Despre imigranti, cu pareri diferite. – 19 aprilie 2016
Prospectiv A-z
Iata o discutie despre imigranti (refugiati in EUropa) cu 2 perspective perpendiculare:
Susan nyc
I am a liberal, and I have serious reservations about this order.
1. We have a serious unemployment/underemployment problem that falls most heavily on those with least education and skills. Adding 5 million uneducated, low skilled workers who can now legally compete with them seems a disaster for working class Americans.
2. Constitutionally, I understand how the president can prioritize enforcement of deportations, but I do not understand what the authority is for handing out work permits. Supposedly we live under a government of "laws, not men." I am troubled at the rush toward an imperial presidency--who knows what the next decree from a different president might bring.
3. If illegal immigrants are granted amnesty, what happens to those who are trying to immigrate legally, many of whom have waited years and even decades. The Supreme Court decreed that the children of legal immigrants who turn 21 while waiting to legally join their parents age out of the child preference and must go to the end of the line. Meanwhile, the children of illegal immigrants were granted amnesty under DACA, and now parents are also eligible. Fairness would seem to dictate that the lawbreakers go to the end of the line, not the law-abiding.
4. Big business and big agriculture favor this so they can keep wages low and not risk legal problems of their own. Politicians favor it to pander to a large hispanic constituency. Those who will lose are Americans who cannot afford to buy influence.
Anthony Holmdel, Nj
Susan, you are not a liberal, but a tea party Donald trump conservative.
Having worked in heavy construction for 45 years, I have found it increasingly difficult, read impossible to find qualified, hard working Americans, read white to do the heavy lifting and tedious work of construction. My Latin American workers can and willingly work twice as long, twice as hard as us "whites".
They take 20 minutes for lunch, no vacations for a 52 week year, relying on inclement weather for deserved time off. No complaints that they're hungover, or my girlfriend is late, or I'm goin' surfin' dude!
They do it all gladly, for their strong FAMILY structure.
I retired, and gave my business to the loyal Latino men in my employ.
And boy o boy, are they doing great!
Go Democrats; take back the Senate, the House, and take the presidency.
NOTA BENE: Liberal in sens american este cel de Stanga; respectiv, conservativ, cel de Dreapta.
Desi discutia de mai sus se poarta in termeni oarecum straini romanilor care sunt preocupati de refugiati, am mai mult decat o banuiala ca elitele gandesc la fel ca Anthony. Caz in care nu tzari ca Romania trebuiesc 'ajutate' cu o fortza de munca mai pliabila. Asa ca fie cotele alocate tzarilor ca Romania sunt mai degraba simbolice, fie elitele sunt si mai diabolice in planul lor de a dezradacina statul natiune.
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