De ce se bucura unii romani pentru victoria lui Trump? – 9 noiembrie 2016
Prospectiv A-z shared Laurentiu Ridichie's post.
Era la sfarsitul mandatelor lui Clinton, o perioada de crestere pe steroizi care-i facea si pe sceptici increzatori in capitalismul american--dovedit de cazino, la scurt timp dupa. SUA avea de ales intre Al Gore, un politician de cariera dintr-o familie de politicieni, si Bush II, un om fara vreo cariera dintr-o familie de politicieni si el.
M-am bucurat cand a iesit Bush II, porcariile lui Clinton, mai ales cele externe, erau contrastate de viziunea propusa de Bush II.
Numai ca Bush II s-a dovedit a fi fost... catastrofal--omul venise de acasa cu prea putin bagaj in traista, calatorea lejer, asa ca neconservatorii au sesizat oportunitatea de a-i agata niste bagaje mult prea mari pentru istoria lui personala de devenire, pe care i le-au si umplut cu toate cele din Project for New American Century (…/Project_for_the_New_American_Cen… ).
Trump pare a fi in control mult mai mult decat ar fi visat vreodata Bush II sa ajunga, dar...
Observ cu calificata bucurie bucuria romanilor la victoria lui Trump. E bine ca oamenii sa aiba din cand in cand restaurata speranta. Pana acum, oameni buni, motivul bucuriei pentru aceasta victorie este doar ca acela la o ploaie scurta de vara, dupa o foarte lunga seceta--e mai bine clar decat daca seceta continua, dar Pamantul are nevoie de altceva, Romania de ale sale, romanii de ale lor.
Ioan Sorin Leoveanu Depinde cine il controleaza si cine il ajuta la bagaje. Bush II a avut totusi linga el oameni de mare valoare dar timp prea scurt si provocari imense. La un moment dat a facut niste schimbari prin programul de parcurs si din acel moment, a inceput sa fie sub evenimente si prietenii s-au grabit sa-l "ajute" cit au putut. Poate Tramp scapa si devine un presedinte care va stabiliza lumea nu numai America.
Dinica Roman CC Europe 53 minutes ago
NYT, where are your ubiquitous little banner announcements now - the ones telling us that Hillary Clinton has an 85% chance of winning? I couldn't vote for either candidate, but this paper completely lost credibility with its coverage of the election in my eyes. Constant, shrieking bias against Trump and the supposed knuckle draggers who support him. When in fact there are a lot of sane, rational people out there who don't want open borders, unlimited immigration and unrestricted free trade. The entire smug incestuous elite has been dumped in one night, and I cannot pretend not to be happy. Drain the swamp.
The absolute culmination of Hillary Clinton's sense of entitlement was her decision not to come out and face the cameras. What arrogance and condescension toward her supporters and her opponent. As I woman, I would be delighted to vote for the right women: one who doesn't use her gender as a calling card or smugly tells me I need to make history. Is there a Thatcher in the house?
AlennaM Laurel, MD 1 hour ago
The biggest loser in all this will be the environment. There's nothing now to stop or even slow Climate Change. So sorry for the children and future generations.
Bruce The World 1 hour ago
Congratulations, Mr. Trump. Although I abhor your ethics and misogyny, your racist call-outs, and put downs, I do hope that was simply a façade. I hope that American voters get what they are seeking in you, a better, more equitable, economically vibrant America. I hope that the world gets what it needs - the United States as a leader of nations. Either way, Americans spoke, and this is the future for four years. Good luck!
David Monticello 1 hour ago
This reminds me of the "cultural revolution" in China. That was an epic disaster that country has still not recovered from.
Socrates is a trusted commenter Downtown Verona NJ 42 minutes ago
"No one ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the American public." - H.L. Mencken
The United States of America has reaffirmed itself as the Land of Intellectual Bankruptcy.
But are there are no bankruptcy courts to bail out an entire nation.
I hope Mr. Trump does well, but he will have to pull off one of history's greatest Jekyll and Hyde acts in order to transform himself from his former self into a successful President.
Birther Lies are fun for kids and juvenile delinquents, but serious governance requires hard work, intellectual curiosity, reliance and trust in others, seriousness, diplomacy, respect for others and sound judgment.
