Joseph Stiglitz reitereaza observatiile sale mai vechi, tinand seama de noile trenduri europene sustinute in special de Germania:
1.Austerity has been an utter and unmitigated disaster, which has become increasingly apparent as European Union economies once again face stagnation.
2. The hope is that lower corporate taxes will stimulate investment. This is sheer nonsense. What is holding back investment (both in the United States and Europe) is lack of demand, not high taxes .
1.Austerity has been an utter and unmitigated disaster, which has become increasingly apparent as European Union economies once again face stagnation.
2. The hope is that lower corporate taxes will stimulate investment. This is sheer nonsense. What is holding back investment (both in the United States and Europe) is lack of demand, not high taxes .
Evident, amanuntele acestea sunt politici guvernamentale, totusi candidatul stangii la presidentie, actual prim ministru ar fi de interes sa ne vorbeasca in campanie de aceste probleme. Asta pentru a ne usura de grija ca stanga romaneasca este la fel de prietenoasa cu marile corporatii precum dreapta de peste tot, pe motivul incurajarii capitalului (care capital?) si a investitiilor…/09/europes-austerity-disaster/…/09/europes-austerity-disaster/
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