marți, 9 august 2016

Barroso finally receives his award for faithful service

Barroso finally receives his award for faithful service. – 9 iulie 2016

Dinica Roman shared Vladimir Bortun's post.

July 9

Democratia e KAPUT! Paid for you by Goldman Sachs


Vladimir Bortun

July 8

Barroso finally receives his award for faithful service.



Goldman Sachs hires former EU chief José Manuel Barroso -

Goldman Sachs has hired the former head of the European Commission José Manuel Barroso to help it through the fallout from the UK's shock decision to quit…



Dinica Roman

Vladimir Bortun
Yesterday at 11:58am · 
For me, the key finding of the Chilcot Report is what a fiction liberal democracy is at the end of the day. "Separation of powers", "rule of law", "checks & balances", "transparency", "accountability" and other noble liberal mantras are ultimately sterile against the interests of the economic elites. Democracy is fundamentally overridden by these interests whenever the two come into conflict. It cannot be otherwise in a class society.

Iraq Inquiry - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Iraq Inquiry, also referred to as the Chilcot Inquiry after its chairman, Sir John Chilcot,[1][2] is a British public inquiry into the nation's role in the Iraq War. The inquiry was announced on 15 June 2009 by Prime Minister Gordon Brown, with an initial announcement that proceedings would take...



Prospectiv A-z .
Pe Emil Constantinescu l-au rasplatit cu tot felul de numiri in fundatii, ca pe un partener junior al haitei. Barroso, ca partener baban al haitei, merge la premianti.


Prospectiv A-z .
1 day ago

But he said he was "very impressed" by Goldman's "commitment to the highest standards" on ethics and this his role as chairman of Goldman Sachs International would include reinforcing the firm's culture of "integrity, consequence, diligence, responsibility".

Wow! That is a level of spin that defies physics. 

1 day ago

"There has been a "clear loss of confidence, not only in the UK but also in Europe", Mr Barroso said. "Confidence today is in very short supply, it's probably the most precious commodity," he added."

And the most reviled investment bank hiring the former head of the reviled European Commission is exactly what the doctor ordered to rebuild that confidence..

1 day ago


When a bastion of capitalism hires a former maoist to navigate its business you have to laugh.

1 day ago

This sits so well with this recent FT article

"Goldman banker 'procured' prostitutes to build links with Libya".
Nice crowd to work with Jose.

1 day ago

Goldman Sleaze hires an EU insider to tell them what they should already know. Were I a soon-to-be-fired Goldman Sleaze intern I might be a bit cheesed off. As someone else suggests, Juncker would have been even 'better'.

1 day ago

When are they going to hire Merkel and Juncker? That would be a dream team.

23 hours ago

And of course this came quite out of the blue and a great surprise to Mr Barroso. And after an exhaustive selection process for the best candidate.

Preda Mihailescu "Confidence today is in very short supply, it's probably the most precious commodity," he added. - The comodity confidence, si banuiesc ca se considera si inteligenta cand face aceasta "glumitza".


Prospectiv A-z .
La rece judecand, increderea (confidence) si inteligenta se misca in directii opuse, mai ales la un timp ca al nostru. Tocmai asta e element central al dramei noastre.


Preda Mihailescu Prospectiv A-z @ Dar daca este redusa la ideea de "commodity", increderea (o forma a sperantei!) nu se mai prea misca de loc!


Prospectiv A-z .
Increderea ca o marfa este un concept introdus de economisti. Barroso o preia pentru a arata ca stapaneste coduri si semnale.


Mihai Ion Turcu Urate vremuri. Ma intreb daca au existat si vremuri frum,oase ?


Preda Mihailescu MIT @ "Ma intreb daca au existat si vremuri frum,oase ?" Noi suntem, ca oameni, bantuitzi de viziunea foarte tangibila a unei LUMI mai bune, care se poate transfigura si regenera din crampeie de omenie - se pare ca ASTA este! Nu existenta altor vremuri mai bune in aceasta lume, ci existenta unei intregi lumi mai bune, de care totusi nu suntem pe deplin despartiti. Din necesitate sau poate din stângacie, tindem sa punem intrebari gresite .... Cred ca este si o doza de necesitate, nu numai stangacie!

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