Europa la rascruce, Alexis Tsipras – 17 iunie 2015
Smaranda Dobrescu
In 31 mai, Alexis Tsipras a scris articolul "Europa la rascruce", aparut in Le Monde..Interesant, descurajant. Privit insa cu maturitate, am putea incerca niste paralele intre intentiile europene...
Grupul Prospectiv™ : Europe at crossroads
Actually, the source of this warning phrase is much older than Hemingway's 1940 novel For Whom the Bell Tolls, set amidst the Spanish Civil War. It comes from John Donne's Devotions Upon Emergent Occasions, published in London on January 9, 1624. Here we read: "No man is an island, entire of itself;…|De Grupul Prospectiv
S.D Este foarte bine ca Tsipras a explicat ce li s-a cerut, ce au acceptat, ce este imposibil de acceptat in nicio negociere. E bine in special pentru contribuabilii europeni convinsi ca lenea si delasarea grecilor trebuie penalizata, pentru ca lucrurile sa ramana corecte. Din pacate, un lider legitim al unui stat membru ajunge dupa aproape cinci luni de sterile discutii sa declare:
"Europe, therefore, is at a crossroads. Following the serious concessions made by the Greek government, the decision is now not in the hands of the institutions, which in any case – with the exception of the European Commission- are not elected and are not accountable to the people, but rather in the hands of Europe's leaders.
Which strategy will prevail? The one that calls for a Europe of solidarity, equality and democracy, or the one that calls for rupture and division?
If some, however, think or want to believe that this decision concerns only Greece, they are making a grave mistake. I would suggest that they re-read Hemingway's masterpiece, "For Whom the Bell Tolls".
Mircea Petrescu Draga Smaranda, multumesc inca odata pentru prezenta dumitale in prima linie conceptuala a timpului in care traim si nu numai. Este ingrijoratoare incrancenarea cu care "umbrele trecutului" ( le voi numi asa, desi au inca forta...) rezista presiunii unui avans social normal. Iata de ce am fost mirat cand am aflat despre ce s-a intamplat cu "grupul prospectiv"....Totusi, sa stam cu fruntea sus, chiar in bataia vantului...
S.D Multumesc, Domnule Profesor! Sunt din ce in ce mai putini care vorbesc despre solidaritate. Si este atat de reconfortant sa stii ca poti folosi pluralul!
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