joi, 7 iulie 2016

Cum s-a votat Brexit-ul?

Cum s-a votat Brexit-ul? – 24 iunie 2016

Draghi Puterity

Uitandu-ma la repezeala la distributia pe varste si pe venit a votantilor Brexit, mi-a venit ideea ca poate cei care au votat pentru Brexit au votat impotriva unei UE din ce in ce mai neoliberale. De fapt, a fost un vot impotriva lui Thatcher.


Smaranda Dobrescu Exista o anumita proportionalitate intre varsta si dorinta de apartenenta la UE in sensul scaderii cu varsta a amatorilor de UE. In privinta categoriilor sociale trag concluzia ca laburistii lui Corbyn nu au fost prea convingatori in fata electoratului propriu cand au afirmat non-Brexit. Cred ca daca s-ar pune problema la noi, fenomenul ar fi cumva similar, din cauze diferite, insa (burse, joburi pentru tineri)


Smaranda Dobrescu David Held is Master of University College and Professor of Politics and International Relations at Durham University.Here is his oppinion about the referendum:
"The referendum was lost some time ago. At its most superficial it was lost because the EU failed to give Cameron enough to take back from the negotiating table in the form of plausible and sustainable gains for the UK. It was lost because Labour's leadership catastrophically failed to join a unified platform until the last few days of the campaign and failed to communicate to its electorate a coherent and plausible narrative of the EU and its future. It was lost because of the years of austerity policies championed by Cameron and Osborne which have left peoples' living standards suppressed and many marginalised. It was lost because it became a referendum about immigration and peoples' fears, the latter worked on and stirred by right wing politicians from the Conservatives and UKIP projecting these fears into false utopias of an independent Britain, independently wealthy. And it was lost because these fears of the unknown and the Other played into the voting preferences of older generations."

Asadar, peste tot generatia varstnica e vinovata!!


Alexandru Botu Brexit-un alt pas spre monopolizare, globalizare. Se va vedea in curand. Poate ca americanii s-au cam saturat de nemti si incearca sa le ia "imperiul UE". daca peste ceva timp va aparea o noua uniune europeana centrata pe "Insula"?


Mihai Ion Turcu Din nou Germania (!?).Personal as fi preocupat de o buna relatie cu UK.

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