vineri, 25 august 2017

perdeaua din spatele careia cei 0,01% dela varf isi fac de cap

Econometric methods and mathematical models teach us much, but only so much. When it comes to human lives, characterized as they are by contingency and narrativeness, stories are an indispensable way of knowing. That is why the quantitative rigor, policy focus, and logic of economics must be supplemented with the empathy, judgment, and wisdom that defines the humanities at their best. Economists must speak to other disciplines – and let them speak back.
Dealing as it does with human beings, economics has much to learn from the humanities.
Smaranda Dobrescu
Smaranda Dobrescu Daca bancherii se considera cumva economisti, le-ar fi benefica poate aceasta lectura...
Prospectiv A-z
Prospectiv A-z .
Includerea umanioarelor ar readuce economia acolo unde ar trebui sa fie: in economie politica. Ecuatiile fara un sistem de valori societal atasat inseamna perdeaua din spatele careia cei 0,01% dela varf isi fac de cap.

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