duminică, 26 aprilie 2015

Un Prospectiv
Forging a Trans-Atlantic Superpower
To defend the West, we must form a full-fledged EU-U.S. economic union.
March 20, 2014 3:58 p.m. ET
The dramatic events in Ukraine illustrate a historic moral hazard that has created a damaging mind-set throughout Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) over the last decade. With some variations, we, the countries of this region, ended up taking for granted one of the most precious assets a nation can have: its security.
Despite the financial and sovereign-debt crises, which most of the CEE nations weathered quite well, our membership in NATO (since 2003) and the European Union (since 2004 for most, and since 2007 for Bulgaria and Romania) has led these nations to believe in our own version of the "end of history"—the notion first coined by Francis Fukuyama in his 1989 essay positing a "universalization of Western liberal democracy," implying the end of significant international conflict.
Our belief wasn't rooted in sheer ignorance of the threats that remained in the world. Rather, we were consumed by national and regional issues remarkable only for their pettiness, including in my own country, Romania. The instinct for thinking big—which was present in our nations before we fully joined the West politically, economically and militarily—was gradually replaced by variations of the urge to settle small domestic scores, to revive the ghosts of the past for electoral gain or to blame outside powers for domestic mistakes.
The image of Russian troops pouring into Ukraine and encircling military units in Crimea has been a wake-up call that will reverberate for a generation. It highlights several truths. Central among them is that the West has no choice but to remain united in an anarchic world that still includes undemocratic sovereigns whose behavior can neither be predicted nor controlled. NATO remains the cornerstone of Atlantic security. Only together do Europe and the U.S. stand a chance of keeping liberal democracy as the central doctrine for organizing world affairs.
Above all, however, the recent events in Ukraine show that wielding political power internationally depends increasingly on a player's ability to both impart and withstand economic shocks. As the democratic West mulls the losses it will impart on countries whose behavior we wish to alter, we must also consider the losses we ourselves are able to absorb in this economically interdependent, globalized world. Economic interdependence is no longer for theorists: These days it is the central test for power distribution on the planet. This implies a significant loss of relative Western power with which we have probably not yet fully come to terms.
How to confront the reality and tackle the challenge? The savviest solution lies in deeper economic integration within the Western world, to reap the benefits of scale, innovation and diversity. Obviously, the cornerstone of all Western integration is between Europe and the U.S. The mooted Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership would be a major first step, but we should seriously consider bolder moves, for instance a full-fledged EU-U.S. economic union. I am personally convinced that the world will force us, sooner or later, to acknowledge this necessity and start working on it.
The endgame of this solution is an Atlantic economic superpower, which would wield unprecedented capacity to impart and withstand economic losses relative to the rest of the world, whose hard security would be guaranteed by NATO. Such a scenario would translate to more autonomy and international clout for all Western nations, and bring together our like-minded societies. The societal geography of the two rims of the Atlantic is beautiful: rich in natural resources, the best universities of the world, still the best technological bases, human diversity, shared values and hopes. The economic integration of Europe and the U.S. would allow for sustained long-term development on both our shores, and the repatriation of large chunks of manufacturing from the rest of the world.
However, before we can begin working toward a full trans-Atlantic economic union, we must first address the significant mistrust of our citizens in the realms of trade and economic policy. Using cold facts and figures, leaders throughout the West must become more transparent with their citizens in explaining their decisions and their choices in global markets. We must also listen, and devise a progressive agenda for the future we seek, which includes economic fairness, environmental sustainability and upward social mobility.
We must also overcome entrenched thinking on both sides. Just one example, which is currently hindering the TTIP negotiations: Europe needs to look more closely at the rationalism inherent in America's regulatory tradition (the principle of using "science-based" evidence that a product is harmful before banning or restricting it); whereas the U.S. needs to better understand Europe's instinctive application of the precautionary principle (which rests on the knowledge that long data series take time to collect and that scientific conclusions are sometimes revised). Neither school of thought is fully right or fully wrong, if we pause for a second.
My country, Romania, has done its share of drifting from thinking big, and is now willing to fully regain its sense of history and play an important role in the grand Western project. Mine is a country that deserves more than its elites have been able to offer so far: Romania is rich in resources and inhabited by gifted and educated people. It is a growing powerhouse for information technology, it is strong in manufacturing and it can once again become an agricultural powerhouse. Romania also produces excellent engineers and scientists, many of whom have contributed to economic growth abroad during the past 25 years.
There are many areas in which Romania can do much better, for instance in government: Most importantly, we need to improve governance and limit the scope for graft in our country. The judiciary has been doing its part to root out impunity. I belong to a generation of young politicians who can and will turn Romania into a strong economy and a country of opportunity, with responsible progressive politics part of my personal credo.
A strong and dignified Romania will shoulder its share of responsibility within the Atlantic superpower, throughout all stages of its coming into being.
Mr. Ponta has been prime minister of Romania since May 2012.

