranda Dobrescu

"Ultimul Comunicat al Consiliului Superior al Magistraturii m-a umplut de revoltă. Sub semnătura preşedintelui Mircea ARON, CSM îi cere preşedintelui Erdogan, „respectarea tuturor reglementărilor şi tratatelor internaţionale privitoare la drepturile fundamentale ale omului la care Statul Turc este parte"! Ce facem însă cu drepturile omului în România, unde acelaşi CSM închide ochii la toate încălcările, participînd vîrtos chiar la unele dintre ele?"



De ce nu cere CSM garantarea drepturilor omului şi în România, nu numai în Turcia?

Ultimul Comunicat al Consiliului Superior al Magistraturii m-a umplut de revoltă. Sub semnătura preşedintelui Mircea ARON, CSM îi cere preşedintelui Erdogan,…



Draghi Puterity Pentru ca in Romania "drepturile omului sunt un lux teoretic"?


Alexandru Botu Pentru ca in Romania nu i se permite!


Smaranda Dobrescu Pentru ca in Romania se permite doar observatia ca e cea mai corupta tara si trebuie procedat in consecinta inca 1000 de ani..

Draghi Puterity "Coruptia" romaneasca e ca si povestea cu "nerespectarea drepturilor omului" vanturata de propaganda americana din anii '80. E aceeasi "basca a iepurasului", dar de alta culoare.


Mihai Ion Turcu Este un comunicat care a fost cerut de uniunile magistratilor, este de circumstanta si nu spune ceva anume ci doar ca CSM este "ingrijorat" ( in speta de soarta mahistratilor turc)i.


Smaranda Dobrescu In acelasi articol sunt date cazuri de catre AMR prin care CSM nu s-a sesizat cand judecatori au fost penalizati pentru decizii judecatoresti, etc..


Mihai Ion Turcu Doamna Smarand dobrescu, CSM este o facatura castrata .


Alexandru Botu Domnule Profesor Mihai Ion Turcu, Inteleg ca CSM este "ingrijorat" doar de semeni de ai sai din alta parte?


Mihai Ion Turcu Daca n-ar fi existat presiunea Asociatiei magistratilor, expres adresata CSM, n-ar fi fost nici "ingrijorat", chiar fiind ingrijorat pentru ca nu ai cum sa nu fii, atat pentru respectarea unor principii cat si pentru consecintele pentru noi a ce se intampla in Turcia la mare scara.La noi se balteste in coruptie, cu accese recurente de abuz si injustitie.


Smaranda Dobrescu Mihai Ion Turcu de acord cu definitia CSM :-)


Alexandru Botu "Facatura castrata"-o institutie fara ...vlaga, potenta.


Mihai Ion Turcu Mai rau, "facatura" este artificiala si sterila prin insasi intentia facatorului, dar ocupa locul a ceva care ar fi avut rost si functiune necesara..


Alexandru Botu Acum ma gandesc mai atent sa vad cate dintre institutiile statului nu sunt, in grade diferite, la fel de sterile. Desigur, vad si institutii foarte obraznice, care si-au depasit mult atributiile cunoscute si necunoscute.


Mihai Ion Turcu Alexandru Botu @institutiile care nu decurg organic dintr-o realitate cu fundament propriu, in dezvoltare, ci sunt implanturi, incumba riscul toxicitatii. Nu exista inovatie in vid.


Alexandru Botu Da, Domnule Profesor Mihai Ion Turcu, nici eu nu ma indoiesc de asta. Numai ca o privire fugara in istoria noastra ne face sa vedem ca de cele mai multe ori am fost obligati sa adoptam institutii/forme fara fundament organic propriu/fara fond si sa nechinuim sa ne adaptam la ele. Aproape niciodata nu am reusit sa ne adaptam, pana a venit o noua impunere, parand ca n-am putut termina nimic. Da, nu am terminat nimic din ceea ce ni s-a impus, dar nici de ale noastre nu am mai avut cum sa ne ocupam.

Mihai Ion Turcu Unele grefe s-au prins, cu folos. Ce si cand trebuie preluat si cu ce folos scontat? Noua, chiar in acest moment ni se baga pe gat "alimente" nocive, indigerabile. Ne-am angajat sa le inghitim , urmand sa le purjam sau sa murim (??), sau poate sa ne adaptam sau sa le modificam. Indemnul ar putea fi sa le modificam.


