vineri, 1 mai 2015

Ce au omis marxistii? Supraproductia si actualizarea EU-lui prin consum? Iata o perspectiva neuroeconnomica a cum functioneaza ceea ce cred ca eu numesc de ceva timp mecanismul seductiei capitalismului:
Two Caltech brain researchers discuss why vintage T-shirts and Beats By Dre...

  • Prospectiv A-z .
    mrsparkles • 10 days ago
    Doesn't it seem a little absurd to hear Caltech researchers talk about purchases that make them "cool," like insecure middle schoolers? The best way to be cool is to avoid consciously trying to shape your behavior and instead
     focusing on surrounding yourself with things that you love. The coolest people are authentic (and by cool, I mean in the deeper sense, like "what a cool person"), and self-conscious reflection on how to act destroys that authenticity.

    I have a scientific background and I love science, but scientists and psychologists always get it wrong when they comment on more philosophical matters such as how to best live your life. They're busy looking at a few variables whereas philosophy, religion and the rest of the humanities tries to understand what it's like to live life more holisitically. If you want to understand how to best live your life, listen to the wisdom humans have repeated throughout the ages because human nature hasn't changed. Stop worrying about being cool. Stop worrying about accumulating social status. Live the best life possible and ignore the rest.

    Also, tangential point: the researchers misunderstand anti-consumerism. I'm more or less an anti-consumerist, but that doesn't mean I'm obviously against all products. I am in fact wearing clothes right now. But I believe that the current levels of consumption in America are absurd, and I try to bring my consumption down to a level that's more reasonable.

    While I'm quiet about it, I also typically avoid corporate branding. I realize I'm still buying clothes from companies, some of them large corporations. For me it's just a simple matter of taste, just as one person might prefer a flashy car and someone else might like one a little more low-key. 
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    Savvy mrsparkles • 10 days ago
    I wonder if the test subjects came mostly from the student body at these schools? Brains of 18-24 year olds work differently than that of older people. And people this age are more concerned with fitting into the cool group.
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    Tritiumx • 10 days ago
    The title of this article should be "How Cool Created Capitalism", not the other way around, since that is literally the point of the authors.
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    sammybaker Tritiumx • 10 days ago
    Capitalism existed when humans were selling their spare corn or ox to a neighbor. Not sure how that would be cool, but okay.
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    DC Reade Tritiumx • 10 days ago
    Exactly. The qualities of "cool" weren't created by capitalism, they were mimicked by the marketing process. "Co-opted", as we used to say.
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    BurtAllen Tritiumx • 10 days ago
    Without the excesses of prosperity, there is no time, room, resources, or audience for "cool".
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    Tritiumx BurtAllen • 10 days ago
    Yes there is. If you don't think Caveman A was jealous of Caveman B and his cool-ass tiger-pelt outfit, which kept getting him laid, and decided he needed to get his own, you are missing what people tend to care most about. Cool really just means social status. And even animals compete to be cool. Peacocks for example, or members of a troop of baboons.
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    BurtAllen Tritiumx • 10 days ago
    In starvation days, the tiger pelt was proof that the caveman could hunt a tiger. Very important. Post-industrial ideas of cool are very far removed from and mostly antithetical to proof of personal survival qualities. The high school kid with the worst test scores and the coolest sneakers only proves his parents have skewed priorities, and if he wins the procreation race at the expense of a smart, hardworking, uncool kid with no fashion sense, the idiots will surely win. Like now.
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    trythemiddle Tritiumx • 9 days ago
    "Caveman A was jealous of Caveman B and his cool-ass tiger-pelt outfit, which kept getting him laid,"

    You win.

  • Nedeea Burca Am fost mereu atentionati, din cele mai vechi timpuri, ca nu imbracamintea pe care o purtam ne defineste ca oameni. Este o idee care a strabatut timpul si care poate fi regasita , sub diverse forme, in toate culturile. Sa fi renuntat specia umana la o intelepciune straveche? Sau, mai degraba, doar o anumita parte a acesteia?

  • Prospectiv A-z .
    "Am fost mereu atentionati, din cele mai vechi timpuri, ca nu imbracamintea pe care o purtam ne defineste ca oameni." Cei mai intelepti au aflat/stiut asta. Hoi polloi au fost consolati cu asta. Restul erau cool, dintotdeauna si oriunde.

    Ce s-a intamplat odata cu industrializarea intensiva, inclusiv a agriculturii, este ca s-au deschis larg portile consumului iar hoi polloi au dat buzna. Acum ne confundam.

  • Nedeea Burca Sigur ca da, tocmai la asta ma gandeam, mai cu seama citind ultimele comentarii. Totusi, s-a schimbat ceva, si anume directia in care sunt impinsi oamenii, felul in care sunt incurajati sa se manifeste.

  • Prospectiv A-z .
    Nedeea, si eu observ inca din timpul afluentei generalizate, temporar si fara precedent, din jurul anului 2000 cum se lansa moda... jerpeliturlor. 

    Nu mai tarziu de jumatea deceniului trecut mi-am spus: Se anunta vremuri grele, fraierii sunt pregatiti sa alunce in zdrente, pe care le iau ca fiind cool.

  • Mihai Ion Turcu Este in domeniul meu de specialitate, neurostiinte.Sunt relevate doua conditii sociale - relativizarea ierarhiilor sociale si un nivel mediu ridicat de venituri plus "democratizarea" marfurilor in sensul ca daca ai abni poti cumpara marfuri creditate ca fiind expresie de status (pe care nu-l ai) . Medieval, inclusiv in spatiul nostru, existau reguli privind ce este indicat si ce este interzis sa uzezei functie de statusul avut in ordinele sociale medievale ( ex, tranii nu aveau voie sa poarte haine colorate, doar in culorile naturale ale fibrelor, sau nu aveai voie sa poarte caciula cu boul resfrans, sau nu aveau voie sa poarte manusi cu 5 degete, sau anume tip de cizme sau de palarii,spre deosebire de nobili care prin aceste elemente se distingeau. Aceasta ordine a inceput sa fie incalcata de oraseni, cum ar fi sa poarte haine de culoare rosie, rezervata doar marii nobilimi.) Paradoxal distingerea prina afiza ce este cool nu distingfe ci uniformizeaza. Explicatia din cercetare este ca in spatele acestui comportament sta o nevoie de apartenenta sociala la un gurup ca factor de crestere a securitatii persoanei, ceea ce este temeinic.

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