Misterul mortii lui Litvinenko – 22 ianuarie 2016
Prospectiv A-z
Paul G NJ 5 hours ago
There is ever accruing evidence that Putin is at the center of a criminal enterprise to defraud the Russian people as he expunges his enemies.
MSPWEHO West Hollywood, CA 4 hours ago
There are certainly a plethora of Putin-like characters in this country. Putin "probably approved" the poisoning of one man in a case that captured the world's attention because it seemed like a plot for a fantastic spy novel.
State officials in Michigan tacitly approved the lead poisoning of an entire American city and later scoffed at citizen concerns.
Which is worse? Or are both equally evil? Or do you still think Putin's crimes are worse because he is Russian?
Haitch76 Watertown 5 hours ago
Allegedly Putin poisons adversaries; Obama drones them along with massive collateral damage. Few saints in the governing business.
Tony Borrelli Suburban Philly 4 hours ago
Really, what did you expect a British report to find? The Brits are the biggest poodle the USA owns. Look at how Tony Blair was turned into a Bush puppet during "Operation Let's Invade Iraq For What Our Friends In Saudi Arabia Did On 9-1-1". "Probably Approved" is the key phrase indicating that (like WMDs) we want it to be so bad that even if the evidence does not prove it, let's execute the accused anyway. Why oh why can't those mean old Russians who refuse to recognize our exceptional, exclusive rights to rule the world,be kinder and more Christian like we are? We never kill people we don't like. We never overthrow democratically elected governments that don't bow to us. We never play dirty tricks on even our own citizens who attempt to expose our sins. Yes, Communism may have fallen in Russia, and we may have a new bogeyman in the Muslim, but since those stubborn Russians refuse to get out of our way in our quest for never ending hegemony, we still need to demonize them now and then to keep those American flags waving, and those young men and women enlisting just in case the domestic economic situation regarding jobs, health care, housing etc. is not enough to force them to seek livelihood as uniformed hit men for the CIA, NSA, FBI, and the remainder of the alphabet soup of clandestine unseen government. Putin may have blood on his hands, but so does Bush & Obama. That blood doesn't come clean because it's washed in dirty water.
Kim Huynh Montreal 5 hours ago
No surprise there. What you expect of a guy who used to be the head of the KGB? And now, the top guy in the Kremlin?
CK Rye 3 hours ago
Get back to me when he invades the wrong country costing Russian $3,000,000,000,000.00 and his brother runs for high office.
Mike NYC 4 hours ago
It is irresponsible for the British to publicize these allegations impuning an important foreign head of state without solid evidence, which the British admit that they do not have. If you are going to make allegations of this sort you need more than conjecture.
FSMLives! NYC 5 hours ago
Wait...if a First World country allows Russian oligarchs, Arab sheiks, and Chinese Communist Party members to launder their ill gotten gains by purchasing multi-million homes all cash, their criminal past may follow them?
Quelle surprise!
Alex Earth 4 hours ago
Can't prove it - turn on propaganda.
UK and London is a well known safe haven for all kind of criminal tycoons of the 3dr world. They buy citizenship, bring stolen capitals, children and families.
As far as I can judge it is the Mr. Berezovsky that gained the most from Mr. Litvinenko's death. And taking into account his power obtaining polonium has not been an impossible task for him.
And here is the way how to separate the propaganda from the unbiased journalism. Just check if this phrase exists in the paper:
"...the F.S.B., the domestic successor to the K.G.B..."
Wendell Murray Kennett Square PA USA 4 hours ago
"Judge Owen did not provide any direct evidence linking Mr. Putin or any other high-level Russian officials to the killing"
More Putin-bashing, I am afraid. Who knows what the true details are behind this case.
Almost certainly the commentary hereto will be filled with even more Putin-bashing, of course, based on no evidence whatsoever, but that never plays a role in what people write.
Juris Marlton NJ 4 hours ago
Putin is a cold calculating thug with a strong inferiority complex who is always looking over his shoulder to see if anyone is laughing at him or going to put a bullet in him.
Putin 'Probably Approved' Litvinenko Poisoning, British Inquiry Says
The finding represented by far the most damning official link between the 2006 death of Alexander V. Litvinenko, an ex-K.G.B. officer, and the highest levels of…
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