vineri, 9 septembrie 2016

Interese energetice ale Poloniei

Interese energetice ale Poloniei – 6 august 2016

Smaranda Dobrescu

""Poland basically threw a wrench down the pipe, so to speak," said de Jong. "Gazprom is trying very hard to circumvent all these pesky transit states but they keep biting back. Some days you're the dog, some days you're the tree."



Poland Takes Aim at Putin's Pipe Dreams

Warsaw may have finally thrown a wrench into the Nord Stream 2 pipeline, Moscow's controversial plan to double down on its dominance of Europe's energy…



Draghi Puterity Yeee! Ce fain! Devenim independenti de rusi si putem da drumul la fracking!


Smaranda Dobrescu Cuiva ii pica la fix treaba asta! E momentul sa se infiinteze partidul AF


Draghi Puterity


Smaranda Dobrescu Finalul este deschis la variante multiple:
"For EU importers, secure and continuous access to energy sources,
diversification and affordable prices should drive future choices. US
imports are not expected to be a game changer but they have the potential in the long run to contribute, together with other existing and potential energy sources, to strengthening the EU's energy security"

Draghi Puterity Apropo de pipeline-urile rusesti. Se blocheaza una, vine alta...



EU officials fear plans for gas pipeline linking Turkey and Russia will strengthen…



Smaranda Dobrescu E o diferenta de 4 zile intre cele doua articole. Primul e mai proaspat. Asta nu inseamna ca varianta finala nu poate fi a treia sau a n-a. Deocamdata probabil ca rusii asteapta propuneri si acuze ca sa-si faca jocul optim pentru ei si poate Turcia.

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