miercuri, 27 septembrie 2017

Vor rezolva imigrantii lipsa fortei de munca in Romania?

Vor rezolva imigrantii lipsa fortei de munca in Romania? – 21 august 2017


Dinica Roman shared Toata Romania Unita's post.


Toata Romania Unita

August 19

Cand in Germania sau Suedia, migrantii musulmani refuza efectiv sa munceasca, Sorin Gabriel Cozma, fost sef al Direcţiei Generale Prevenire şi Combatere Terorism din cadrul SRI, transmite ca ei vor rezolva lipsa acuta a fortei de munca din Romania!

Ilse Aigner, ministrul bavarez al economiei, a desfiintat, prima, una dintre legende: cea a doctorilor, arhitectilor, inginerilor si oamenilor de stiinta, migranti din Orientul Mijlociu:

„Povestea cu refugiaţi bine şcolarizaţi nu se confirma. Peste o treime dintre ei au doar şcoala primară sau n-au deloc şcoală, deci vor rezolva foarte puţin din nevoia de forţă de muncă din Germania… Tot spunem că refugiaţii ar fi o binecuvântare pentru piaţa muncii… Adevărul este că integrarea acelora care vor rămâne aici este o imensă provocare financiară şi socială."- declara ea.

I s-a alaturat Agentia Federala a Muncii care a prezentat intr-un raport oficial niste informatii socante: 81% dintre imigrantii ajunsi in Germania nu au nici o calificare, nici macar un certificat care sa dovedeasca ca si-au terminat studiile si doar 8% dintre ei au o diploma academica!

Guvernul suedez a desfiintat, fara intentie, alta legenda, a celor veniti sa munceasca pentru Europa, atunci cand a anuntat ca din cei 180 000 de imigranti musulmani care au intrat in Suedia in 2015, numai 3% au acceptat sa urmeze cursuri de formare suplimentare, neaparat necesare pentru ocuparea unui loc de munca!

Experienta ultimilor 2 ani a dovedit ca imigratia extra europeana aduce cu ea explozia criminalitatii, violuri si agresiuni sexuale in lant, atentate teroriste, armata pe strazi, insecuritate, instabilitate, haos.

Aceasta realitate este deacum publica si de domeniul evidentei. S-a trecut de faza lui "Bine ati venit" si a declaratiilor politice iresponsabile. Atat factorii de decizie de la Bruxelles, cat si Angela Merkel, au fost obligati de realitate sa-si mai edulcoreze discursul si sa renunte sa mai predice public mesajul radical: Europa continent de primire.

In conditiile acestea, declaratiile facute recent la Rasnov de generalul SRI Sorin Gabriel Cozma, pana de curand sef al Direcţiei Generale Prevenire şi Combatere Terorism din cadrul SRI, tin de domeniul aberatiei si al irationalului. Raspunzand intrebarilor publicului prezent la o dezbatere pe tema "Globalizarea Terorismului", generalul Sorin Gabriel Cozma a declarat: 
"Valurile de emigranti vor lovi si Romania. E Romania pregatita sa primeasca 500.000 de musulmani? Vorbim de femei, copii, oameni normali care au patimit foarte mult in tarile lor. Vom fi sau nu pregatiti? Va trebui sa dam un raspuns la problema aceasta. Avem o lipsa de forta munca acuta…. "

Cand statisticile ONU certifica azi ca 80% dintre imigrantii extraeuropeni sunt "imigranti economici", barbati tineri care nu vin din zone aflate in razboi, generalul SRI o tine tot cu "femeile si copii"!

Cand in Germania sau Suedia, migrantii musulmani refuza efectiv sa munceasca, Sorin Gabriel Cozma transmite ca ei vor rezolva lipsa acuta a fortei de munca din Romania!

Dar Sorin Gabriel Cozma nu s-a oprit aici. Intrebat despre oportunitatea construirii Marii Moschei, proiect initiat tot de Victor Ponta, generalul anti-tero a dat un raspuns care a reamintit iar de dezechilibratul care ne-a fost premier: "Greu de spus daca e bine sau e rau sa se construiasca o mare moschee in Bucuresti. Factorul politic, el trebuie sa adune toate informatiile necesare unei decizii. Nu exista bine sau rau. Un lucru poate fi de bine acum, dar rau peste 10 ani. Stiti ca noi construim o biserica ortodoxa in Turcia? V-ati gandit si la riscul refuzului de a construi o moschee?"

Pana sa decida "factorul politic" a decis, manipulativ si subliminal, generalul: da, e bine, pentru ca si noi construim la turci o biserica, si e riscant ca ei sa nu construiasca o moschee la noi!

Nu, noi, romanii, nu construim nicio biserica ortodoxa in Turcia! Aici, Sorin Gabriel Cozma dezinformeaza voit.




General SRI "explica" de ce Romania trebuie sa primeasca "refugiati" si sa construiasca Marea Moschee.



