„Pentru mine, nu frontierele sau teritoriile naționale sunt importante, ci destinul oamenilor". – 11 ianuarie 2016
Octavian Lupu a distribuit fotografia postată de Digi24.
„Pentru mine, nu frontierele sau teritoriile naționale sunt importante, ci destinul oamenilor". Victor Orban cred ca a luat notite.
Vladimir Putin: „Pentru mine, frontierele nu sunt importante" - http://bit.ly/1ZgeBTN
Hai sa ne uitam la tot interviul:http://www.rusemb.org.uk/fnapr/5377
Interview of V. Putin to German newspaper Bild
Interview of V. Putin to German newspaper Bild
Draghi Puterity Numai sa nu fi luat si Xi Jinping...
Prospectiv A-z Judoka:
Question: If, as you say, there was no violation of international law in Crimea, how can you explain to your people that because of that step the West, including at Ms Merkel's initiative, imposed sanctions against Russia that the Russian population is now suffering from?
Vladimir Putin: You know, the Russian people feel in their hearts and understand in their minds very well what is happening. Napoleon once said that justice is the embodiment of God on earth. In this sense, the reunification of Crimea with Russia was a just decision.
As to the reaction of our western partners, I believe that it was wrong and it was not aimed at supporting Ukraine but at suppressing the growth of Russia's capabilities. I believe that this should not be done and this is the main mistake; on the contrary, we need to use each other's capabilities for mutual growth, to address common issues together.
You have mentioned sanctions. In my view, this was a foolish decision and a harmful one. I have said that our turnover with Germany amounted to $83–85 billion, and thousands of jobs were created in Germany as a result of this cooperation. And what are the restrictions that we are facing? This is not the worst thing we are going through, but it is harmful for our economy anyway, since it affects our access to international financial markets.
As to the worst harm inflicted by today's situation, first of all on our economy, it is the harm caused by the falling prices on our traditional export goods. However, both the former and the latter have their positive aspects. When oil prices are high, it is very difficult for us to resist spending oil revenues to cover current expenses. I believe that our non-oil and gas deficit had risen to a very dangerous level. So now we are forced to lower it. And this is healthy…
Question: For the budget deficit?
Vladimir Putin: We divide it. There is the total deficit and then there are non-oil and gas revenues. There are revenues from oil and gas, and we divide all the rest as well.
The total deficit is quite small. But when you subtract the non-oil and gas deficit, then you see that the oil and gas deficit is too large. In order to reduce it, such countries as Norway, for example, put a significant proportion of non-oil and gas revenues into the reserve. It is very difficult, I repeat, to resist spending oil and gas revenues to cover current expenses. It is the reduction of these expenses that improves the economy. That is the first point.
Second point. You can buy anything with petrodollars. High oil revenues discourage development, especially in the high technology sectors. We are witnessing a decrease in GDP by 3.8 percent, in industrial production by 3.3 percent and an increase in inflation, which has reached 12.7 percent. This is a lot, but we still have a surplus in foreign trade, and the total exports of goods with high added value have grown significantly for the first time in years. That is an expressly positive trend in the economy.
The reserves are still at a high level, and the Central Bank has about 340 billion in gold and foreign currency reserves. If I am not mistaken, they amount to over 300. There are also two reserve funds of the Government of the Russian Federation, each of which amounts to $70 to $80 billion. One of them holds $70 billion, the other – $80 billion. We believe that we will be steadily moving towards stabilisation and economic growth. We have adopted a whole range of programmes, including those aimed at import replacement, which means investing in high technologies.
Draghi Puterity Parca Peter Drucker a spus la un moment dat "sa nu irosesti niciodata o criza buna". Cam asta spune si Putin.
Constantin Gheorghe N-o irosește! Criza asta este pentru Rusia mană cerească, pentru că funcționează pe post de protecționism. Și la adăpostul "sancțiunilor" rușii își recuceresc piața internă de bunuri și servicii. Când se va termina cu sancțiunile, mulți se vor da cu tărtăcuțele de pereți. Asta e!
Octavian Lupu " Concerning Kosovo, the UN International Court of Justice ruled that, when it comes to sovereignty, the opinion of the central government can be ignored." Noi si cu sarbii nu am recunoscut independenta Kosovo, in concluzie suntem cei mai indreptatiti sa nu recunoastem nici anexarea Crimeii emoticon smile si nici pretentiile revizioniste ale Ungariei. In ceea ce ma priveste, o "pretenie" frateasca intre Germania si Rusia ma sperie in continuare. Romania nu are cum sa fie beneficiara unei astfel de prietenii ci doar sa o suporte. Cine isi imagineaza ca o eventuala astfel de "prietenie" cu rusii sub privirea duioasa a mamei Germanii nu va implica costuri teritoriale este un dulce copilas retard. Ma uimeste cat de scurta este memoria unor oameni de aceeiasi varsta cu mine sau chiar poate mai in varsta.
Gavrila Ch Sa nu amestecam lucrurile: Kosovo a fost mereu sarbesc/de mai bine de 6 secole, pe cand Crimeea a fost ruseasca, fie ca asta convine sau nu istoricilor cu simbrie din corul vestic. Putin ii atentionase/prin Bush inca de acum 10 ani, ca Rusia are o legatura istorica cu Crimeea, mai ales ca Ucraina a fost dintotdeauna o provincie ruseasca, nicidecum un stat de sine statator. Cat despre cecitatea politicii externe romane, mai ales din timpul mandatului basescian, ma tem tare mult ca nota de plata s-ar putea sa-i parvina Romaniei cand i-o fi mai greu. Pentru ce-au facut tradatorii tarii de mai bine de 20 ani, puteam sa aducem zidul berlinez pe undeva pe langa Magurele, spre aducere aminte. Ungurii ne dau lectii la jocul la mai multe capete fara a-si pune cenusa in cap, la Bucuresti gastele sacre pe post de comisari ideologici vegheaza la puritatea doctrinei mai abitir decat Torquemada. E peste tot o vraiste in politica romaneasca. ca te iei cu mainile de cap.
Preda Mihailescu Oricum, nervosi separatisti se aud vorbind cu gura tot mai sloboda, se citesc amenintari "Las ca nu mai em ult pana cand vei circula cu pasaport in Ardeal" - nu inseamna ca li se si indeplineste planul, dar cineva ii indeamna sa creada...
Mihai Ion Turcu Tot secolul al XIX-lea , al natiunilor, am apasat pedala eternitatii poporului roman pina am ajuns sa credem ca suntem zei. Nu suntem si popoarele nu sunt eterne, ami ales cele mici si cascate cum suntem noi in acest moment de cumpana mondiala. real am pierdut teritorii si populatie. Pierdem si in prezent prin emigrare. Urmariti ce discutam, apa-n piua de dimineata pana seara pe toate posturile TV in timp ce ne topim .....
Preda Mihailescu Sa speram ca se topeste numai ceea ce nu era viabil sa fie acest "noi" cu radacini si continuitate. Pe urma vom infrrange si greul. In toata Europa adevarata identitate este macerata.