Mihai Ion Turcu Exista acuma riscul de a fi terminati inainte de a termina.


Prospectiv A-z .
"Ce facem însă cu drepturile omului în România, unde acelaşi CSM închide ochii la toate încălcările, participînd vîrtos chiar la unele dintre ele?""

Cand pucistii esuati vor fi arestati in Romania, va fi aceeasi reactie. Acum se construieste presiune pe Erdogan ca sa stim de unde-i va veni, sa fim gata sa ne bucuram.

Precizari la o declaratie

Gheorghe Gradinaru shared Andrei Alexandru's post.


Andrei Alexandru

July 25

Am stat în cumpănă dacă să scriu acest comentariu. Până la urmă, l-am scris, fiindcă n-am putut să mă abțin să corectez afirmația falsă făcută de Adrian Năstase la Antena3: " EU AM CREAT PSD-UL" . 
Nu, dle. Adrian Năstase ! PSD a fost creat Ion Iliescu, chiar dacă și-a schimbat numele de la FSN la FDSN, la PDSR, la PSD și chiar dacă la preluarea numelui partidului de la gruparea de buzunar a lui Sergiu Cunescu ați avut o contribuție. Numele PSD a fost pus celui mai mare partid existent în România, coagulat în jurul lui Ion Iliescu, nu în jurul lui Adrian Năstase. Dacă tot v-ați hotărât să vă scoateți în evidență meritele, era mult mai cinstit să spuneți cam așa: "EU ÎMPREUNĂ CU ALEXANDRU ATHANASIU, PE ATUNCI PREȘEDINTELE PSD, AM AJUNS LA O ÎNȚELEGERE CA PDSR SĂ PREIA NUMELE PSD" E o nuanță care schimbă radical impresia pe care ați dorit s-o creați.
Și dacă tot am ajuns la acest punct al ordinei de zi, ca unul care a fost pe acolo, o să vă împărtășesc opinia mea. 
Dumneavoastră, dle. Năstase, nu numai că nu ați creat PSD-ul, dar ați inițiat schimbarea direcției politice a partidului spre dreapta, în speranța că veți câștiga electoratul "fin" și așa-zisa societatea civilă. N-ați câștigat nici electoratul "fin" și nici așa-zisa societatea civilă, ci ați pierdut din electoratul de stânga. 
Dumneavoastră, dle. Năstase, nu numai că nu ați creat PSD-ul, dar ați inițiat declinul partidului, când ați tolerat prin inacțiune planul derbedeilor de la Cluj și a altor derbedei la congresul PSD din 22 aprilie 2005 soldat cu eliminarea de la conducere a lui Ion Iliescu. 
Dumneavoastră, dle. Năstase, nu numai că nu ați creat PSD-ul, dar ați introdus din 2000 o politică de conducere autoritară, discreționară și ați golit de conținut democrația de partid.
Pe post de "cireașă pe tort" sau de răspuns la întrebarea: "Cine a fost mai întâi, oul sau găina ?" și pentru preîntâmpinarea speculațiilor, reamintesc că Adrian Năstase a fost creația politică a lui Ion Iliescu și nu invers. Q.E.D.
Nu cred că vă neagă cineva, nici măcar adversarii, inteligența, cultura, experiența politică și, în general, valoarea intelectuală. V-am urmărit și am tras concluzia că vreți să le puneți la dispoziția "cetății". Dacă concluzia mea nu e greșită, sincer, vă urez mult succes !


Smaranda Dobrescu Va dau dreptate, Domnule Andrei Alexandru in privinta egalitatii considerate si acum de catre electoratul captiv intre Ion Iliescu si PSD/PDSR.FDSN/FSN. Ultima unificare, aceea cu PSDR-ul lui Cunescu nu a preluat un "partid de buzunar". In afara de faptul ca acesta numara in 2000 in noiembrie 60 mii de membri, aceasta unificare a insemnat preluarea de catre PDSR a ideii de continuitate in istorie a partidului care in felul acesta "a imbinat traditiile revolutiei cu caracterul traditional-istoric", dar a mai preluat si afilierea mult dorita la Internationala Socialista. Insasi faptul ca scorul PSDR-ului lui Cunescu era destul de mic ca partidul sa-si permita sa se prezinte singur in alegeri, era un semn ca popularitatea lui era limitata de popularitatea partidului lui Iliescu.
D-l Nastase si toti liderii care i-au urmat au fost sedusi de politica lui Blair care se pare ca a avut si ceva interventii externe in favoarea Romaniei in virtutea bunelor relatii cu D-l Nastase. Mai multi am fost "vrajiti" de speechul lui Blair imbracat in haine noi si prospere, dar unora le-a trecut starea de vraja mai repede. De exemplu eu in 2000 eram deja edificata. De altfel adoptarea pe termen lung a "celei de-a treia cai"a lui Schroder-Blair a determinat PSD-ul in timpul lui Nastase si ulterior sa se deplaseze din ce in ce mai la dreapta. Liderii PSDR-ului lui Cunescu s-au retras dupa un mandat in care au realizat imposibilitatea de a schimba ceva. Completarea mea nu inseamna ca dorinta eventuala a lui Adrian Nastase de revenire in viata publica nu o consider benefica si nu-i doresc sa intareasca partea stanga a esichierului romanesc. E capabil.


