Statutul lui Assange – 11 august 2016
Dinica Roman reported:
It happens that the author of the mess is none other than the person to whom Ecuador has granted asylum and protection for more than four years. I was the first to say that Assange has, like all human beings, inalienable rights that must be respected. However, an asylee also has obligations can not ignore. should not "perform acts that disturb the public peace or tend to participate or influence political activities" and also must respect and not harm their acts to the country that decided asilarlo.
Unfortunately, Ecuador has not set any limit to the conduct of Assange and allowed to violate his refugee status and who seek asylum taunt. His latest interference in US policy could have consequences worldwide, of which Ecuador, Assange protector, will not leave unscathed. If London has refused to closer ties with Ecuador, because of Assange, Washington is expected to react in the same way. And the United States is our best commercial customer! I said that, once granted asylum, Ecuador is bound to keep. However, given the gruesome performances Assange undoubtedly violate his refugee status should be considered whether its conduct, taken to the extreme, it is a good reason for Ecuador to end such asylum.…/medi…/images/4065/7504/original.jpg
Still No Clues in Murder of DNC's Seth Rich, As Conspiracy Theories Thicken
Dinica Roman
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Draghi Puterity Viata bate filmul. Ma rog, serialul. Si la Underwoods (House of Cards) mai dispareau cei care le puteau face probleme.
Prospectiv A-z .
Cum spui, Draghi, viata bate filmul! Comentatorii, si mai si!
George Radu
Ba Cotidianule, cit o mai sustineti pe dementa de Killary? Ce decese misterioase? SINT CRIME BA, slugi sorosite sint 48 DE CRIME savirsite contra a 48 de persoane care au dezvaluit faradelegile familiei de sociopati CLINTON. 48 DE OAMENI AU FOST OMORITI IN CONEXIUNE CU ACEASTA FAMILIE. Aici nu e nimic misterios e o actiune tipic zionista, eliminarea celor care se opun SISTEMULUI.
Pentru cunoscatori
Clintonii,inca de pe vremea Saxofonistului,avea serviciul lor secret si personal,si inca de atunci a inceput o serie de crime de care cei doi cei mai mari escroci din Istoria SUA nu sunt straini!Cu asasinarea lui Seth,Lucas, Thorn,Ashe, Berta Caceres, etc., in care Clintonii sunt implicati e mare scandal asa cum a fost si cu "sinuciderea"lui Vince Foster !Cea mai criminala familie presidentiala se pregateste sa puna mana iar pe Casa Alba cu ajutorul maimutoiului negru!
porci cu manusi
Urate acuzatii... brr ! Da si asta cica le da pe bani... Pai le poat cumpara cine nu vrea sa le dea publicitatii. Asta urmareste cumva? Sa ii intre banii precizati in cont si gata nu s-a mai intamplat nimic, sau vrea sa spuna si gata insa trebuie costurile acoperite? Ma intreb dc ar risca viata proprie pt 20 mii euro sau ce valuta or fi ei? Sa fie alta bomboana cu sedativ pt fraieri?
Decese misterioase puse pe seama campaniei prezidenţiale din SUA
Draghi Puterity Si ghici de la cine primeste ordine stimabila:
Soros gave Clinton step-by-step instructions on how to tackle Albania…
Prospectiv A-z .
Oh, Draghi, doar nu vrei sa spui ca d-na Clinton se apleaca la randu-i la licurici...
Preda Mihailescu PE vremea lui Clinton si Lewinski, era filmul acela cu Albania : "Wagging the dog" - pare ca vine din acel film extrasul!
Draghi Puterity :D
Scene from the movie Wag the Dog (1997)
Mihai Ion Turcu Sinuciderile pot deveni epidemice.
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