sâmbătă, 18 aprilie 2015


Matthias Fekl, France's Secretary of State for Foreign Trade, has made it clear that France will not support the inclusion of the Investor State Dispute Settlement...

  • Draghi Puterity Dupa cele mai noi estimari adoptarea TTIP si CETA ar insemna:

    Pentru SUA 784000 de noi locuri de munca, si o crestere a salariului mediu anual cu 699 €. 

    Pentru Europa ar insemna o pierdere a 583000 de locuri de munca (223000 in nordul si vestul europei, 134000 in Germania, 130000 in Franta). Veniturile medii anuale in Germania ar sadea cu 3402€, in Franta cu 5518€, in Marea Britanie cu 4245 €.


  • Prospectiv A-z .
    O porcarie! Sa vezi locurile de munca dematerializate de NAFTA desi predictiile 'specialistilor' indicau altceva.

  • Cristi Pantelimon Despre NAFTA, numai de bine, de la Paul Craig Roberts: "One can understand why Republicans wanted the North American Free Trade Agreement, but it was Bill Clinton who signed it into law. “Free trade” agreements are devices used by US corporations to offshore their production of goods and services sold in American markets. By moving production abroad, labor cost savings increase corporate profits and share prices, bringing capital gains to shareholders and multi-million dollar performance bonuses to executives. The rewards to capital are large, but the rewards come at the expense of US manufacturing workers and the tax base of cities and states.
    When plants are closed and the work shipped overseas, middle class jobs disappear. Industrial and manufacturing unions are eviscerated, destroying the labor unions that financed the Democrats’ election campaigns. The countervailing power of labor against capital was lost, and Democrats had to turn to the same sources of funding as Republicans. The result is a one party state".

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