Smaranda Dobrescu Un prieten social democrat care a ascultat emisiunea mi-a semnalat urmatorul fragment referitor la tipul necesar de partid in conceptia lui AN: "un partid mai de stanga si mai national". Adica "national-socialist"?


Prospectiv A-z .
In opinia mea, Adrian Nastase ar fi o oferta de nisa, doar daca nu atat PSDul cat si electoratul admit ca situatia e in galeata.

AN: "un partid mai de stanga si mai national". Adica "national-socialist"? Ce social-democrat poate fi si persoana care spune asa ceva in Romania din ziua de azi?


Doina Nicolescu Am ascultat interviul. Cand a spus "mai national" eu, in naivitatea mea, am inteles mai putin obedient de UE, care este orice, numai socialista nu!

Mihai Ion Turcu Ca cetatean as dori ca Domnul A.Nastase sa nu joace vre-un rol in stanga romaneasca. Nu are stofa necesara.


Alexandru Botu Pe mine, ca simpatizant al Partidului lui Sergiu Cunescu si al lui Cunescu, desigur, m-au deranjat "oportunismele" celor care au determinat atunci unirea celor doua partide. Credeam, in naivitatea mea, ca linia partidului lui Cunescu putea fi o buna solutie de viitor in conditiile unor "adaptabilitati" aproape schizofrenice ale altor partide.


Donald Trump vorbeste

Donald Trump vorbeste – 24 iulie 2016
Prospectiv A-z

Sunt multe de interes pentru romani in acest interviu. Remarc pentru inceput ideea lansata la o postare despre si cu Marian Munteanu: Sincronicitatea nationalului (in sens jungian).

Meet the Press - July 24, 2016 - NBC News

Meet the Press - July 24, 2016


This Sunday, the Democratic National Convention gets underway here in Philadelphia, after a raucous and unpredictable Republican convention. That ended with the nomination of Donald Trump.


I am with you, I will fight for you, and I will win for you.


This morning, my sit-down with Donald Trump on his convention speech.


The only negative reviews were a little dark.


On whether he's backing off on his Muslim band.


I actually don't think it's a pull-back. In fact, you could say it's an expansion.


And on Hillary Clinton's choice of Tim Kaine.


Tim Kaine was a slap in the face to Bernie Sanders.


Plus Hillary Clinton and Tim Kaine hit the road in Florida.


Tim Kaine is everything Donald Trump and Mike Pence are not.


But some Bernie Sanders supporters are criticizing the Kaine pick as a sellout to moderates. I'll talk to Sanders and get his reaction to that and to the DNC Wikileaks e-mail release. Joining me for insight and analysis are MSNBC's Rachel Maddow, former chairman of the RNC, Michael Steele, NBC News Chief Foreign Affairs Correspondent, Andrea Mitchell, and host of Hardball and Philadelphia hometown boy, Chris Matthews. Trump, Sanders and reactions to the new Democratic ticket. Welcome to Sunday, in a special edition of Meet the Press at the Democratic National Convention.


Good Sunday morning. We are at the Wells Fargo Center here in South Philadelphia, home of the NBA 76ers and the NHL Broad Street Bullies, the Fliers. Democrats have begun to arrive, along with a pretty bad heat wave. And beginning tomorrow, they will gather to officially nominate Hillary Clinton as their presidential candidate.

Yesterday in Miami, Clinton was joined by her new running mate, Senator Tim Kaine of Virginia, in an upbeat event that was notable simply by the contrast to the disorganized rollout of Donald Trump's running mate a week earlier, Mike Pence.



