luni, 13 aprilie 2015

more equal societies are happier than unequal ones, 27 februarie 2015

"The evidence is clear: more equal societites are happier than unequal ones. Other countries achieve it - Britain must do better."
Comment Mitchell Hawes (FB)
"Britain must do 'better'??? What kind of pacifying crap is that? Better than what? Nigeria? Our wealth disparity is a scandal, not a passing glance at a balance sheet, its the reason the real economy is going down the toilet. Why social collapse is almost inevitable as much as is the economic bubble that the Tories have blown up once more. The US is not better, but that is like comparing different kinds of excrement."
“Equality of opportunity, when combined with gross inequality of outcome, is the worst possible recipe for a harmonious society.”
"The rate of social progress depends upon the degree to which power is matched with intelligence"
La noi fuctioneaza “meritocratia” spagii, daca e sa ne referim la sistemul politic si nu numai, meritocratia pilelor, care spre deosebire de comunism a capatat o latura mercantila extrem de accentuata si last but not least, meritocratia promovata de serviciile secrete prin care poti deveni sau nu demnitar, prin care te poti mentine sau nu la putere un functie de umorile sau ordinele externe primite de un sef de serviciu sau altul.
Charming isn't it?
The evidence is clear: more equal societites are happier than unequal ones. Other...

  • Prospectiv A-z ."So here we have the prosaic truth. Social structure is not easy to modify. Social mobility in modern capitalist society is more a constant, something that does not much change, than a variable, readily increased by policies designed to increase it. If you want more people to be upwardly mobile, you are probably better to try to change the structure of jobs in society, so that there are more middle-class occupations available, than to try to increase the proportion of those available that go to those from less fortunate backgrounds."

    Nu-i usor nici de formulat, dar sa mai si pui in practica asa ceva! Iesirea din rahatul asta nu-i facila, iar asta in conditiile in care cei mai multi sufera deja.

  • Prospectiv A-z .
    Iata cum se vede problema/solutia din partea cealalta:

    "He also blamed entitlements for crowding out savings, a critical aspect to investing, and crowding out capital investment."

    *Entitlements* sunt ultimele ramasite ale statului social in SUA, platite oricum in avans de contribuabili... De fapt, numindu-le 'entitlements', neoliberalii deja aseaza aceste programe intr-un cadru dubios moral.
    Effective demand is extraordinarily weak, probably...

  • Smaranda Dobrescu ""Capital investment is key to productivity growth. That has slowed down quite dramatically and productivity has followed right along," Greenspan said.
    While the jobs growth has been very significant, there is evidence of weakened productivity, he 
    "That is a key statistic which tells how the economy is functioning." 

    Nu se poate intelege de aici ca in lipsa unui capital de investitii satisfacator, pentru a pastra competitivitatea e necesar sa dispara din slujbe? Pai asta nu o sustine neamtul de la finantele Germaniei de atata amar de vreme?De ce or fi neintelegeri intre State si Germania diferite de cele geostrategice?

  • Smaranda Dobrescu The Great Gatsby Curve-“How inequality become a household word” (Alan Kruger) ilustrează cum structura de oportunităţi pentru generaţiile viitoare este influenţată de nivelele de inegalităţi de care au avut parte în copilărie
    Cel mai grav aspect pe care îl reţin este acela că societăţile care permit mari inegalităţi în bunăstarea copiilor vor sfârşi prin a le subfinanţa viitorul acestora.

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