sâmbătă, 18 aprilie 2015

"Interests Come Before Values. A nation such as the United States has interests in secure sea lines of communication, access to energy, a soft dominance in the Western Hemisphere and a favorable balance of power in the Eastern Hemisphere. These are amoral concerns that, while not necessarily in conflict with liberal values, operate in a different category from them. If Arab dictatorships will better secure safe sea lanes in and out of energy-producing areas than would chaotic democracies, realists will opt for dictatorship, knowing that it is a tragic yet necessary decision."
All people in foreign policy circles consider themselves realists, since all people consider themselves realistic about every issue they ever talk about. At the same time, very few consider...

  • Prospectiv A-z .
    Una din multele optiuni, cel putin in teorie. De mai bine de 10 ani incoace, neoconservatorismul a spulberat aceste idei, care macar aveau avantajul de aface lumea mai... predictibila.

  • Octavian Lupu Nu am inteles care sunt lucrurile realiste pe care GHWB le-a comis in politica externa si pentru care este regretat (de catre cine?) acum.

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