miercuri, 2 noiembrie 2016

Premiul Nobel pentru economie 2016

Premiul Nobel pentru economie 2016 – 12 octombrie 2016


Smaranda Dobrescu

Contract theory is about ensuring they have the right incentives



Explainer: what is contract theory and why it deserved a Nobel Prize

Contracts have governed the workings of the economy since ancient times. Contract theory is about ensuring they have the right incentives.



Smaranda Dobrescu De acum inainte contractele de munca vor fi oare mutual stimulative? Cum se impaca teoria contractelor cu austeritatea, cu inegalitatea, cu echitatea angajat-patron? Vor renunta patronii la o parte din profituri ca sa asigure de exemplu scolarizarea copiilor angajatilor, etc? Altfel, daca nu as stii ca in spatele unei cercetari se afla algoritmi si modele, as spune ca e doar o vorba frumoasa acest premiu.


Prospectiv A-z .
Foarte bine punctat, Smaranda! 

Desi, pana ne dam noi seama de ce implicatii au avut cercetarea astora in justificarea corporatiei de azi, mai bine tinem un ochi pe reactia economistilor sinceri.


Smaranda Dobrescu Donald Trump has spent an inordinate amount of time this election claiming the only people that immigrate to the United States are the ones "that have lots of problems. Does he know that all of America`s science Nobel prize this year were won by immigrants?


Prospectiv A-z .
Daca se pun toti imigrantii in balanta s-ar putea ca sa nu mai fie asa clar castigul. In plus, Trump si-a nuantat intre timp parerea...


Smaranda Dobrescu Din culisele neoliberale ale ale aprecierii performantelor pentru acordarea premiului Nobel in economie:



Nobel Economics Versus Social Democracy

Of the elites who manage modern society, only economists have a Nobel Prize, whose latest recipients…



Prospectiv A-z .
Nassim Nicholas Taleb: "Cato the elder said that it was preferable to be asked why there was no statue honoring you than the reverse....See More


Nassim Nicholas Taleb

October 5 at 1:29pm · 

Cato the elder said that it was preferable to be asked why there was no statue honoring you than the reverse.

I wish a Bank of Sweden Prize in Economics ("Nobel") to one of the people I dislike so he feels the insecurity of a pedestal.

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