marți, 12 ianuarie 2016

De ce boala grea a economiei mondiale continua si in 2016

De ce boala grea a economiei mondiale continua si in 2016 – 4 ianuarie 2016


Smaranda Dobrescu

Joseph Stieglitz

"The world faces a deficiency of aggregate demand, brought on by a combination of growing inequality and a mindless wave of fiscal austerity. Those at the top spend far less than those at the bottom, so that as money moves up, demand goes down. And countries like Germany that consistently maintain external surpluses are contributing significantly to the key problem of insufficient global demand."



Why The Great Malaise Of The World Economy Continues In 2016

The year 2015 was a hard one all around. Brazil fell into recession. China's economy experienced its first serious bumps after almost four decades of…


Draghi Puterity "Plutonomia" e, in opinia mea, marea boala a anului 2016. Sau in orice caz, e mult mai grava decat excedentul conmercial al Germaniei, o tara care (inca) face acest excedent prin metode "clasice" prin produse de calitate si nu prin speculatii demne de un cazinou ca Wall Street-ul.


Smaranda Dobrescu Plutocratie + economie ; cred ca termenul a inceput sa fie folosit odata cu globalizarea, a inceput sa fie relevant pe masura ce cei bogati si foarte bogati ocupa decila de sus si se va instala definitiv in vocabularul nostru dupa TTIP. Vom avea si exemple suficiente de cercetat.

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