vineri, 9 septembrie 2016

Cand ar fi razboiul favorabil?

Cand ar fi razboiul favorabil? – 6 august 2016

Dinica Roman shared Trish Y Roberts's post.


Trish Y Roberts to Chris Hedges

August 6

"The report, drafted by the RAND corporation, says that the best outcomes would come if the war were rather than in 2025 and fought with billion-dollar equipment.

The U.S. army commissioned the RAND Corporation to prepare a report on possible war with China, which advised spending billions on new military equipment and, should the need come, wage war now rather than later.

Amid Tensions, US Decides to Further Militarize South China Sea

"As its military advantage declines, the United States will be less confident that a war with China will conform to its plans," reads the report "War With China: Thinking Through the Unthinkable"—an expression borrowed from a RAND strategist that wrote on how to win a nuclear war against the Soviet Union.

The report, released last week, concludes that war with China would be long and inconclusive, meaning that the military should look into options other than immediate strikes such as expensive equipment like submarines. The U.S. is already planning to build almost US$130 billion of submarines and spends billions yearly on missile defense systems, another highly recommended investment.

Should the war be protracted, "nonmilitary factors—economic costs, internal political effects, and international reactions—could become more important." The solution: cutting off China from military equipment, while making sure it continues manufacturing "critical products."

The United States should also communicate with and utilize its allies in the region, but the report assumes that none would entangle themselves in fighting and that attacks would be contained in the two countries. President Barack Obama's "Pivot to Asia" policy has centered around "forging a broad-based military presence," aiming to maintain 60 percent of U.S. bases in the Pacific by 2020.



US Army Commisions Study on How to Win a War With China

The report, drafted by the RAND corporation, says that the best outcomes would come if the war were rather than in 2025 and fought with billion-dollar equipment.



Mihai Ion Turcu Desigur un razboi tehnologic , posibil nucelar. USA a pierdut o serie de razboaie foarte tehnologice. Un razboi se castiga doar prin ocuparea statului inamic. China nu poate fi "ocupata", nici Rusia.Deci in ce trebuie sa constea "castigul" ca sa intelegem ce fel urmeaza sa fie acel razboi.


Preda Mihailescu Nu inteleg fraza "come if the war were rather than in 2025" - rather than WHAT? Asa cum este, ce se intelege este ca vor sa dea 8 ani de pregatire, in care sa se pompeze toti banii statului in armament spre profitul stim noi cui.


Draghi Puterity Nici eu nu inteleg, insa am interpretat in sensul ca pana in 2025 au sanse sa castige razboiul cu China.

Foarte interesanta si fraza: 

"The solution: cutting off China from military equipment, while making sure it continues manufacturing "critical products." "

Daca inteleg eu bine, SUA (sau cine?) depinde de China ca "workbench" in niste zone critice? La ce se refera? La IPhone? 


Preda Mihailescu Astia sunt de mult in plin razboi economic, virtual si de alte forme. Si pentru noi prostii vor sa mai produca si sperieturi de tip razboi clasic - mai un ban pentru arme, mai niste soldati sa moara pentru nimic, ca din mosi stramosi. Ei dracie, da prosti ne mai cred.


Mihai Ion Turcu Au anumite informatii despre programul de inarmare al Chinei.Estimeaza ca la finele acelor programe inamicul (China) va fi mai greu de infrant, drept care optim ar fi un razboi inainte de finalizarea acelor programe. Acestea sunt studii de stat major pe variante de razboi ipotetic.Noi am avut o modificare secreta a intregului nostru sistem de aparare pentru eventualitatea unui atac concentric al Tratatului de la Varsovia din care faceam parte. Inamicul nostru probabil era URSS.Ideea ca un razboi este pentru unii o buna afacere este valabila, indiferent daca razboiul este castigat sau pierdut. Pregatirea si intrarea in razboi anma toata productia de armament si logistica, natiunea accepta sacrificii din ratiuni patriotice, se amana alegerile etc. O groapa mai neagra decat China in care s-ar putea aventura cineva este greu de imaginat.

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