miercuri, 7 decembrie 2016

Sa ne mai amintim de creerea fundatiei Soros

Sa mai ne amintim de creerea fundatiei Soros – 6 noiembrie 2016

Dinica Roman shared Mirel Curea's post.

November 6

You have to see her. She's the most creative person I've ever seen, a 
little bit neurotic....
ou have to see her. She's the most creative person I've ever seen, a 
little bit neurotic."

When he returned to New York, Soros called Sandra Pralong. 
"What do you think of my foundation?"
"What foundation?" she answered perplexedly. She had no idea

what he was talking about. "It's not functioning yet."
"Do you want to go to Romania and
x it?"
Soros seemed to be offering her a job, and Sandra Pralong grew

excited. Finally, he asked her formally to become the foundation's rst 
executive director, and she agreed. In April 1990, Soros met again with 
Teodoresco, and together they agreed that he would become the foun-
rst president.

Now that the top two jobs had been staffed, the foundation could 
get under way.

The foundation began functioning in June 1990. It was called the Foun-
dation for an Open Society. Sandra Pralong arrived in Romania in Sep-
tember to take up her new duties.

For Alin Teodoresco, getting on with Soros was not simple, for 
Soros displayed little patience. He wanted to get the money spent 
and move on to other countries, other projects. Teodoresco was used 
to dialogue. "When I
rst met him, he was like a boss," Teodoresco 
recalled. He used the word "boss" pejoratively, to signify someone 
who expected his employees to function without too much instruction 
and without the chance to ask the boss questions.

As time wore on, though, Teodoresco became totally awestruck by 
the investor. He developed a theory about George Soros: that he was 
on a higher moral plane than most other people. He thought the secret 
to understanding Soros was to think of him as competing with himself,

A Cheap Price for Freedom132
not against others, a concept that Teodoresco had drawn from the phi-
losopher Immanuel Kant.

It was not easy creating the foundation from scratch. Just adver-
tising for foundation staff in the newspaper was precedent setting. So 
was advertising the
rst scholarships. Despite its break with commu-
nism, Romania remained secretive, suspicious. When the
rst group 
of 60 Soros scholars arrived at the Bucharest train station on January 
3, 1991, headed for the University of Edinburgh, one was crying. She 
confessed that when she had seen the newspaper advertisement she 
had thought it was a trick. The only Romanians who had gone abroad 
until then had been in high places, and she was decidedly not. That 
was why she was crying.

Even the foundation staff found it hard to function in the "open" 
atmosphere at the foundation. Anca Haracim, a tall, attractive 
30year-old, began working at the foundation as program coordinator 
in October 1990, but in 1993 she succeeded Sandra Pralong as exec-
utive director. Her budget that year was a hefty $6 million.

Haracim had grown up believing that every activity required a cen-
tralized body to make decisions. Working at the foundation shattered 
that mind-set. Her constant smile masked the fear she felt at
rst. But 
by 1994 she was able to say, "I'm completely infused with the founda-
tion ideology. I can even apply what I've learned to my private life. I 
take charge more. Now I'm at the next stage. I have to delegate. That's 
more dif
cult than taking charge."

Soros could not live down his Hungarian past, not at least in Romania. 
With a population of 23.1 million, Romania had in its midst 2.4 million 
Hungarians. For a Hungarian-born billionaire to arrive in Romania, 
preaching capitalism, economic reform, and an open society seemed, 
to some Romanians, simply a disguised way to turn Romania's Hun-
garian population against the government.

Attacks on Soros began soon after the foundation was launched. 
Soros was accused in some newspapers of trying to "sell" Transylva-
nia, where 1.8 million Hungarians lived, to Hungary. The foundation 
sought to be fair, not to discriminate in favor of Hungarian residents 
of Romania-or against them. It was not easy. In the city of Cluge, Hun-

A Cheap Price for Freedom133
garian residents had applied in large numbers, and the foundation 
had no choice but to award them what seemed like a disproportionate 
number of grants.

Soros ignored the attacks. In the absence of any guidelines from 
Soros, foundation of
cials fought back by being as open as possible 
with the public. Before the attacks, the foundation had never pub-
lished the names of scholarship winners. Once the attacks began, it 
did. "This was a way to show others that we were not just selling Tran-
sylvania to the Hungarians, but also doing good things," said Anca 

Even the name the foundation had taken for itself-the Foundation 
for an Open Society-created the suspicion that the staff had some-
thing to hide. After all, the foundation did not carry Soros's name. 
So Pralong asked Teodoresco to rename it the Soros Foundation for 
an Open Society. Hopefully, Soros's name on the marquee would con-
vince people that


Mirel Curea

November 6

Bani, intotdeauna este vorba despre bani! Vanzarile, fie ca este vorba despre vandutul de sosete, sau despre vandutul unei tari, se fac doar pe bani. Ia urma banilior, si vei intelege negresit cine ce a vandut, cine ce a cumparat!




Rețeaua Soros. George Soros este un om de afaceri american care a investit enorm într-o rețea de ONG-uri. Fundaţia Soros în România. ...



