luni, 13 aprilie 2015

locurile la masa, 20 ianuarie 2015

Cred ca mai e un loc la masa si pentru China, cel putin in relatie cu rafinariile sale:
Sudan, Ciad Nigeria, Libia ...etc

  • Prospectiv A-z .
    China a platit pentru imagine.

  • George Pala tragand o linie de la Africa , in cazul Romaniei si al Moldovei,undeva in plina iarna s-a defectat conducta de legatura strategica,conducta de comunicare si cooperare in domeniul energetic.Vor reusi diplomatii nostrii deloc profesionsiti .si tot atat specialisti sa restabileasca un minim si decent cap de pod cu Kremlinul ,cel care este cu mana invleita intr-o manusa calduroasa pe robinet? Raspunsul este in scurtmetrajul de mai jos
    Un film de scurt metraj filmat la MOLDOVA FILM.Foarte amuzant.

  • Smaranda Dobrescu Intrebarea isi are raspuns in finalul filmului? 

  • Prospectiv A-z .
    In lumea unipolara hegemonul nu mai plateste pentru prietenie ca atunci cand lumea era bi-polara. Tarile mici au de ales intre a plati pentru a-si arata prietenia. Unuia sau in alt fel.

  • Prospectiv A-z .

    The last taboo is the myth of civilization.

    It is built upon the stories we have constructed about our genius, our indestructibility, our manifest destiny as a chosen species. It is where our vision and our self-belief intertwine with our reckless refusal to face the reality of our position on this Earth. It has led the human race to achieve what it has achieved, and has led the planet into the age of ecocide. The two are intimately linked. We believe they must be decoupled if anything is to remain.
    We believe that artists­ — which is to us the most welcoming of words, taking under its wing writers of all kinds, painters, musicians, sculptors, poets, designers, creators, makers of things, dreamers of dreams — have a responsibility to begin the process of decoupling. We believe that, in the age of ecocide, the last taboo must be broken — and that only artists can do it.
    — From Uncivilization by Paul Kingsnorth and Douglas Hine

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