Hillary Clinton, she doesn't insult people, she listens to them. What a novel concept, right? She doesn't trash our allies, she respects them. And she'll always have our backs, that is something I am rock solid sure of.



We will get to reaction to the new Democratic ticket later in the show, including my interview with Senator Bernie Sanders of Vermont in a moment. But first, we're going to talk also about Sanders, about those Wikileaks emails and what they may say about DNC favoritism towards Hillary Clinton. But we begin with the man who has now taken control of the Republican Party. It's nominee Donald Trump.

I traveled to Trump National Golf Club in Bedminster, New Jersey, sort of his weekend getaway, last night for a face-to-face interview since dropping the word "presumptive," it's his first one, from the nominee title. We touched on so much: Tim Kaine, Trump's tax returns, his proposed restrictions on Muslim immigration and why he says he alone can fix the country's problems. But I began by asking him how it feels to be the Republican nominee for president of the United States.



Well, it really feels great. And we really have a very unified party, other than a very small group of people that, frankly, lost. And we have a very unified party. You saw that the other night with the love in the room, and the enthusiasm in the room. The enthusiasm, there are people that say they have never seen anything like what was going on in that room, especially Thursday night.


Let me tell you, you bring up Thursday night, I've got to ask you about your entrance. Before we get serious here. That Monday night entrance was something else. I know you've gotten a lot of feedback on it. How'd you come up with it?


I think I'm a little bit lucky, and a couple of people had that idea and I went along with the idea. And everything just worked right. And it was so good that they wanted to do it on Thursday night. I said, "Never in a million years, because you'll never get it that way again."


I don't think I've seen that even on WWE.


Yeah, I know. Well, Vince is a good friend of mine. He called me, he said, "That was a very, very good entrance." But I didn't want to do it a second time, because, you know, it never works out the second time.


All right, let's go into the speech. I want to put some meat on the bones. But first, let's talk about, you've seen some of the positive reviews, some of the negative reviews. Some of the negative has been that it was a little dark--


That's the only thing that--


--that there wasn't enough optimism in it. What would you say? It's not Morning in America.




What would you say to that?


Well, I think the only negativity, and, you know, the hate, I call them the haters, and that's fine. But the only negative reviews were, "A little dark." And the following day, they had another attack, and then today you see what happened in Afghanistan with many, many people killed.

They have no idea how many, so many killed. Yesterday it was Munich. And you know, I know they're saying, "Maybe it wasn't terrorism. Maybe it was just a crazy guy." But in the meantime he's screaming, "Allahu Akbar," as he's shooting people, so, you know, we'll see how that turns out. And all of a sudden people are saying, "Maybe it wasn't dark at all." But the only thing that some people said, "It was a little dark. It was a little bit tough."


Do you think it was a little dark?


No, oh, I thought it was very optimistic. To me, it was an optimistic speech, because--


What makes it optimistic in your view?


Because we're going to stop the problems. We're going to stop the problems. In other words, sure, I talk about the problems, but we're going to solve the problems.


One of the phrases you used, "I alone can fix it." And to some people, that sounded almost too strong-mannish for them. Do you understand that criticism and what do you make of it?


I'll tell you, part of it was I'm comparing myself to Hillary. And we know Hillary, and we look at her record. Her record has been a disaster. And I am running against Hillary. It's not like I'm running against the rest of the world. I know people that are very, very capable that could do a very good job, but they could never get elected.

I can tell you right now. I can give you ten names of people that would do an extraordinary job, but there's no way they could ever get elected. They wouldn't know where to begin. It wouldn't be for them. But for governing, they would be good. I'm running and, you know, against one person.


You said there would be consequences for any company that tried to move a factory out. What--


Absolutely, so simple--


--what is the consequence? Let's start with, you bring up Carrier a lot.


It's so simple--



Right, I understand that. But explain the consequences--


Okay, here's the consequence--


What would it be?


So Carrier comes in, they announce they're moving to Mexico, they fire all their people in Indiana, and they say, "Hi, well, here we are in Mexico, you know, enjoy your plant, enjoy the rest of your life," and you hire people from Mexico, okay? Now they make their product and they put it into the United States.

Well, we will have a very strong border, by the way, but they put it into the United States and we don't charge them tax. There will be a tax to be paid. If they're going to fire all their people, move their plant to Mexico, build air conditioners, and think they're going to sell those air conditioners to the United States, there's going to be a tax.