Dinica Roman http://www.haaretz.com/world-news/europe/1.791954



It's not Islam that drives young Europeans to jihad, France's top terrorism expert…



Prospectiv A-z .
Adica elita celor ca Ponta si generalul SRI Sorin Gabriel Cozma VAND inca odata poporul. Nici nu-i de mirare ca ruptura intre aceste elite si popor este asa grava. Romania va fi in continuare siluita, membrii acestei elite vor fi schimbati, unul cate unul pentru a mentine iluzia democratiei, nu inainte sa-si fi facut plinul.

Smaranda Dobrescu Tarile Visegrad sunt cumva penalizate ca nu primesc refugiati? Pai daca cei veniti nu au nicio calificare, unii nici macar nu au absolvit cateva clase si refuza sa urmeze cursuri de calificare, cu ce ne pot ei ajuta? 
Daca cumva motivul expus de general este lipsa fortei de munca, atunci poate ca e mai simplu , mai ieftin si infinit mai eficient sa facilitam revenirea romanilor din cele patru vanturi. Probabil ca e mulr mai sigur, chiar din punctul de vedere al unui antiterorist .


Prospectiv A-z .
Nu m-as stradui sa analizez logica generalului SRI sau pe a lui Ponta. Dela nivelul lor, oricum suntem niste coji de seminte, logica e un lux pe care nu ni-l permit.


Preda Mihailescu Smaranda Dobrescu @ Evident ca este o minciuna gogonata preluata ORBESTE de la Bruxelles. Caci aceia cu aceeasi poveste au incercat sa ameteasca lumea -- dar s-a desumflat. Iar acesti scamatori nu si-au dat seama ca in Romania chiar se fac de ras cu aceasta argumentatie. Care lipsa cronica de brate de munca? La care proiecte?


Smaranda Dobrescu LIpsa fortei de munca calificata este o lamentatie la ordinea zilei. Gandeam ca e doar un pretext pentru acceptarea de catre populatie a refugiatilor. Nu. Site-urile cu joburi sunt pline de oferte si numarul zilnic de noi aparitii este in crestere. E drept ca se cauta cu predilectie ingineri, IT-isti si muncitori calificati, asistente medicale .


Preda Mihailescu Smaranda Dobrescu @ "E drept ca se cauta cu predilectie ingineri, IT-isti si muncitori calificati, asistente medicale ." Care abunda intre refugiati, cum abunda apa in desert. 

Este totusi impresionant modul coordonat in care se incearca aceste manipulari. Si in Germania, mai sunt oameni care cad in mrejul acestor false sugestii.


Prospectiv A-z .


Albin Marinescu

Întreabă o vecină dacă știe cineva unde-i toneta la care vinde SRI-ul prafuri?


Prospectiv A-z .



Dosarul de cadre al generalului SRI care aruncă România în aer de la…



Prospectiv A-z .




Smaranda Dobrescu Undeva e un viespar...


Prospectiv A-z .
La noi viesparul degenereaza repede in 'Cuibul de viespi'


Rizea-manea Marius Pai LA NOI IMBECILITATEA TINE LOC DE DECIZIE POLITICA SI ECONOMICA DE PESTE 25 ani ....https://www.facebook.com/images/emoji.php/v9/fa5/1.5/16/1f642.png:) ))))


Prospectiv A-z .
Semnal editorial
The Strange Death of Europe: Immigration, Identity, Islam by Douglas Murray

Book Review By Graham H. Seibert
A sweeping assessment by a journalist with all the tools: broad historical knowledge, languages, and the luxury of travel

Murray frames the moral dilemma facing the west through a quote from the prophetic 1973 book The Camp of the Saints. Author Jean Raspail saw 'A million poor wretches, armed only with their weakness and their numbers, overwhelmed by misery, encumbered with starving brown and black children, ready to disembark on our soil, the vanguard of the multitudes pressing hard against every part of the tired and overfed West. I literally saw them, saw the major problem they presented, a problem absolutely insoluble by our present moral standards. To let them in would destroy us. To reject them would destroy them.'

An established journalist, Murray had the resources to travel throughout Europe to view the immigration problem firsthand. He spoke to immigrants on the island of Lesbos, the slums of Malmö, the streets of Paris. He thoroughly appreciates their motives in coming to Europe and in the early chapters appears convinced that the majority of them have no motive other than to improve their lives.

Later chapters, the bulk of the book, go into extensive detail about the Islamic immigrants. They do not want to integrate. They have no respect for the host cultures. They are given to crime, especially rape. Their parts of the major cities – Paris, Stockholm, Berlin – become no-go zones for police, firemen and ambulances. They institute Sharia law among themselves and reject the host countries. Many other authors have described what he saw in France ,Germany,Holland and Sweden.

A larger question than why the Muslims behave as they do is why Europeans allow it to happen. Murry recites the well-known history of strife between Islam and Christianity, from Charles Martel's victory at Tours in 732 through the 1683 defeat of the Ottomans at Vienna. Islam is a known enemy of Christianity. Why are they allowed?

