sâmbătă, 25 aprilie 2015

In sum, the West needs to employ a containment strategy “light” that aims to strengthen Ukraine and its neighbors, broadens the horizons of the Russian people and allows for the resumption of diplomacy through a resumed Geneva process aimed at the restoration of international order which ensures a sovereign and independent Ukraine.
Russia’s aggression in Ukraine has been the subject of many editorials and op eds.  However, there has not been enough analysis as to why relations with Russia have reached this impasse nor lessons learned on how to manage relations with Russia going forward.

  • Carmen Rodikaa Cum s-ar putea sa "broaden the horizons of Russian people"???? Nu a inteles nimic. Orizontul lor merge de la Atlantic la Pacific, problema este ca esecurile din ultimii vreo 30 de ani au lasat frustrari adanci in urma. Domnul asta nu a inteles nimic din psihologia ruseasca. In plus, vesticii continua sa ramana muti si inerti in fata agresivitatii rusilor, ca si cum nu ar sti ca asa-zisa "democratie" nu a poposit niciodata in gara Moscova

  • Gheorghe Gradinaru Carmen Rodikaa cateva date de cunoastere despre cel care ai afirmat "Domnul asta nu a inteles nimic din psihologia ruseasca"http://www.wilsoncenter.org/staff/hon-kenneth-s-yalowitz
    Ambassador (ret.) Kenneth Yalowitz served as a U.S. Foreign Service Officer for 36 years and was twice an...

  • Gheorghe Gradinaru Carmen Rodikaa Legat de afirmatia " vesticii continua sa ramana muti si inerti in fata agresivitatii rusilor, " as fi si eu interesat sa aflu care ar fi acele initiative ale vestului , in plus fata de cele luate deja, care sa corespunda cerintelor tale.

  • Carmen Rodikaa vorbeam despre "psihologia ruseasca" - nu despre politica. Desi, la rusi, ele sunt strans legate. Si NU, nu doresc declaratii de razboi - ci o diplomatie mai eficienta, care sa neutralizeze agresivitatea ruseasca. De exemplu, cred ca vestul ar trebui sa anuleze afirmatiile rusilor conform carora Ucraina este agresorul (in tara lor!) prin declaratii care sa evidentieze faptul ca Rusia este cea care se implica intr-o tara suverana

  • Un Prospectiv .
    "In sum, the West needs to employ a containment strategy “light”"

    Adica nu-s de acord. Costurile ar fi prea mari. 

    In felul asta, o dai pe 'fa-te ca retaliezi, Vestule!', sa nu creada vreunul ca s-a dat liber la golanii.

  • Un Prospectiv .
    Iata o explicatie superficiala, dar inca valida, din cele mai apreciate comentarii:

    j. von hettlingen is a trusted commenter switzerland 
    Obama said: “It has pained me to see the degree to which the Snowden disclosures have created strains in the relationship.”
    He didn't seem to regret what the NSA had done. Instead he found it a shame that the snooping activities were made public.

    Norgeiron Honolulu 
    “It has pained me to see the degree to which the Snowden disclosures have created strains in the relationship.” In other words, Mr. Obama is not pained that the NSA was monitoring an allied leader's personal cell phone. Instead, he merely rues the fact that Mr. Snowden lifted the blanket of secrecy and revealed what the NSA was doing. In other words, this whole thing is Snowden's fault, not the NSA's and certainly not his own.

    MoneyRules NJ 
    Mr. Obama said. “It has pained me to see the degree to which the Snowden disclosures have created strains in the relationship.”

    A true statesman and leader would have said "it pains me to the degree the Snowden disclosures are true, in violation of our Constitution..."

    Raoul San Francisco 
    “Angela Merkel is one of my closest friends on the world stage, somebody whose partnership I deeply value,” Mr. Obama said. “It has pained me to see the degree to which the Snowden disclosures have created strains in the relationship.”
    It doesn't pain him that the US' actions created strains on the relationship, just that he was caught?
    Sounds like a Wall Street Banker when, caught in selling worthless real estate backed bonds to teacher's retirement programs admitted that he was sorry the actions had ben discovered.

    [si comentariile continua, pe acelasi ton/problema; cand Lavrov a vrut sa discute cu Kerry despre Ucraina, raspunsul a fost ca discutia ar fi doar despre Siria la momentul asta. cu Merkel s-o fi discutat tot ce avea si ea pe agenda?]


  • Todosiciuc Bogdan Adrian “Angela Merkel is one of my closest friends on the world stage, somebody whose partnership I deeply value,” In politica internationala nu exista prietenii. Azi ai un interes maine altul, cel mai bun exemplu fiind relatia politicienilor europeni cu Gaddafi.

  • Todosiciuc Bogdan Adrian Cat despre containment in Ucraina nu cred ca mai e posibil acum dupa ce toata situatia degenerat. Problemele puteau fi evitate, acum e cam tarziu. Rusii vor merge pana la capat si Ucraina va fi independenta si europeana doar dupa ce va pierde estul si probabil sudul. Degeaba le baga sanctiuni economice Rusiei si chiar daca intra in recesiune Rusia se va descurca. Avem multe exemple in istorie in care rusii din nationalism/patriotism au fost in stare sa moara de foame, si problema asta e una nationalista pentru ei. Mai exista si un BRICS care ar putea substitui macar partial vestul. Alternativa cealalta, a razboiului, chiar si unul proxy, nu o vrea nimeni.

  • Carmen Rodikaa Nu cred ca rusii vor 'permite' impartirea in doua a Ucrainei, caci astfel nu ar rezolva nimic. Tot ar aparea o tara pro-europeana in coasta lor. Probabil ca din punctul lor de vedere ideala ar fi o federalizare, astfel incat NICIO PARTE a Ucrainei sa nu se mai poata integra in Europa ci sa poata fi dominata integral de ei, cu alti presedinti marioneta dupa preferintele Moscovei

  • Un Prospectiv .
    Carmen, desi m-am aventurat si eu sa fac predictii despre turnura evenimentelor in Ucraina, cred ca de ceva timp am intrat in lumea incertitudinii, un loc unde predictiile apartin... oracolelor.

  • Todosiciuc Bogdan Adrian Apartin oracolelor pentru ca acum intra in joc insurgentii de ambele parti, si aia sunt destul de greu de controlat, chiar si de Putin. Partizanii/insurgentii au inceput sa faca mizerii si sa arate o ura veche intre ei (fascisti vs rusi). Astfel chiar daca Rusia vrea federalizare e posibil ca actiunile insurgentilor pro-rusi care vor un nou episod de tip Crimea sa nu poata fi ignorate de Putin, altfel pierde incredere.

  • Un Prospectiv .
    AA, e mai mult decat insurgentii. E vorba de o balanta intre cat de departe au fiecare in plan vs. escaladarea conform unei logici inerente a conflictului. Alta greseala pe care am facut-o la inceputul conflictului a fost sa cred ca lucrurile incepusera abia in timpul JO dela Soci.

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