What kind of tax are you thinking?


It could be 25 percent. It could be 35 percent. It could be 15 percent. I haven't determined. And it could be different for different companies. We have been working on trying to stop this government, because we don't know what we're doing. And not only Obama, they've been trying to stop this from before Obama. But they don't know. You know, they've done, they've tried lower interest loans, they've tried zero interest loans, these guys--


Well, some of these things aren't going to get through the World Trade Organization. There's--


It doesn't matter. Then we're going to renegotiate or we're going to pull out. These trade deals are a disaster, Chuck. World Trade Organization is a disaster.


You know the concern on some of this--


NAFTA is a disaster--


-- is that it would rattle the world economy. Look what Brexit did to the world economy. Investors got rattled.


What did it do? What did it do?


Now you--


The stock market's higher now than it was when it happened. And by the way, I'm the only one of all of these people at the higher level of the wonderful world of politics, I'm the only one that said, "Brexit's going to happen." Remember, I was asked the question. I said, "Yeah, I think they're going to approve it. I think they want independence. I don't think they want people pouring into their country." And I was--


You're not worried about, you think a fractured Europe is good for America?


No, no. But we're spending a lot of money on Europe. Don't forget, Europe got together, why, primarily did they get together? So that they could beat the United States when it comes to making money, in other words, foreign trade--




Okay? And now we talk about Europe like it's so wonderful. Hey, I love Europe, I have property in Europe. I'm just saying, the reason that it got together was like a consortium so that it could compete with the United States--


So what you're saying is all this stuff is good for America, even if it's not good for Europe?


Look, you take a look at Airbus. They make more planes now than Boeing, okay? They got together, all of these countries got together so that they could beat the United States. Okay, so we're in competition. So you know, we're in competition in one way, we're helping them in another way. It is so messed up.


The Muslim ban. I think you've pulled back from it, but you tell me.



We must immediately suspend immigration from any nation that has been compromised by terrorism until such time as proven vetting mechanisms have been put in place.



This feels like a slight rollback--


I don't think that's--


Should it be interpreted--


I don't think so. I actually don't think it's a rollback. In fact, you could say it's an expansion. I'm looking now at territories. People were so upset when I used the word Muslim. Oh, you can't use the word Muslim. Remember this. And I'm okay with that, because I'm talking territory instead of Muslim.

But just remember this: Our Constitution is great. But it doesn't necessarily give us the right to commit suicide, okay? Now, we have a religious, you know, everybody wants to be protected. And that's great. And that's the wonderful part of our Constitution. I view it differently.

Why are we committing suicide? Why are we doing that? But you know what? I live with our Constitution. I love our Constitution. I cherish our Constitution. We're making it territorial. We have nations and we'll come out, I'm going to be coming out over the next few weeks with a number of the places. And it's very complex--


Well I was just going to say--


--we have problems in Germany and we have problems with France--


I was just going to ask that. Will this limitt--


You know, so it's not just the countries with--


--would this limit immigration from France?


What we're going to have is a thing called--


They've been compromised by terrorism.


They have totally been. And you know why? It's their own fault. Because they allowed people to come into their territory--


So you would toughen up. You're basically saying, "Hey, if the French want to come over here, you've got to go through an extra check."


It's their own fault, because they've allowed people over years to come into their territory. And that's why Brexit happened, okay? Because the U.K. is saying, "We're tired of this stuff, what's going on, we're tired of." But listen to this--


You could get to the point where you're not allowing a lot of people to come into this country from a lot of places.


Maybe we get to that point. Chuck, look what's happening. Look at what just took place in Afghanistan, where they blow up a whole shopping center with people, they have no idea how many people were even killed. Happened today. So we have to be smart and we have to be vigilant and we have to be strong. We can't be the stupid people--


So France, Germany, Spain--


Here's my plan--


--places that have been compromised?


--here is what I want: Extreme vetting. Tough word. Extreme vetting.


What does that look like?


Tough. We're going to have tough standards. And if a person can't prove--


Give me one.


--that they're from an area, and if a person can't prove what they have to be able to prove, they're not coming into this country. And I would stop the Syrian migration and the Syrian from coming into this country in two seconds. Hillary Clinton wants to take 550 percent more people coming in from that area than Barack Obama. I think she's crazy. I think she's crazy. We have no idea who these people are for the most part, and you know, because I've seen them on different shows--


All right.