Politicians give a number of excuses for admitting refugees. Europe is not having enough children to fill the workplaces. Diversity makes society more enjoyable. More workers make for a richer country. It is not practical to keep them out. European values demand that all comers be treated humanely. Murray assesses and dismisses each argument in turn. Then he turns to a core thesis. Europe is simply tired. European philosophy and culture crested at the end of the 19th century. It had nowhere to go except nihilism and hedonism, and those are the paths it has chosen. Europe is allowing the Muslims to take over because it hasn't the strength to defend itself, and does not believe it has anything worth defending. Murray's arguments are well made, and his knowledge of European history, philosophy and literature are impressive.

The argument is encapsulated in his treatment of Michel Houellebecq's novel Submission, about the coming to power of an Islamist government in France. The book was widely condemned both by Muslims and by mainstream politicians fearful of same. Europe has given up on freedom of speech when it comes to Islam. Too many events have shown that it is too dangerous.

It is the politicians who are especially cowardly. The people by and large, and in increasing numbers, don't want widespread Muslim immigration. Yet the politicians keep the doors open and keep telling saccharine stories about how wonderful it all is. The common man is able to contrast the stories with everyday reality and conclude that they are lying.

Here we come to some points that Murray could explore further. There are huge contradictions between a Sharia law society and modern liberalism. Treatment of women and homosexuals would top the list. Yet, liberals continue to push for open borders. He notes cases such as that of Pym Fortuyn in the Netherlands in which liberals came to oppose immigration (and, too often, to die for taking such a stance). He notes that Jews have been driven from historical Jewish quarters and are very often victims of attacks by Muslims. He does not whatsoever go into the question of who owns the media that covers up Muslim crime and broadcasts the message of diversity. He mentions Soros a few times, but fails to note that Soros is only the most prominent of many.

Genetics is another topic that deserves more attention. Murray would credit the differences between the immigrants and the host populations as purely cultural. Liberals believe the same, and fervently hope that in a few generations the immigrants will become indistinguishable from the host populations. Findings by scientists in genetics,evolution and intelligence give the lie to these happy dreams. The populations are genetically different. They took thousands of years to evolve traits that enable them to optimally fill the niches they do. To survive in a harsh climate, bands of Northern Europeans developed altruism, tolerance and high intelligence. Said altruism has them project these traits onto others and welcome them into the society.

Murray's last two chapters are satisfying summations: what might have been, and what will be. Most authors contrive a happy ending to a book like this. Murray does not. He envisions a Western Europe in which pockets of traditional people muddle through in small concentrations far from the cities. I myself emigrated to Ukraine, the other side of the Viasgrad countries. Though it is certainly beset with problems of its own, there is very little immigration. Not enough economically to entice anybody, and no historical guilt to impel the natives to accept refugees. Last year the town of Yagotin, not far from Kyiv, forced Ukraine's president to go back on a plan to resettle 250 Syrians in their midst. There were no cries of anguish from liberals.

There is hope for Western Europe. The millennial generation is waking up. One of the most heartening books I've seen recently is Generation Identity, translated into most European languages. Young Europeans are once again getting a sense of themselves and finding some purpose in life. They recognize that unchecked immigration is antithetical to that purpose.




Customer Review



Preda Mihailescu "Stiti ca noi construim o biserica ortodoxa in Turcia? " - Cu vorbele construieste el o biserica in Turcia, unde Patriarhia Ortodoxa este tot mai inghesuita? Sa il intrebe daca are temelia acea biserica?!


Eduard Virgiliu Oare cat de prost poti sa fii sa nu stii ca oamenii astia vin din tari care au fost in razboi in ultimii 10 ani, unde scolile nu functioneaza si unde nu exista locuri de munca unde cineva sa invete o meserie sau sa aiba o calificare?!?


Prospectiv A-z .
La nivelul lui Ponta si al generalului nu-i careva prost, domnule Eduard Virgiliu. Dela nivelul ala (in sus) ne iau pe toti de prosti.

Preda Mihailescu Eduard Virgiliu @ Corect. Pentru unii prostia, daca nu o au nativa, este o calitate adaptativa de dobandit urgent, pentru a se putea ploconi.


Eduard Virgiliu Propun ca doar refugiatii care trec urmatorul test sa fie primiti in Romania:
- timp de o saptamana sa praseasca (sa sape, pentru cei mai tineri) la porumb. Daca reusesc sa treaca testul asta atunci inseamna ca sunt invatati sa munceasca si pot primii cetatenia.


Prospectiv A-z .
Nu-i suficient. V-o spune unul care a asteptat 14 ani sa devina si american. Tot timpul mentinand statultul de legalitate.

Preda Mihailescu Prospectiv A-z @ Da, dar tu nu ai venit cu valul de un milion, triajul functiona altfel.


Dinica Romanhttps://www.facebook.com/mircea.morar.39/posts/10154968066169065

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