luni, 12 decembrie 2016

Lebada neagra a aterizat

Lebada neagra a aterizat – 9 noiembrie 2016
Smaranda Dobrescu

The Black swan has landed

Ethics dictates one should vote according to principles, not whether the vote matters. Why I am morally obligated to vote for the third party candidate.
(slip: "preferences for principles")



Nassim Taleb: Trump won't do anything apocolyptic

Nassim Taleb, distinguished scientific advisor at Universa, "The Black Swan" and "Antifragile" author, weighs in on the 2016 election and the potential market reaction to either candidate.


Smaranda Dobrescu O buna ocazie de a ne intreba de ce sondajele premergatoare alegerilor si rezultatele efective difera cu cateva procente. IN SUA rezultatul s-a aflat imediat dupa ultimul vot al electorilor, in Romania cu 8-9 milioane de voturi rezultatul se afla dupa cateva zile bune. Nu sunt excluse micile corecturi post alegeri, daca e sa dam crezare protestelor din ultimii ani atat in tara cat si in ce priveste votul diasporei. Ca sa nu invinovatim stiinta care guverneaza sondajele de opinie, ne putem gandi mai degraba ca un conducator, precum Trump, de exemplu a exprimat cateva adevaruri care salasuiau in mintea si in sufletul oamenilor si pe care acestia nu indrazneau sa le enunte, cu toata democratia afisata. Putem considera oare ca impingerea la extrem a corectitudinii politice a determinat existenta unei societati a mastilor?


Smaranda Dobrescu Via Mircea Platon:
And so Democratic leaders made Hillary their candidate even though they knew about her closeness to the banks, her fondness for war, and her unique vulnerability on the trade issue – each of which Trump exploited to the fullest. They chose Hillary even though they knew about her private email server. They chose her even though some of those who studied the Clinton Foundation suspected it was a sketchy proposition.
To try to put over such a nominee while screaming that the Republican is a rightwing monster is to court disbelief. If Trump is a fascist, as liberals often said, Democrats should have put in their strongest player to stop him, not a party hack they'd chosen because it was her turn.



Donald Trump is moving to the White House, and liberals put him there |…


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