--but more importantly, I've read about it. I study it. There is no way that you can vet some of these people. There is no way. Law enforcement officials, I've had them in my office. I've talked to them.


You realize some of these folks have nowhere to go? They're truly victims of this civil war, what do you do with them?


We will help them and we will build safe havens over in Syria, and we will get Gulf States--


We, the United States are going to build these safe havens?


We, the United States, we'll get Gulf States to pay for it, because we right now, we're going to have $21 trillion very soon, trillion, in debt. We will do safe havens and safe zones in Syria and we will get nations that are so wealthy that are not doing anything. They're not doing much. They have nothing but money. And you know who I'm talking about, the Gulf States. And we will get them to pay for it. We would lead it. I don't want to pay because our country is going down the tubes. We owe too much money.


All right. Let me move to something with NATO. Mitch McConnell said this about your NATO remarks in the New York Times. He said it was a rookie mistake, and that once you, let me finish the comment here. "It's a rookie mistake, and it proves that Trump needs people like us around to help steer him in the right direction on some basic things."


He's 100 percent wrong. Okay? He's 100 percent wrong if he said that. I didn't hear he said that--


He did say it.


Okay, fine, fine--


New York Times--


If he said that, he's 100 percent wrong. And frankly it's sad. We have NATO, and we have many countries that aren't paying for what they're supposed to be paying, which is already too little, but they're not paying anyway. And we're giving them a free ride or giving them a ride where they owe us tremendous amounts of money. And they have the money. But they're not paying it. You know why? Because they think we're stupid--


So Estonia is paying, and if they get invaded by Russia, you're there?


I feel differently. I feel very differently--


But if a country's not doing -- Britain hasn't done the two percent.


We have countries that aren't paying. Now, this goes beyond NATO, because we take care of-- we take care of Japan, we take care of Germany, we take care of South Korea, we take care of Saudi Arabia, and we lose on everything. We lose on everything. If Mitch McConnell says that, then he's wrong.

So all I'm saying is they have to pay. Now, a country gets invaded, they haven't paid, everyone says, "Oh, but we have a treaty." Well, they have a treaty too. They're supposed to be paying. We have countries within NATO that are taking advantage of us. With me, I believe they're going to pay. And when they pay, I'm a big believer in NATO.

But if they don't pay, we don't have, you know, Chuck, this isn't 40 years ago. This isn't 50 years ago. It's not 30 years ago. We're a different country today. We're much weaker, our military is depleted, we owe tremendous amounts of money. We have to be reimbursed. We can no longer be the stupid country.



When we come back, what Donald Trump says about David Duke, Bernie Sanders, and whether he really plans to spend millions for the sole purpose of defeating Ted Cruz and John Kasich. Sanders about Trump and about his reaction to Tim Kaine becoming Hillary Clinton's running mate. We're in Philadelphia, site of the Democratic National Convention. Stay with us.



Such a beautiful city here. Welcome back. More now of my interview with Donald Trump at The Trump National Golf Club in Bedminster, New Jersey. And since we had a limited amount of time, I ended up speeding things up by asking Trump for some quick reaction to simply some very prominent names in the news.



I'm just going to literally throw out a name and you'll know the question I'm asking. Bernie Sanders.


Great respect for what he's done. He is being taken advantage of, and frankly, the system was rigged, and I'm the first one to say it was rigged against him. And by the way--


You took after him. You took after him. You said for supporting Hillary Clinton, you think he needs to--


Well, I'm not a fan of Bernie Sanders. But I am a fan of one thing that he talks about: Trade. He is the only one on that side that understands trade. Now, he can't do anything about it because that's not his thing. But he has been gamed. He has been, it's a rigged system against him. And what happened with the choice of Tim Kaine was a slap in the face to Bernie Sanders and everybody. I was shocked. I love it from my standpoint, I love--


Why do you love the Kaine pick?


Well, first of all, he took over $160,000 of gifts. And they said, "Well, they weren't really gifts, they were suits and trips and lots of different things," all for 160--


Legal, legal in the state of Virginia.


Bob McDonnell-- I believe it was Bob McDonnell, in the meantime, he had to go to the United States Supreme Court to get out of going to jail--


Well, they proved to quid pro quo--


--for taking a fraction of what--


They proved quid pro quo on that one.