Does Mr. Trump have what it takes to govern ?
The world's financial markets just went over the cliff based on Trump's election.
Let's hope Mr. Trump and his Republican Senate and House don't take America over another of their beloved 'free-market' Greed Over People cliffs.
May the GOP have mercy on America's soul.
Donald Trump Is Elected President in Stunning Repudiation of the Establishment
Dinica Roman
Yahoo Actualités was live. ·
EN DIRECT - Notre expert Olivier Ravanello décrypte la victoire de Donald Trump en compagnie de Dominique de Villepin, ancien ministre des Affaires étrangères
Dinica Roman
The only silver lining of a Trump presidency: it's a wake-up call for Europe to unite and take charge of its own destiny. For too long, we have relied on the United States, for example for our external security and foreign policy. Donald Trump declared he will unite his country. I hope that, after all the division and hatred he preached, he will represent all Americans. But Europe should get its act together as well and set its differences aside. We need our own defence capability and create other capacities, like a European intelligence agency, to keep us safe and prosperous
Smaranda Dobrescu Pana acum, in ideea poate ca se va alege Clinton presedinte nu stiu daca vreun oficial UE a declarat SUA ceva despre intentia de a-si asigura apararea singura cu tot ce incumba aceasta. Cam rece urare de bun venit catre Trump!! M.Villepin a incercat sa fie mai politicos, chiar daca a amintit de posibilitatea UE de a se plasa pe axa Franta-Germania-Rusia-China. / Stia oare Trump ca tocmai alegerea lui sa fie semnalul de reasezare a lumii intr-o alta ordine? Si NATO, si GB, si SUA ce vor face? Se vor retrage tacuti intr-un coltisor??
Prospectiv A-z .
Observ ca parerile lui Guy Verhofstadt rezoneaza cu cele ale euro-federalistului nostru, Adrian Severin.
Dinica Roman
Smaranda Dobrescu Stia el Becali azi de ce il lauda cu toata gura. Au resedinte asemanatoare.
Dinica Roman
·Internaţionala conservatoare - o nouă schimbare de perfuzie a capitalului. Cum se vede dinspre Moscova
E foarte interesant cum se vede victoria lui Trump dinspre Moscova. Această victorie aduce mult oxigen proaspăt pentru Kremlin care era în criză totală de idei şi nu o duce bine economic. Şi nu doar că aduce acest aer proaspăt ci şi legitimează tot aparatul de propagandă şi establishmentul rus actual. „V-am spus noi că aşa va fi? Pînă şi americanii ne dau dreptate... etc"
Victoria lui Trump deschide o oportunitate imensă pentru crearea unei coaliţii conservatoare globale: Internaţionala Conservatoare. Şi asta nu e tot. Această Internaţională Conservatoare în acest moment are locul vacant al Prim Scretarului de la CC. Şi cine o să-l ia? Trump? Nu, să fim serioşi cu toate că Statelor Unite i s-ar cuveni acest post. Această funcţie o preia domnul Putin. PamPam... Puneţi-vă centurile.
În urmatoarea perioadă avem o reconfigurarea social-politică globală după o agendă conservatoare. Va fi o presiune foarte mare pe Europa şi mai ales pe rămăşiţele statului social de tip european. Din doua direcţii, chiar trei: Rusia, SUA şi Turcia. Şi vor demantela structural totul la nivel de legi, drepturi, strcuturi de putere şi mecanisme sociale. Ce făceau pînă acum pe ascuns, mascat acum vor face pe faţă. Şi cum partidele progresiste de la liberali la social-democraţi sînt în degringoladă totală, neavînd o opoziţie solidă ei vor face legea: cu toată viteza spre sec.19 (la nivel de drepturi politicie şi sociale). Doar că într-un context foarte diferit.
Doar capitalul nu va fi deranjat ci îşi va trăi o nouă viaţă. De ce? Toată această schimbare de macaz ideologic nu e decît o schimbare de perfuzie. Aşa că trebuie să fim optimişti: să ne pregătim de ce este mai rău...
