miercuri, 3 februarie 2016

Incoerenta in politica fata de refugiati

Incoerenta in politica fata de refugiati – 22 ianuarie 2016
Draghi Puterity

Tare as vrea sa pricep ce e in capul Cancelarului Merkel! Pe de-o parte risca sa arunce in aer intregul sistem politic si chiar si societatea din Germania refuzand sa puna limite numarului de refugiati, pe de alta parte da miliarde Turciei ca totusi sa-i tina acolo. Care e logica?



Gipfel in Berlin: Merkel verspricht der Türkei erneut EU-Milliardenhilfe - SPIEGEL ONLINE

Die EU braucht die Türkei bei der Bewältigung der Flüchtlingskrise. Dafür soll das Land drei Milliarden Euro Hilfen bekommen. Bei den Regierungskonsultationen…



Costel Gilca Bună întrebare! 
Ar putea sa fie un joc prin care sa restrângă zona de influenta în europa de est. Sa existe o aparenta motivație (e fantezist ce spun...dar.....)


Mihai Ion Turcu Germanii, ingineri perfecti, au inventat instalatia de tras picioare in cur. De cate opri au , si au, ruminativ, procese de constiinta, se plaseaza in masinaria de tras picioare pe care o pun in functiune, incercand sa dobandeasca serenitate prin expiere.


Prospectiv A-z  Or mai fi d'aia care cred in democratie?


Draghi Puterity Not really... Si in Germania aveam oricum si inainte "democratie reprezentativa" (cu ghilimelele ingrosate), ca "ati vazut doar ce s-a intamplat cand am avut una participativa".


Prospectiv A-z  "It seems that the French lower classes have been made into a scapegoat to explain all the evil that the Le Pen party stands for. Isn't it strange that the political and media circles resent 'populism' so bitterly? Could the democracy that we are so proud of be completely allergic to the concerns of this very populace? At least this is what the people have begun to believe. 

When policy makers were asked if they were concerned with what people think, the completely negative response "Not at all" increased from 15 percent in 1978 to 42 percent in 2010! As for the affirmative responses, "Very much" or "Somewhat" declined from 35 percent to 17 percent. (For this and other interesting statistical trends, refer to the special issue of La Pensée, Le peuple, la crise, et la politique by Guy Michelat and Michel Simon.) Needless to say, the relationship between the people and the state is not based on trust. 

Should we then conclude that our state does not consist of the people it actually deserves, and that the dismal Le Pen vote proves how inadequate these people are? So to strengthen democracy, the government should, in fact, be electing a new people, as Brecht once suggested ironically…"

http://www.warscapes.com/opinion/racism-intellectualsVezi traducerea



The Racism of Intellectuals

The record vote for far-right candidate Marine Le Pen in this year's French elections stunned…


Prospectiv A-z  http://www.cotidianul.ro/turcia-face-instructie-cu-ue-3.../



Turcia face instrucție cu UE: 3 miliarde de euro este doar "deschiderea"



Mihai Ion Turcu Haraci !....

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