Excuse me, Bob McDonnell took a fraction of what Kaine took. And I think, to me, it's a big problem. Now, how do you take all these gifts? Hundreds of thousands of dollars. The other thing about him, he's bought and owned by the banks. And the third thing, he's in favor of TPP and every other trade deal that he's ever looked at. And that means he wants people not to work.

Now, he's going to change his tune. And I understand he's now going to say, "I'm against TPP." Hillary Clinton was totally in favor of TPP, which is the job killer, right? So was he. When she watched me on your show and other shows, all of a sudden she changed, because she knows she can't win that in a debate.


All right. Ted Cruz, I'm going to amend it, are you really going to fund a super PAC to help defeat him--


Well, it's not the number one thing on my mind. Look, what's on my mind is beating Hillary Clinton. What's on my mind is winning for the Republican Party. With that being said, yeah, I'll probably do a super PAC, you know, when they run against Kasich, for $10 million to $20 million, against Ted Cruz. And maybe one other person that I'm thinking about--


Who's that other one person?


--but I won't tell you that. I mean, he's actually such a small person, I hate to give him the publicity. But yes, I will probably do that at the appropriate at time. But I'm not going to do that until--


Oh, give me the small person here.


No, no, don't worry about it. We'll give it to you another time.


All right, let me ask you about this one. David Duke announced his Senate candidacy claiming your agenda for his own, or essentially saying, "Glad that you spoke out."


Are you ready, before you ask the question?


Newt Gingrich said, "Every Republican should repudiate this guy no matter what it takes"--


I did. And I do. Are you ready? I want--


Would you support a Democrat over David Duke if that was what was necessary to defeat him?


I guess, depending on who the Democrat, but the answer would be yes. Look, the answer is, as quick as you can say it. In fact, I went to answer you before you--


Because last time with another person in your position, I did it very quickly. And they said, "He didn't do it fast enough." Rebuked. Is that okay? Rebuked, done--


Rebuked, done. Okay. Tax returns. A lot of conspiracy theories are being out there about why-- what's in your tax returns. You would get rid of all these conspiracy theories tomorrow--


Let me tell you--


Probably make people look silly--


Let me tell you. Let me give you a little lesson on tax returns. First of all, you don't learn very much from a tax return. I put in to the federal elections group 100 and some-odd pages of my financials. It showed, as you know, that I'm much wealthier than anybody even understood, okay? Tremendous cash, tremendous assets, tremendous all that stuff. Okay, that's it. I'm going through a routine audit. Just a routine audit, and I've had it for I think 14 years, 13 years--




Every year they audit me. It's routine government. I would never give my tax returns until the audit's finished. But remember this: Mitt Romney, four years ago, was under tremendous pressure to give his tax returns. And he held it and held it and held it, and he fought it, and he, you know, he didn't do too well, okay? But he didn't do anything wrong on his taxes. When he gave his tax returns, people forget, not now. He gave them in September, before the election--


So you still might release them--


No, wait a minute, wait a minute. When he did, and his tax returns are a tiny peanut compared to mine, they went through his tax returns. And they found one little sentence, another little-- there was nothing wrong. And they made him look bad. In fact I think he lost his election because of that.


Because of the tax returns?


I think he lost. And I'll tell you why: He didn't do anything wrong. Mitt Romney did nothing wrong. But they would take out of, his weren't too big. Have you ever seen mine with the picture, they're like this high?


I have seen that picture, yes.


Okay, so they took his tax return and they found a couple of little things. Nothing wrong, just standard. And they made him look very bad, very unfair. But with all that said, I'd love to give them, but I'm under audit. When the audit's finished I'll give them.


Finally, Roger Ailes. Is he helping you? Is he advising you?


Well, I don't want to comment. But he's been a friend of mine for a long time, and I can tell you that some of the women that are complaining, I know how much he's helped them. And even recently, and when they write books that are fairly recently released, and they say wonderful things about him.

And now all of a sudden they're saying these horrible things about him. It's very sad. Because he's a very good person. I've always found him to be just a very, very good person. And by the way, a very, very talented person. Look what he's done. So I feel very badly. But a lot of people are thinking he's going to run my campaign.


Yeah, well--


My campaign's doing pretty well.


Mr. Trump, until we meet again.


Thank you very much--


Thank you for your time, sir, appreciate it.





Donald Trump: Full MTP Interview - NBC News

Trump talks to Chuck Todd about his debate strategy, Hillary Clinton's chances in the general election and the #BlackLivesMatter movement.


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