joi, 5 ianuarie 2017

The Private Heisenberg and the Absent Bomb

– 25 nov. 2016


Gavrila Ch shared a link.



The Private Heisenberg and the Absent Bomb

When they were separated by Heisenberg's scientific travels or the war itself, Elisabeth and Werner exchanged more than three hundred letters that survived the fighting. Both later wrote accounts of the war years, but their letters, filled with the worries and hopes of ordinary family life, offer a…


Prospectiv A-z.
Intr-o tehno-lume gestionata cu relativism moral si in care auzim atat de des sentinta 'daca n-o fac eu, o face celalalt!' car in fond ne condamna la a fi sub-oameni, aducerea in discutie a comportamentului lui Heisenberg fata de subiectul dezvoltarii unei bombe atomice este foarte oportuna.

"IfHeisenberg had been pliable and did what he was told to protect his own "comfort and authority," as Morrison harged, then it would be fair to say that he and the majority of his colleagues had failed a crucial moral test. But if Heisenberg had sought and found a way to say no—if he had deliberately convinced Hitler's government to abandon hope for an atomic bomb as taking too long to make and being too big, too expensive, and too uncertain for Germany in wartime—then Heisenberg's example would suggest that even in the midst of the bitterest of wars scientists could act morally, and remainfaithful to a core of common human values."

Iata si profilul lui Morrison: de unde aflam ca "In later life he was a critic of the Strategic Defense Initiative," adica al Razboiului Stelelor initiat de R. Reagan.

Cand SUA a decis sa bombardeze acele 2 orase japoneze, in august 1945, Razboiul se terminase practic. A fost o miscare deintimidare pentru a inlesni lansa la apa a ceea ce avea sa devina Pax Americana.

Apologetii vreunui program militar nuclear sau altul mai trebuie sa justifice si folosirea de *depleted uranium* la munitiile obisnuite.



Philip Morrison - Wikipedia

Babson Prize of the Gravity Foundation Westinghouse Science Writing Award of the American Association for…



Prospectiv A-z .
Din nota de subsol nr. 5, "The long struggle over history still lay ahead when Heisenberg returned to Germany from England in 1946. What restored his natural optimism, as he wrote to his wife in January from the village of Alswede in the British zone (where he was still not entirely free to move about), was reuniting with his family, getting back to scientific work at a new institute in Göttingen, and doing what he could to revive German science. He had been asked repeatedly if he wanted to go to America, before the war and since. The answer, he told his wife, was still no: "I am not needed there as much: many excellent, competent physicists are there. Here, however, it matters a great deal that an intellectual life should again become viable. Since 1933 it has been clear to me that here a terrible tragedy for Germany was in progress, only I could not have imagined the extent and the ending; and I stayed here at the time so that I might also be here afterward and help. This was exactly what I also told my American friends in the summer of 1939, and the best among them could understand it; this intention remains firm and will not be betrayed.""


Gavrila Ch pe acest savant l-ar condamna sigur Soros si ciracii sai ne-frumosi si ne-lberi ca nationalist. Germania nu-i totusi ca Romania.

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