Dinica Roman
'Sorry seems to be the hardest word'? World changes attitude…
Dinica Roman Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton on Wednesday conceded her election loss to Republican Donald Trump and said she offered to work with the president-elect...
Clinton offers to work with Trump
Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton on Wednesday conceded her election loss to Republican…
Alexandru Botu Sa mature?
Dinica Roman
Donald Tusk at Council of the European Union.
This morning we congratulated President-elect Donald J. Trump on his victory. While respecting the democratic choice of the American people, we are at the same time aware of the new challenges that these results bring. One of them is this moment of uncertainty over the future of our transatlantic relations.
Europe and the United States simply have no option but to cooperate as closely as possible. I listened with attention to President-elect Trump's call for American unity. And I, in turn, would like to call for European and transatlantic unity. #USElections #USA2016
Dinica Roman
Prospectiv A-z .
Gasesc foarte interesante aceste repozitionari din mers. S-a reusit instalarea de presuri la putere in capitalele EUropene. Cei s/cazuti din gratie se agita de ca si cum asta ar fi momentul lor. Cum bine scria Nelson Fouche, sansele mai mari sunt ca politica externa americana sa ramana in aceiasi parametri....
Dinica Roman Jeffrey Goldberg: Are you surprised?
Henry Kissinger: I thought Hillary would win
JG: What does this mean for America's role in the world?
HK: Well, it could enable us to establish coherence between our foreign policy and our domestic situation. There is obviously a gap between the public's perception of the role of U.S. foreign policy and the elite's perception. I think the new president has an opportunity to reconcile the two. He has an opportunity, but it is up to him to seize it.
JG: Do you feel better about Trump's competence, or his seriousness?
HK: We should stop debating that question. He is the president-elect. We must give him an opportunity to develop his philosophy.
JG: Are you going to help him?
HK: I will not reach out to him, but that has been my approach to every president since I left office. If he asks me to come see him, I will.
JG: What's your biggest concern about global stability coming out of this election?
HK: That foreign countries will react with shock. That said, I would like to keep open the possibility that new dialogues could emerge. If Trump says to the American people, "This is my philosophy of foreign policy," and some of his policies are not identical to our previous policies but share their basic objectives, then continuity is possible.
JG: How is China going to react?
HK: I'm fairly confident that China's reaction will be to study its options. I suspect that will be Russia's reaction as well.
JG: Do you think Trump is a Putin apologist?
HK: No. I think he fell into certain rhetoric because Putin said some good words about him—tactically—and he felt he had to respond.
JG: You don't think that their relationship is prebaked in any way?
HK: No.
JG: So no short-term chance that Russia takes advantage of this situation?
HK: It's more likely that Putin will wait to see how the situation evolves. Russia and the United States interact in areas in which neither of us controls all the elements, such as Ukraine and Syria. It's possible that some participants in those conflicts may feel freer to take certain actions. Putin, then, will wait to see what his options are.
JG: So there is some chance of more instability.
HK: I would make a general statement: I think most of the world's foreign policy has been in suspense for six to nine months, waiting for the outcome of our election. They have just watched us undergo a domestic revolution. They will want to study it for some period. But at some point, events will necessitate decision making once more. The only exception to this rule may be nonstate groups; they may have an incentive to provoke an American reaction that undermines our global position.
JG: The threat from isis is more serious now?
HK: Nonstate groups may make the assessment that Trump will react to a terror attack in a way that suits their purposes.
JG: How will Iran respond?
HK: Iran will probably conclude—correctly—that the nuclear agreement is more fragile now than it was, but it will demonstrate great resoluteness, even in the face of pressure, while it studies Trump. No one knows much about his foreign policy, so everyone will go into a period of studying. Actually, "a frenzy of studying" is more accurate.
JG: Why do you think this happened?
HK: The Trump phenomenon is in large part a reaction of Middle America to attacks on its values by intellectual and academic communities. There are other reasons, but this is a significant one.
JG: How would you advise Trump to present himself to the world?
HK: First, to demonstrate that he is on top of known challenges. Second, to demonstrate that he is reflecting about the nature of their evolution. A president has an inescapable responsibility to provide direction: What are we trying to achieve? What are we trying to prevent? Why? To do that, he has to both analyze and reflect.
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