Le début du basculement du monde, par Thierry Meyssan
– 12 august 2014
Galca-Un articol interesant!
L’agression des Anglo-Saxons contre la Russie prend la forme
d’une guerre financière et économique. Cependant Moscou se prépare aux
hostilités armées...
voltairenet.org|De Thierry
Meyssan,Réseau Voltaire
Un Prospectiv .
Unde-i Germania in toata schema asta, Costel?
Unde-i Germania in toata schema asta, Costel?
Costel Gilca
Germania e discreta. A invatat lectia. Nu trebuie tu
sa pornesri razboiul, ci doar sa il declari la momentul oportun.
Eu cred ca Germania e interesata de partea economica. Tara asta a fost distrusa si nu au uitat asta. SUA nu au avut razboi pe teritoriul lor si le-a avantajat economic. Acum o cauta cu lumanarea. Daca Rusia, India, China incheie un acord militar.....atunci vreo 3 miliarde de oameni impotriva a vreo 450 000.......parca nu m-as pune cu asia
Eu cred ca Germania e interesata de partea economica. Tara asta a fost distrusa si nu au uitat asta. SUA nu au avut razboi pe teritoriul lor si le-a avantajat economic. Acum o cauta cu lumanarea. Daca Rusia, India, China incheie un acord militar.....atunci vreo 3 miliarde de oameni impotriva a vreo 450 000.......parca nu m-as pune cu asia
Un.P Foarte interesant, iti multumesc pentru opinie.
Un. P.
La ce se expun culegartorii de castane
C.G Corect spus culegatori de castane. Jirinivski joaca rolul
lui. Nu cred ca Putin e irational. Doar in caz extrem va utiliza forta! SUA o
cauta cu lumanarea!
Russia, India, China, and South Africa have...
Un. P. "Meanwhile, the BRICS Bank is a wake-up call to the
advanced countries of North America, Europe, and East Asia. They should
strengthen their own economic management to avoid recurring financial and
fiscal crises and do more to share power in the Bretton Woods institutions -
notably by persuading the US Congress to enact the IMF quota reforms that the
Obama administration championed in 2010. Having made a real concession by
embracing the G-20, which includes the BRICS as equal members, as the "premier
forum for our international economic cooperation," Western powers should
work harder to restore the G-20's effectiveness and credibility. But at the
same time, advanced countries should remind the BRICS that the existing
rules-based multilateral order has served them all well in substantive terms
and is worth preserving and building upon."
Un articol... hermafrodit.
Un articol... hermafrodit.
Un. P La
acest articol, citat de GG, comentariile spun totul. Iata cateva in ordinea
voturilor cititorilor:
Voltaire • Matthew
You Washington eggheads seem to be obsessed with "domination".
First of all, try and grow up and realize that there can be peaceful co-existence
Secondly, you believe "Western powers" should "remind the BRICS that the existing rules based multilateral order has served them" etc
Perhaps you should remind yourself that imposing unilateral economic sanctions without any UN mandate is contrary to any such "order" and that you should practice what you preach before giving lessons to ANYONE...Tell your aggressive masters in the US Administration to learn how to behave before giving anyone else lessons...
Your damned Washington arrogance and hypocrisy is the very reason why so many other countries want to establish an "order" you cannot unilaterally trash when another country does something you don't like...
Or is that too complicated for you pseudo-intellectuals to understand?
Charles Fernando • 17 hours ago
Well, a bunch of socialistic countries cannot amount the richness of a lone free market player. It is a ideological anti-american alliance full of protecionists, so is hardly a economic one.
As a brazilian, we are economically doomed: the real is losing his steem and mercosul is a demagogue joke, latin countries are going full deep in inflation and debts... it is funny how this country thinks itself as a exotic asiatic foreign country rejecting his ocidental heritage, mexico and chile knows best and don't put their people's pocket on cuba.
Voltaire • Matthew
You Washington eggheads seem to be obsessed with "domination".
First of all, try and grow up and realize that there can be peaceful co-existence
Secondly, you believe "Western powers" should "remind the BRICS that the existing rules based multilateral order has served them" etc
Perhaps you should remind yourself that imposing unilateral economic sanctions without any UN mandate is contrary to any such "order" and that you should practice what you preach before giving lessons to ANYONE...Tell your aggressive masters in the US Administration to learn how to behave before giving anyone else lessons...
Your damned Washington arrogance and hypocrisy is the very reason why so many other countries want to establish an "order" you cannot unilaterally trash when another country does something you don't like...
Or is that too complicated for you pseudo-intellectuals to understand?
Charles Fernando • 17 hours ago
Well, a bunch of socialistic countries cannot amount the richness of a lone free market player. It is a ideological anti-american alliance full of protecionists, so is hardly a economic one.
As a brazilian, we are economically doomed: the real is losing his steem and mercosul is a demagogue joke, latin countries are going full deep in inflation and debts... it is funny how this country thinks itself as a exotic asiatic foreign country rejecting his ocidental heritage, mexico and chile knows best and don't put their people's pocket on cuba.
Cristi Pantelimon Meyssan
a scris de mult un articol despre războiul din Transnistria care vine în răspăr
cu sentimentele noastre patriotic-antirusești. Întregul site e pro-rus,
antisionist, antiglobalist etc. Trebuie cumpănit cu grijă! Iată aici articolul
de care pomeneam: http://www.voltairenet.org/article150085.html
voltairenet.org|De Thierry Meyssan,Réseau Voltaire
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