marți, 10 mai 2016

Stire trecuta sub tacere

Stire trecuta sub tacere – 21 aprilie 2016

Draghi Puterity
 shared Global Research (Centre for Research on Globalization)'s post.

April 21 at 7:19pm

Chiar asa, cum de nu se aude asa o stire?



Global Research (Centre for Research on Globalization)Like Page

April 21 at 4:37pm

PETER KOENIG: On 19 April 2016, China was rolling out its new gold-backed yuan. Russia's ruble has been fully supported by gold for the last couple of years. Nobody in the western media talks about it. Why would they?



The Collapse of the Western Fiat Monetary System may have Begun. China, Russia and the...

On 19 April 2016, China was rolling out its new gold-backed yuan. Russia's ruble has been fully…



Smaranda Dobrescu Chiar daca exista si ceva exagerari din partea rusa, concluziile par a fi acceptabile: CIA a initiat Panama Papers pentru a intoarce in State trilioane de dolari in scopul intaririi slabanogului actual de dolar. Actiunea se potriveste si dobanzilor negative din Europa si finantelor de acolo care au nevoie de lichiditati pentru a se impotrivi deflatiei. Angajamentul general luat in lupta cu evaziunea va grabi generalizarea platilor non-cash. Asta, teoretic...


Mihai Ion Turcu In context sa nu uitam de rezerva de aur a Romaniei, in pericol de instrainare, si de faptul ca avem o moneda nationala care poate fi sustinuta in aur.


Smaranda Dobrescu The markets are prepping for the next massive round of QE.
"Both the ECB and Bank of Japan are facing a return to deflation. Japan's inflation rate is flatlining after a brief boost courtesy of the largest QE program in history. The EU in contrast has seen QE briefly move it towards a deflation rate of 2%... all the more incentive to go for even more.The goal is inflation. Central Banks will stop at nothing in their attempts to create it. The reason? Because the alternative is debt deflation which would implode the $100 trillion bond bubble".



Inflation is the Goal… and Central Banks Will Stop at Nothing to Get It! | Zero…


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