sâmbătă, 6 august 2016

Brandul Elie Wiessel

Brandul Elie Wiessel – 4 iulie 2016
Dinica Roman shared Trish Y Roberts's post.

Abundenta de scrieri si omagii din Romania, inclusiv din partea celor care se numesc ceva in genul Casei Regale, pe tema trecerii in nefiinta a lui EW mai permite o perspectiva, despre brandul Wiesel: "Sometimes it seems that 'the Holocaust' is a corporation headed by Elie Wiesel, who defends his patents with articles in the Arts and Leisure section of the Sunday Times."




Trish Y Roberts to Chris Hedges

July 4

"My Resistance to ‪#‎ElieWiesel: Further Thoughts on Kitsch and the Holocaust" http://coreyrobin.com/20…/…/03/my-resistance-to-elie-wiesel/



My Resistance to Elie Wiesel

Elie Wiesel's death has prompted much discussion on social media. I've written—quite negatively—about Wiesel in the past.



Draghi Puterity Cand Iliescu a spus ca nu doar evreii ci si tiganii au fost victime ale nazistilor, a fost chemat sa "dea extemporale" de membrii acestei gasti... Sa nu uiti, Darie...


Dinica Roman .
Acesta este numai planul superficial al afacerii...


Draghi Puterity Dinica Roman - nu imi propusesem sa tratez problema la modul exhaustiv, pt. ca dauneaza sanatatii. Dorisem doar sa amintesc de momentul respectiv.

Prospectiv A-z https://nastase.wordpress.com/.../monica-macovei.../...


Adina Arvanitopol http://mondoweiss.net/.../strengthening-expelling.../



Wiesel lauds settlers for 'strengthening the Jewish presence in Jerusalem' — and…


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