Dinica Roman https://wikileaks.org/podesta-emails/emailid/18363



A timekeeping treasure - WikiLeaks

From: Brooke@darx.com To: johnpodesta@gmail.com would like to pay for them to send shipments of…



Smaranda Dobrescu L-am auzit la un post de televiziune pe Sebastian Ghita explicand cum el "a demascat " reteaua Soros prezentand facturi nu chiar nesemnificative emise de acesti ong-isti sau de rude ale lor confirmand primirea banilor. Ca sa ai acces la facturi nu e chiar lesne. dar Ghita, dupa cum se pare fiind parte din servicii sau doar controlor al acestora si cu acces la date poate fi credibil. De aici eu inteleg ca reteaua Soros care a lucrat ceva mai acoperita 26 ani, avand membri in apropierea presedintilor si ai premierilor, este devoalata pentru ca in servicii nu mai e pace si intelegere. Ca nu e Soros si ca vor fi ceilalti, pentru noi s-ar putea sa fie important, macar ca nu vom mai auzi zvonuri de dezmembrare. Parca prea s-au adunat in ultimul an resentimente impotriva sorosistilor ca sa nu vad si partea pozitiva Sper ca aceea sa insemne "pentru Romania"
Dar, a pune baza pe Ghita este un fel de alba -neagra: odata da, odata, nu.. A bate moneda acum, in campanie se presupune ca intre romani dihonia se va amplifica in mod necontrolat.


Smaranda Dobrescu Mircea Platon:




Despre cum onegeurile-dronă înăbuşă gândirea democratică şi creează naţiuni…



Mihai Ion Turcu "Condamnarea Comunismului" raport confectionat de Tismaneanu si citit in Parlament de Traian Basescu, bruiat vehement de Vadim Tudor, a produs impresie si efecte zero.Cei care au finantat demersul au aruncat banii pe fereastra. Cei care am trait aproape 50 de ani sub regim comunist, sustinut o vreme, ca putere efectiva de ocupatie,apoi ca amenintare constanta pentru suvernitatea nationala, de URSS,avem propria judecata despre "comunismul" sovietic, manifestata deschis si in masa in cel putin de trei ori, ultima data si final in 1989, cand s-a vorbit despre "libertate" nu despre franzele si "fara comunisti".cu regret pentru ce a urmat, pierderea tuturor investitiilor noastre in economia nationala , a controlului national asupra resurselor, pierdereai stabilitatilor sociale specifice statului de comanda comunist, la schimb cu inflorirea coruptiei si ineficientei guvernmentale si balciul politic de care ne-am scrbit. Generatia tanara nu este nici informata nici interesata de comunism. Precis de ce anume este interesata aceasta genertie intrata in alt aranjament social-politic, nu stiu, desi ma aflu in contact direct cu tineri, dar de la catedra. Cu siguranta avem la nivel comun, un plus de libertate de constiinta si mai multe griji pentru ziua de maine si inrijorare pentru cele la care asistam, care apar ca fiijnhd procese disolutive. Influenta publica a intelectualilor in discutie, "formati ca formatori" de natiune este la nivelul valorii lor intelectuale.


Smaranda Dobrescu M. Soros, M.Sarkozy, stiti cum arata prima faza spre metisaj?


Mihai Ion Turcu Nu prea functioneaza,cum vedem in Franta, care are o masiva diaspora magrebiana de prin anii 6o. Ce deocamdata rezulta este haos in antisepticele state occidentale si o mare cheltuila plus perspectiva unor acte terosriste. Sunt responsabile de ce au permis sa se intample. Sa speram ca noi ne vom mentine pe pozitie potrivit contitutiei noastre care nu permite colonizare de populatii alogene in teritoriul suveran al Romaniei.


Smaranda Dobrescu Mihai Ion Turcu l-am mentionat pe Sarkozy caci am citit un discurs catre francezi in care ii indemna sa se conformeze realitatii de la fata locului, caci viitorul omenirii este normal sa reprezinte un amestec total de rase.: metisaj.


Mihai Ion Turcu Smaranda Dobrescu @ Daca aceasta normlitate s-ar fi manifestat ca normala nu am avea rase umane.Dar problema nu este raseala ci culturala si civilizationala. Exista confuente si in aceasta privinta, se produc in ritmul lor, istoric, in anume conditii.Pana una alta avem a face cu un concept de inginerie umana planetara care este utopic si in plus, in acest moment, contrar Cartei ONU.


Smaranda Dobrescu Sigur ca aveti dreptate. Tot ce am vrut eu a fost sa arat cum refugiatii traiesc o drama fie ca accepta impinsi de la spate sa plece, fie ca razboaiele din tara lor in curs de desfiintare urmare intereselor marilor puteri ii gonesc, fie ca economic nu mai fac fata . Cei care au planuri si construiesc pas cu pas experimentul de inginerie genetica planetara sunt bolnavi si irespomsabili. Din pacate noi cu totii traim in aceasta epoca descreierata, in acelasi timp cea mai tehnica si intr-un fel cea mai civilizata si culturalizata lume.


Mihai Ion Turcu Smaranda Dobrescu @Insine suntem refugiati din Ardealul de nord. Cu acest refugiu si ce a urmat a incetat existenta noastra asigurata prin chibzuinta unor generatii.Am facut scrificii pentru a detine o bucata simbolica de pamant , 1000 m.p.si facem tot ce se poate pentru a o putea pastra si transmite. Am toata compasiunea pentru refugiatii de razboi, este parte a demnitatii unui stat si natiuni sa le ofere azil. Fata de imigranti am rezerve. Fata de proiectrul de a zapaci Europa sunt ostil si cred ca avem dreptul sa ne aparam.


Smaranda Dobrescu Mihai Ion Turcu Gandesc la fel. Umanismul e bine sa se manifeste, face parte din conduita omului evoluat sa-l dovedeasca. Dar daca refugiatii de o cu totul alta cultura se intalnesc conflictual cu nativii sau daca in conditii de somaj mare(cum avem noi) devenim discriminatorii si oferim slujbe acestora sau asistenta sociala de cateva ori mai consistenta decat romanilor, e cazul sa spunem : "pana aici".

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