Rusia si China anunta decuplarea comerciala de dolar – 14 aprilie 2014
Smaranda Dobrescu
Profitand de conflictul din Crimeea, economisti americani gandesc ca e momentul potrivit sa dea apa la moara politica anuntand falimentul SUA datorita decuplarilor de la dolar ale Rusiei si Chinei:…/la-russie-et-la-chine-annoncen…/.
La Russie vient de laisser tomber une autre bombe,
annonçant non seulement le découplage de son...
S.D In urma cu trei
luni, Rajan, guvernatorul Bancii Centrale a Indiei, profesor la Harvard si fost
economist sef la FMI a anuntat cu parere de rau : "coordonarea monetara
internationale s-a intrerupt". Cu acel prilej a explicat cauzele, urmarile
crizei si modul in care tarile emergente au avut de suferit. Cu alte cuvinte,
decuplarea era facuta si tarile emergente deja in suferinta: „ Ni s-a cerut
solidaritate, dar aceasta nu s-a dovedit a fi si reciproca in aceste momente
cand noi avem nevoie de ea. Riscul de data aceasta nu il mai impartim ci este
exclusiv al tarilor emergente. Daca tarile dezvoltate au reusit sa se
stabilizeze prin diferite mijloace si in special prin solidaritatea
emergentelor, caderea acestora se poate transforma intr-o cadere
definitiva.grava, caci cei puternici vor cumpara active ale economiilor
emergente cu un mare discount. Rezultatul va fi acela ca lumea in ansamblu va
fi mai volatila, mai faramitata, mai polarizata.”
Gheorghe Gradinaru
Titlul respectiv nu corespunde cu cea ce se afirma
in articolul sursa primara din RT
Platon Florin
Dobrescu poti posta te rog un link la articolul din care ai
citat mai sus?
The US dollar's position as the base currency for
global energy trading gives the US a number of unfair advantages. It seems that
Moscow is ready to take those advantages away.
P.F "In urma cu
trei luni, Rajan, guvernatorul Bancii Centrale a Indiei"....
Mai caut si altele elocvente.
‘International monetary co-operation has broken...
S.D O explicatie corecta a problemelor tarilor emergente in
acelasi context, o are si Roubini (nu da impresia ca SUA ar avea de suferit):
Professor Nouriel Roubini has a look at the
unfolding...|De Nouriel
S.D Iata parerea de azi a unui expert rus:"The beginning
of rouble-yuan trade reflects the growing significance of both currencies,
first of all the yuan, in the world currency system, believes Boris Rubtsov, an
expert from the State Financial Academy.
“This is taking place during the objective process of the yuan, and partially the rouble, turning into an international currency. I do not see the beginning of trade at the MICEX as a counterpoise to large countries, first of all the USA, and as an attempt to set ourselves off against the dollar or the euro in the international currency market.”
Today, the world looks at China with both respect and caution. China has overtaken Japan and become the second largest economy in the world, precisely in the context of the crisis. The banking community looks at the expansion of banking cooperation with China as another step towards creating an international financial centre in Moscow.
Read more:
“This is taking place during the objective process of the yuan, and partially the rouble, turning into an international currency. I do not see the beginning of trade at the MICEX as a counterpoise to large countries, first of all the USA, and as an attempt to set ourselves off against the dollar or the euro in the international currency market.”
Today, the world looks at China with both respect and caution. China has overtaken Japan and become the second largest economy in the world, precisely in the context of the crisis. The banking community looks at the expansion of banking cooperation with China as another step towards creating an international financial centre in Moscow.
Read more:
Russia is making a new step towards the
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