PAz shared a link.
Ban: "There are two big concerns at this point. One is that having
been the party that was most damaged by prosecutions and jail sentences
for graft, the PSD may attempt to weaken the anti-corruption arm of the
state. However problematic some aspects of this function (such as the
use of militarized wire-tapping), it would be distressing (and
politically self-destructive fort he above mentioned reasons) to see it
wrecked. The other concern is more serious even: since PSD
is not a genuine labour party, but a cross between a Blairite and a
socially conservative political construct with no serious opposition on
the economic left, right-wing populist entrepreneurs could launch
productive raids into the massive electorate displaced by the violence
of Romania’s neoliberal dependent capitalism, the curtailment of freedom
of movement and the risk of protectionism in developed economies. This
is no time for self-congratulatory remarks about the Romanian liberal
anomaly in an illiberal region. Instead, it is time for taking
distribution issues seriously. Romanian liberal democracy may be living
on borrowed time."
Smaranda Dobrescu Avem
de data asta si o explicatie a victoriei PSD in alegeri. Stanga e cea
care la guvernare intrerupe lantul rational al drumului spre
prosperitate. In mod plastic si deosebit de jignitor aflam ca incepe din
nou, precum in 2012 o perioada a votanților
dependenți de redistribuire cu o agendă din stomac. Cine ar putea sa o
spuna mai dispretuitor decat un reprezentant important al BNR?
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