De ce ar trebui UK sa ramana in UE – 23 februarie 2016
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MI se pare curios faptul ca presedintele partidului paneuropean, Yannis Varoufakis, chiar dupa impunerile lui Cameron fata de restul tarilor europene considera ca ramanerea GB in cadrul UE ar reprezenta un castig al democratiei europene. Inclin sa cred ca nu cunosc eu toate amanuntele tratativelor, caci mi-ar face placere sa vad si eu in englezi niste lorzi ai valorilor europene din secolul trecut
"Neither withdrawing into the safe cocoon of the nation state, nor giving in to the disintegrating and anti-democratic EU, represent good options for Britain. So instead of seeing the referendum as a vote between these two options, and these two options alone, the UK needs a third option: to vote to stay in the European Union so that it can fight tooth and nail against the EU's anti-democratic institutions."
Why The UK Should Stay In The EU
Yanis Varoufakis In an interview with EUROPP's editor Stuart Brown, former Greek finance minister Yanis Varoufakis discusses the launch of his new 'Democra
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