  • Un Prospectiv .
    Evenimentele dramatice din Ucraina ilustrează un hazard istoric moral care a creat o stare de spirit dăunătoare în Europa Centrală şi de Est pe parcursul ultimilor douăzeci de ani. Cu unele diferenţe, statele din această regiune au crezut că securita
    tea, cel mai de preţ lucru pentru o ţară, este ceva de la sine înţeles. În ciuda crizei financiare şi a datoriilor suverane apartenenţa noastră la NATO (din 2003) şi la Uniunea Europeană (din 2007 pentru România şi Bulgaria), a adus ţărilor din estul şi centrul Europei presupunerea că orice conflict a fost încheiat („sfârşitul istoriei” - noţiunea inventată de Francis Fukuyama care se referă la sfârşitul oricărui conflict internaţional semnificativ). Acest lucru nu coincide cu o ignoranţă asupra posibilelor ameninţări care au rămas în lume. Totuşi, am fost mai degrabă cuprinşi de problemele naţionale şi regionale, inclusiv în ţara mea, România, uitând astfel să gândim proiectele noastre la nivel global, o mentalitate pe care am avut-o înainte să ne alăturăm pe deplin Occidentului. Am înlocuit aşadar spiritul de a „gândi mare” cu încercările noastre de a rezolva probleme mărunte interne sau de a reînvia fantome ale trecutului pentru a câştiga procente electorale. Imaginea trupelor ruse care intră în Ucraina si iau cu asalt unitatile militare din Crimeea au fost un apel la trezire. Acest lucru subliniaza o serie de adevaruri. In primul rand, Vestul nu are o alta optiune decat sa ramana unit intr-o lume anarhica ce include din pacate state nedemocratice al caror comportament nu poate fi anticipat si nici controlat. Doar impreuna, Europa si SUA au o sansa de a mentine democratia liberala ca o donctrina centrala in lume. Evenimentele recente din Ucraina mai ne arata de asemenea ca puterea politica depinde in mod fundamental de abilitatea unui lider de a comunica si de a face fata socurilor economice. Tensiunile pe care le traim astazi trebuie sa ne puna in vedere si faptul ca pierderile nu mai sunt doar pentru o tara, ci pentru un grup, atata vreme cat traim intr-o economie globalizata.
    O posibila solutie consta in integrarea economica mai profunda in lumea occidentala, pentru a profita la o scara mai ampla de avantajele inovarii si diversitatii. In mod evident, piatra de temeilie este o integrare mai profunda intre Europa si SUA. Parteneriatul transatlantic pentru Comerţ şi Investiţii este un pas important, dar trebuie sa avem in vedere si alte miscari mai indraznete, precum si o uniune economica cu drepturi depline intre UE si SUA. Astfel, o superputere economica atlantica ar putea exrcita o capacitate fara precedent de a rezista pierderilor economice in raport cu restul lumii si a carui securitate ar fi garantata de NATO. Insa inainte sa facem un asemenea pas, trebuie sa avem capacitatea de a le spune cetatenilor, prin intermediul cifrelor si lucrurilor concrete, ca aceste decizii sunt corecte. De asemenea, trebuie sa devenim mai transparenti si sa explicam alegerile noastre, precum si sa elaboram un plan pentru viitorul pe care ni-l dorim, in materie de echitate economica, ecologie si mobilitate sociala.

    SURSA: http://adev.ro/n2rbfz

  • Un Prospectiv .
    Ponta face un Adolf Somersault (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Somersault)
    ...See More
    A somersault (obsolete French word sombresault,...

  • Smaranda Dobrescu Chiar daca i-a reusit Adolf Somersault-ul, nu ar fi fost rau sa-l fi fi facut nu atat de devreme, ca sa-si piarda orice posibilitate de a castiga ceva si pentru cei care n-am invatat inca figura asta speciala. De acum ce sa mai negociezi, caci totul sta pe tava.?

