marți, 27 iunie 2017

Se incearca oare un Nixon II?

Se incearca oare un Nixon II? – 17 mai 2017


Prospectiv A-z shared a link.

Mass media aici da in clocot despre faptul ca Trump ar fi spus lui Lavrov ca exista informatii cum ca se pune la cale un atac impotriva avioanelor de pasageri catre SUA folosind un laptop. Aici se dicuta de mai multe saptamani de nevoia interdictiei electronicelor mai mari decat un telefon celular in cabina pasagerilor, dar presa tot ii da intr-una cu pericolul la adresa Israelului (sursa acelor informatii) si faptul ca asta ar constitui mare tradare din partea lui Trump...

Sa recapitulam:
Se discuta public deja de nevoia interzicerii electronicelor la pasagerii avioanelor inaintea de intalnirea Trump-Lavrov;
Trump n-a dezvaluit sursa acestei informatii;
Pe piata iese informatia asta despre discutia avuta de Trump cu ministrul de externe si amasadorul rus la Washington;

Mie mi se pare ca se incearca un Nixon II, adica inlaturarea prin orice mijloace si pretexte a 'celui mai puternic' om/actor al planetei. Ca romani, e bine de retinut ca scaderea sanselor Romaniei in lume aproape ca a coincis cu apusul lui Nixon/puterii presidentiale si rasaritul puterii Congresului in SUA.…/israel-trump-classified-intellige…

P.S. NYTimes ar trebui sa fie obligat sa spuna de unde stie ca Israelul e sursa acelor informatii. In lipsa altor elemente, responsabilitatea expunerii Israelului, in caz ca este cu adevarat ceva cu urmari negative, apartine mass-media/NYTimes, nu lui Trump. Acum vom vedea cine-i tzutzerul in toata treaba.



Israel Said to Be Source of Secret Intelligence Trump Gave to Russians

Israeli officials would not confirm that they were the source of the information that Mr. Trump shared.



Selectati va rog dela comentarii ce credeti ca merita. Va multumesc!


Dinica Roman Gary NYC 4 hours ago
As someone who hesitantly voted for President Trump, when I saw the headline that he had "Revealed Highly Classified Intelligence to Russia" I was crestfallen, to say the least...then I read the article. 

Seems like the worst that can be said is that Trump gave details that *could* expose the ally who provided the information. Not a small matter, but obviously the media already knew it was Israel. Does anyone think Russia didn't know?

Perhaps Israel is upset, but I doubt they would be more upset than France, Germany, and other allies whose leaders had their phones tapped by President Obama. Remember that? Barely? Well, that's because under Obama the media turned mountains into molehills, for Trump, they do the opposite. 

Also, why is nobody concerned that a traitorous govt employee is leaking info from private meetings to the press!? I'm all for whistleblowers exposing illegal activity, but there was no law broken, and isn't leaking this info to the entire world more detrimental to Israel than Trump mentioning it in private?

This is yet another "red" herring. After the Comey firing the media thinks it has Trump on the ropes so they're going for broke. Once the war with NK begins it will dominate the headlines. This could be their last chance. 

There are plenty of valid reasons to oppose Trump, if the media would focus on those, perhaps people would take them more seriously. You've become Chicken Little.
P.S. I notice there's no story in The Times about Seth Rich today.

Ess Los Angeles 4 hours ago
I kind of wish the NY Times + other media sources had refrained from revealing this info. Just because you can report something, doesn't mean you should. Much as I champion investigative journalism + freedom of the press, I also believe that the readers don't always need to know. And just because our president is a complete blabbermouth who shows no restraint doesn't mean we should broadcast the otherwise publicly hidden content of such dangerous indiscretions. If this revelation, in any way, contributes to the mess -- and further endangers the source -- that would be too high a price to pay.

Christopher Rillo 4 hours ago
After watching General McMaster's news conference this morning, I am wondering whether this story is exaggerated. The press has previously reported that intelligence officials are concerned that terrorists have devised means to implant explosive devices in electronic equipment. As a result, the United States and other Western nations have imposed a ban on passengers using electronic devices in flight from the Middle East and this ban will probably extend shortly to European flights. General McMasters, who is a honorable man, has stated that the President never disclosed intelligence methods or sources to the Russians. If he disclosed that he was concerned that ISIS would attempt to sabotage an airliner through a bomb concealed in a laptop, that would hardly be a cause for concern. Apparently the President warned of a specific terrorist plot, but General McMasters who was present stated that the information did not reveal sources, means of collection or any confidential matter. Although the President has demonstrated some unusual traits and his predilection for Twitter often doesn't serve his interest, this news story may be a case people being too quick to judge without having relevant facts.

Jack M NY 2 hours ago
The president has the legal right to reveal secret info, and he has the moral justification for doing so if he feels that revealing will have strategic gain in impressing a point.

I suspect that similar things have happened many times between world leaders, especially details of a relatively minor issue like the laptop threat issue that has already been reported on publicly, especially an issue that the Russians probably knew already, as they have more assets on the ground in that area than anyone else. 

In fact, revealing this info might have been Trump's way of telling the Russians that we know what you know so if anything like this happens and we know you could have prevented it we will hold you responsible, and at the same time preventing Russian blame in the opposite direction if anything happened the other way. A perfectly reasonable strategy. We will never know the real strategy because we only see part of the picture, but that is why the president gets legal room to make these decisions.

What has no justification, and is a serious threat to the security of our country is if conversations like this are being leaked to the media. That locks our president out of the ability to take what might be unpopular risks that he might not be able to justify without revealing secrets to the public— a necessary diplomatic tool—effectively locking his hands.

Whoever leaked this should be locked up. The leaks have to stop.


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