sâmbătă, 18 aprilie 2015

Partidul bogatilor - 27 ianuarie 2015

Partidul bogatilor – 27 ianuarie 2015

Octavian Lupu a distribuit postarea publicată de Robert Reich.

Proiectul nostru de partid al miliardarilor a fost ucis din fașă de arestările cu toptanul ale DNA. Iată de ce el rămâne în pribegie, aciuindu-se fie pe lângă PSD fie pe lângă PNL. Dacă frații Koch ii ajută pe americani să scape de sărăcie și corupție, de ce nu s-ar întâmpla și la noi la fel cu frații Păunescu?

It’s official. We now have three parties: The Republican Party, the Democratic Party, and the Billionaire Party. The last is run by Charles and David Koch, which yesterday announced at its annual donor retreat near Palm Springs that it would spend close to $900 million on the 2016 campaign, roughly what the other two parties will spend. (In the 2012 presidential election, the Republican National Committee and the party’s two congressional campaign committees spent a total of $657 million.) The Billionaire Party won’t compete for votes with either of the other two parties, though. It’s designed to make sure candidates it supports are beholden to it, if elected. So they’ll cut taxes on billionaires, cut regulations billionaires don’t like, arrange for subsidies and bailouts for billionaires, and, in general, rig the economy for their benefit.
The Billionaire Party has already got rid of campaign finance laws, so it can take over even more of our democracy. If all this strikes you as un-American, you’re right. The Billionaire Party doesn’t care about America. The Koch brothers and their allies want only to expand and entrench their fortunes, thereby enhancing their power. They are engaged in a coup d’etat.
What do you think?
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  Smaranda Dobrescu Poate chiar fratii Negoita!

S.D  R.R e preocupat cum ii sta bine unuia cu statutul sau, de inegalitatile din State si isi pune mari sperante in Summitul economic actual de la Davos. Acolo, mai putin uzual au venit si mari oameni de afaceri alaturi de sefi de state si mai marii Google, Yahoo, etc. Am tot cautat si eu sa vad cine va fi reprezentantul nostru, dar nu am gasit. ( nu stiu eu sa caut pe google, ca de la TV...)

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