  • Un Prospectiv .
    Pana una alta nu stiu cum pseudo-social-democratul Ponta semneaza chestii in WSJ. Dupa aceea, a le explica romanilor depsre sfarsitul istoriei in WSJ mi se pare pseudo-didactic--nu stiu daca Ponta sau sfatuitorii lui s-au consultat cu Fukuyama sa 
    afle ca s-a sfarsit si sfarsitul istoriei. 

    "The savviest solution lies in deeper economic integration within the Western world, to reap the benefits of scale, innovation and diversity. Obviously, the cornerstone of all Western integration is between Europe and the U.S. The mooted Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership would be a major first step, but we should seriously consider bolder moves, for instance a full-fledged EU-U.S. economic union."

    Stiau ei ca asta da bine. Dar cireasa de pe tort e aici:

    "Just one example, which is currently hindering the TTIP negotiations: Europe needs to look more closely at the rationalism inherent in America's regulatory tradition (the principle of using "science-based" evidence that a product is harmful before banning or restricting it)"

    Norocul porcului e ca science-based e pus intre ghilimele. 

    Altfel, geografia e omniprezenta in jocul lui Ponta la 2 capete.

    Pe Gurel Palavra il cred in stare de un efort in comunicare ca acesta. Sper sa nu fie si ministra de finante implicata in scrierea asta, ca ar da rau in almae matres.

  • Mariuca Dinu Un Prospectiv, consideră că ţi+am dar n like-iri la comentariu. Gurel ăsta se pricepe doar la făcut tam-tam cu minora care "fugise la biserică"

  • Carmen Rodikaa Asta e o gogoasa la fel de mare ca aceea cu "sper sa refacem USeLe-ul".

  • Un Prospectiv .
    How can one defend the West from itself, Mr. Ponta? Surely not by employing a busboy such as yourself.

    Early returns in the first round of France's municipal...

  • Mariuca Dinu "Forging a TRans/Atlantic..." pare continuarea fireasca a "Axei Washington-Londra/-Bucuresti". Articole concepute in depht -well of thinking (puţul gandirii) de la snspa

  • Un Prospectiv .

    "Şi aici vine lovitura în plexul solar al lui Fukuyama:

    “My country, Romania, has done its share of drifting from thinking big, and is now willing to fully regain its sense of history and play an important role in the grand Western project.”

    Ponta a interpretat mult mai bine esenţa melancoliei lui Fukuyama."

    Mi se pare mie sau Cristi Rogozanu a citit alt articol?

    Se fac 25 de ani de cînd a apărut un soi de ghid ideologic pentru viitorul export de neoliberalism în ţările învinse...

  • Smaranda Dobrescu " Problema este: cum pot fi reformulate (pentru a nu spune reideologizate) aceste noi preocupări și sensibilități, astfel încît să fie îndreptate într-o direcție cu adevărat progresistă? Iata concluzia unui comentariu.!!!!

  • Smaranda Dobrescu Autorul sfarseste apeland la nota optimista din" Marea Transformare", idee pe care pare sa o si crediteze. O alta constructie pentru o incercare de infirmare a prognozelor lui Fukuyama ar fi putut sa plece tocmai de la Karl Polanyi care nu accepta o societate cu inegalitati majore. Diminuarea acestora trebuie sa ramana o sarcina a tuturor care lupta impotriva "laissez faire-ulu" isi a capitalului salbatec. Cu alte cuvinte, nu probleme tehnice si economice au ramas nerezolvate ci PROBLEMA majora.Pentru acest lucru este nevoie de o ideologie, care nu are cum sa dispara atata timp cat exista pauperi si bogati, indiferent daca sunt asociati sau nu unor clase.

  • Un Prospectiv .
    Ma bucur sincer ca Polanyi este repus in drepturi in Romania--nicio sansa pe aici, din pacate. 

    Acum cateva saptamani, incepusem o serie de citate din Polanyi la intrearea pe spatiul Grupului Prospectiv. Negenerand nivelul de conversatie comensurat cu potentialul, l-am lasat sa curga.

  • Smaranda Dobrescu In stiintele sociale, asa cum sunt ele predate in facultatile de profil, cei mai de seama sociologi lipsesc, din diferite motive,cele mai multe datorate editorilor care nu au consilierea necesara pentru a discerne cartile importante. De aceea teme chiar clasice cum ar fi capitalismul, piata autoreglementata, conflictul claselor sunt aproape inexistente in cursurile predate. Chiar si aceasta carte obligatorie in sociologie, este tiparita la cvasi necunoscuta editura Tact.

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