sâmbătă, 2 iulie 2016

Uite ce se intampla cand privatizezi totul, chiar si armata!

Uite ce se intampla cand privatizezi totul, chiar si armata!
The Intercept added 2 new photos to the album: Erik Prince in the Hot Seat.
Blackwater’s founder is under investigation for money laundering, ties to chinese intel, and brokering mercenary services.
Dinica Roman
Smaranda Dobrescu
Smaranda Dobrescu  JEREMY SCAHILL: "Joseph Schmitz is, in many ways, in Washington a total clown and a joke because of his insane worldview that has no bearing in the modern world, and yet he continues to get government contracts. He was—he was getting paid by the inspector general on Afghanistan under the Obama administration. And, you know, so he’s part of—I wouldn’t even put him in the category of neoconservatives. I mean, it’s really more the neo-crusader crowd that Joseph Schmitz is a part of."

Se pare ca meseria, onesta de altfel, de clown necesita o arena..Deja sunt cam multi..
Prospectiv A-z:

Cu asemenea consilieri, se duce in vant si speranta celor care credeau ca Trump ii va scapa de una-alta...
Doina Nicolescu
Doina Nicolescu In vremea de glorie a Romei, armata formata din cetateni romani pedestrasi a cucerit lumea. In vremea de apus a gloriei Romei armata era formata din mercenari straini,( majoritatea din tarile "barbare"). Cred ca nu mai este necesar niciun comentariu Cartea lui Jeremy Scahill a fost publicata in 2009 in Romania. Nu este radicala, dar dezvaluie o serie de fapte.
Prospectiv A-z:

Precis, doamna Nicolescu!


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