Capitalistii americani se confrunta cu inegalitatile – 8 august 2015
Smaranda Dobrescu
Povestea unui roman emigrat de mult in State, nevoit dupa 50 ani sa-si intrerupa continuitatea visului sau american. Piketty stie de ce!!
Capitalists, Arise: We Need to Deal With Income Inequality
If we don't deal with income inequality, we'll face intolerable taxes or social unrest.|De Peter Georgescu
S.D Si cateva comentarii ale americanilor platitori de taxe:
1. SMedeiros San Francisco 15 hours ago
Working people are frustrated, angry, and humiliated, but at the moment there are no identifiable levers we can pull that will have any effect on the situation. I used to at least feel that I could exercise some little bit of power by voting, but as time goes on this seems like an embarrassing middle-class fantasy. I wonder whether wealthy Americans even vote; why bother when money is power? And who know where all this ends? Maybe we're heading for a super-stratified society more like the ones in Central America. What a tragedy.
2. TJS New York 30 minutes ago
There is this sense in the discussion that all the less desirable effects of capitalism are somehow an unintended side effect of an otherwise magnificient engine of economic growth, even freedom. That I don't get. It could very well be that great disparities of inequality, environmental destruction ("external costs"), even political inequality are inherent in the system, too. If we accept that we may start out in a better place to fix the thing. The tenor of the article seems to be that all is well (as it certainly was for the author), but let's clean up these externalities, and we'll be ok. What if that isn't true, or at least isn't true any longer?
3. CityBumpkin Earth 30 minutes ago
"There is a way to start. Government can provide tax incentives to business to pay more to employees making $80,000 or less. The program would exist for three to five years and then be evaluated for effectiveness."
Somehow, in America, everything the government does for its people has to involve enriching some kind of middle man. If the government wants to help students, it guarantees student loans for private lenders. If the government wants to create jobs, it gives large corporations tax subsidies. If the government wants to provide health care, it provides subsidies to pay for private insurers instead of going to singe-payer.
I guess if somebody isn't skimming a buck off the top, it will smell too much like communism.
Octavian Lupu "I guess if somebody isn't skimming a buck off the top, it will smell too much like communism" Si la noi este exact aceeiasi motivatie pentru politicieni: poate sa li se spuna hoti, poate sa li se spuna escroci dar numai nu comunisti. De aia fura bietii de ei.
O.L Singura solutie in interiorul sistemului o reprezinta cresterea dramatica a taxelor. Restul e bullshit. Cum acest lucru nu se va intampla se va aplica automat solutia a doua care nu stiu unde va conduce. Profetii vor umbla cu parul despletit cu pancarte "The End Is Near" si punand pe speakerul de la telefonul mobil melodia siriana pe care ati postat-o in dupa amiaza aceasta. emoticon smile Asta asa ca sa facem un spirit de gluma, dupa cum se exprimau activistii pe vremuri. Pentru ca in rest e groasa rau.
Mihai Ion Turcu Intr-o societate asezata , fie si rau asezata, individual fiecare incearca sa se adapteze , "Frumos, eleganmt, cat de cat..." cum spunea deunazi un biet schizofrenic care-si injunghiase mama.Aceasta putere de adaptare are limite cu potentialul atingerii unei mase critice explozive. Diriguitorii care mai au contact cu realitatea trebui sa previna explozia sau implozia societatii. Schimbarile prin revolutie sunt totdeauna cu mari prierderi si revolutiile nu sunt neaparat rezolutive sau propun formule schematice, impuse apoi prin teroare de stat si care sunt utopice.Un sostem care nu se mai stie autoregla intra in criza si daca nici reglarea prin criza nu reuseste atuncea crapa si dispare, inlocuit de altul concurent ( daca exista) sau prin haos care se organizeaza
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