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Dinica Roman The
Polish Embassy in Berlin has come out vehemently rejecting the claim
that Polish Institute director Katarzyna Wielga-Skolimowska was fired
last week because her programming focused too heavily on Jewish themes.
“To link the decision to recall our colleague Katarzyna Wielga with the assertion that it was due to ‘closeness to Jewish themes’ is not only misleading and wrong, but particularly irritating,” reads a letter from embassy press attache, Jacek Biegala, obtained by JTA. JTA further reports that personnel at the embassy have contacted the German dailies Berliner Zeitung and TAZ—the publications that carried the news on December 5—demanding a public correction.
Contributing to Wielga-Skolimowska’s dismissal, which made waves in the international media, was Andrzej Przyłębski, the Polish ambassador to Germany, according to TAZ.
According to a document dated October 17, obtained by TAZ, Przyłębski sharply criticizes the fired director’s work.
“Blindly imitating nihilistic and hedonistic trends won’t lead to anything positive in terms of civilization,” he reportedly writes, adding, “Poland has to oppose this.”
He then goes on to assert that the Polish Institute shouldn’t put an emphasis on Polish-Jewish themes, “and especially not in Germany, which should not assume the role of a mediator” in this respect.
In the document, Przyłębski criticizes the guests that the Berlin institute invited to represent contemporary Polish culture. “Especially now, it is important to invite guests who understand the situation [in Poland] and who are able to talk about it convincingly,” he writes. Rather than visual artists or avant-garde musicians, he suggests inviting authors and publishers dedicated to “historical prose.”
What that engagement with historical themes might entail could be a narrative more in line with Polish prime minister Piotr Gliński’s “politics of memory.” As described by the Guardian, it’s a “policy that aims to highlight Polish heroism and sacrifice throughout history.”
With a department in the ministry of culture dedicated entirely to this policy, it “depends in part for its daily running upon measures—condemned by the United States and a range of European bodies and officials—to control the media, the internet and the judiciary,” the Guardian reports.
Meanwhile, the dismissal has been sharply criticized in the German capital and beyond. In an initiative by Cilly Kugelmann, deputy director of the Jewish Museum in Berlin, an open letter was sent to Polish authorities calling the dismissal “an unjustified and inexplicable decision.”
Sa zabovim un pic asupra semnificatiei urmatorului paragraf:
“Blindly imitating nihilistic and hedonistic trends won’t lead to anything positive in terms of civilization,” he reportedly writes, adding, “Poland has to oppose this.”
He then goes on to assert that the Polish Institute shouldn’t put an emphasis on Polish-Jewish themes, “and especially not in Germany, which should not assume the role of a mediator” in this respect.
Polacii au inteles ca aceste institute culturale sunt instrumente ale politicii externe ale unei natiuni, nu sinecurile iceriste!
Sa zabovim un pic asupra semnificatiei urmatorului paragraf:
“Blindly imitating nihilistic and hedonistic trends won’t lead to anything positive in terms of civilization,” he reportedly writes, adding, “Poland has to oppose this.”
He then goes on to assert that the Polish Institute shouldn’t put an emphasis on Polish-Jewish themes, “and especially not in Germany, which should not assume the role of a mediator” in this respect.
Polacii au inteles ca aceste institute culturale sunt instrumente ale politicii externe ale unei natiuni, nu sinecurile iceriste!
Preda Mihailescu PAz @ Da - si sa mai zabovim si asupra unei fraze din articol in care se explica dorinta dela Warsowia de a prezenta un film documentar pe tema Smolensk - film pe care genialul jurnalist corect pana in buzunare afirma fara sa stie despre ce este vorba, ca nu ar fi acceptat nimeni sa il vada, caci "afirma" ca nu a fost un "accident" ci ... altceva.
Ah da? Dar de ce ipoteza ca filmul este pur si simplu un documentar care inlantuie maldarul de coincidente stranii, intrebari fara replica si lipse de colaborare ale guvernului rus pentru clarificarea incidentului, de ce aceasta ipoteza ca exista niste intrebari demne de a fi documentate nici nu ii trece prin cap "jurnalistului". De aceea!
Ah da? Dar de ce ipoteza ca filmul este pur si simplu un documentar care inlantuie maldarul de coincidente stranii, intrebari fara replica si lipse de colaborare ale guvernului rus pentru clarificarea incidentului, de ce aceasta ipoteza ca exista niste intrebari demne de a fi documentate nici nu ii trece prin cap "jurnalistului". De aceea!
Preda Mihailescu PAz @ Filmul nici eu nu l-am vazut, dar cunosc intrebarile care se pun in Polonia. Si sunt cel putin la fel de bine documentate ca intrebarile despre modul in care s-au pravalit gemenii - si trebuie sa spun ca si acele intrebari au dreptul sa fie puse!
Ioana Muresan Subiectul filmului Ida, care a fost inlocuit, imi aminteste de piesa de teatru Clasa noastra, tot de un polonez, pusa in scena la Teatrul National din Cluj, declarata anul asta la UNITER ca fiind Cel mai bun spectacol al anului. In Ida erau vecinii de vina, in piesa noastra sunt colegii de clasa.
Ce selecteaza pentru promovare maestrii audientelor externe nu coincide mereu cu ce imagine vor alti maestrii sau chiar audientele insele. Arta *scumpa* e vector de propaganda! In toate sensurile.
Ce selecteaza pentru promovare maestrii audientelor externe nu coincide mereu cu ce imagine vor alti maestrii sau chiar audientele insele. Arta *scumpa* e vector de propaganda! In toate sensurile.
Gavrila Ch There is something like too much of a good thing.
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