miercuri, 30 martie 2016

despre delocalizare

Iata versiunea a unui conservator onest despre delocalizare!
Nassim Nicholas Taleb
The rise of protectionism may have a strong rationale. One fundamental flaw with economic thinking is that humans are assumed to be doing things to make a living and improve their economic condition. This is partially true. But people are also doing things for existential reasons. We may be better off economically (in the aggregate) by exporting jobs. But that's not what people may really want.
I write because that's what I am designed to do --and subcontracting my research and writing to China or Tunisia would (perhaps) increase my productivity but deprive me of my identity.
So people might want to *do* things. Just to do things, because they feel it is part of their identity. It may be cruel to cheat them of that. They too want to play. They want to have their soul in the game.
Bureaucrats don't get it because they don't do things.
NOTE I: More technically, it is erroneous to think that one necessarily has to "maximize" income if one seeks it (economists used naive mathematics in their optimization programs and thinking). It is perfectly compatible to "satisfice" their wealth, that is, shoot for a satisfactory income, plus maximize one's fitness to the task, or the emotional pride they may have in seeing the fruits of their labor. Or not maximize anything, just do things because that is what makes us human.

Mihai Ion Turcu
Mihai Ion Turcu Puteam risca in 1989. Riscurile ar fi putut consta in 1. Izolare ,inclusiv economica, 2 perpetuarea vechiului regim cosmetizat.Avantajul ar fi putut consta in transformarea graduala organica a societatii spre o forma functionala fara marile pierderi care au rezultat prin deschiderea abrupta, neconditionata spre vest.
Draghi Puterity
Draghi Puterity Cred ca riscul ar fi fost prea mare, domnule profesor. Prin Iugoslavia ni s-a aratat cat de mare ar fi fost costul mentinerii unei politici de nealiniere.
Prospectiv A-z:
Taleb nu se uita la problema din vreo perspectiva anume, ci aceea a filozofului. Din perspectiva Romaniei, nici eu nu cred ca izolarea era o optiune--Ceausescu a exercitat-o p'aia si am vazut cu toti la ce a dus.

O asemenea perspectiva, a filozofului conservator, este contrazista, cel putin dela Iluminism incoace, de inginerii socialului.

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