avertizeaza Iranul si pe Obama –9 martie 2015
Octavian Lupu
NU am mai auzit de asa ceva pana acuma. Baietii astia sunt dusi cu capul. Cred ca uneori mai mult decat personajele din fotografie. Ceea ce demonstreaza ca SUA au devenit o anexa a Israelulu
47 Republican senators have written an open letter
to Iran's leaders warning them that any nuclear deal they sign won’t last after
Obama leaves office.
Exista o istorie a sabotarii Casei Albe de catre opozitia din Congres in ideea rasturnarii de fortze la alegeri (de exemplu, amanarea pacii cu Vietnamul, Criza ostaticilor din Iran din timpul lui Carter etc.). Asta inseamna ca daca cel din Casa Alba e bine echipat si sfatuit, el poate incheia un acord pe care ceilalti sa-l poata desface f. greu sau deloc. Nu stiu daca Obama are ce-i trebuie in sensul asta (consilieri etc.), sper s-o faca insa.
Acum n-as spune ca America e o anexa a Israelului, desi vad ca expresia tinde sa devina un loc comun al carui valoare de adevar ar trebui sa ne preocupe in mod mai serios/sustinut. As spune doar ca elita globala a reusit sa-si supuna popoare intregi, iar poporul israelian nu face exceptie in opinia mea. De fapt, consider ca oamenii de acolo sunt ostatici ai politicilor ce n-au mare lucur de-a face cu viatza lor. Multi dintre ei au inteles acest lucru, inclusiv copiii elitelor care sunt de regasit prin alte capitale ale lumii decat Jerusalem/Tel Aviv...
Exista o istorie a sabotarii Casei Albe de catre opozitia din Congres in ideea rasturnarii de fortze la alegeri (de exemplu, amanarea pacii cu Vietnamul, Criza ostaticilor din Iran din timpul lui Carter etc.). Asta inseamna ca daca cel din Casa Alba e bine echipat si sfatuit, el poate incheia un acord pe care ceilalti sa-l poata desface f. greu sau deloc. Nu stiu daca Obama are ce-i trebuie in sensul asta (consilieri etc.), sper s-o faca insa.
Acum n-as spune ca America e o anexa a Israelului, desi vad ca expresia tinde sa devina un loc comun al carui valoare de adevar ar trebui sa ne preocupe in mod mai serios/sustinut. As spune doar ca elita globala a reusit sa-si supuna popoare intregi, iar poporul israelian nu face exceptie in opinia mea. De fapt, consider ca oamenii de acolo sunt ostatici ai politicilor ce n-au mare lucur de-a face cu viatza lor. Multi dintre ei au inteles acest lucru, inclusiv copiii elitelor care sunt de regasit prin alte capitale ale lumii decat Jerusalem/Tel Aviv...
exagereaza nitel si cei 47 zmei: "The letter states that “the Senate must
ratify [a treaty] by a two-thirds vote.” But as the Senate’s own web page makes
clear: “The Senate does not ratify treaties. Instead, the Senate takes up a
resolution of ratification,
by which the Senate formally gives its advice and consent, empowering the
president to proceed with ratification” (my emphasis). Or, as this outstanding
2001 CRS Report on the Senate’s role in treaty-making states (at 117): “It is
the President who negotiates and ultimately ratifies treaties for the United
States, but only if the Senate in the intervening period gives its advice and
consent.” Ratification is the formal act of the nation’s consent to be bound by
the treaty on the international plane. Senate consent is a necessary but not
sufficient condition of treaty ratification for the United States."
Josh Rogin reports that a “group of 47 Republican...
Ar trebui sa mai adaug ceva.
1) Astfel de situatii au fost si in Franta cand guvernul si presidentia erau la partide diferite.
2) Francezii au reusit odata, tot cu iranienii, sa incheie un acord bun tocmai pe motivul ca o schimbare de putere ar fi taraganat lucrurile/n-ar fi dus la nicun acord. Deci Obama ar trebui sa foloseasca scrisoarea republicanilor in sensul facilitarii politicii sale. Ceea ce cred ca se si/va intampla.
Ar trebui sa mai adaug ceva.
1) Astfel de situatii au fost si in Franta cand guvernul si presidentia erau la partide diferite.
2) Francezii au reusit odata, tot cu iranienii, sa incheie un acord bun tocmai pe motivul ca o schimbare de putere ar fi taraganat lucrurile/n-ar fi dus la nicun acord. Deci Obama ar trebui sa foloseasca scrisoarea republicanilor in sensul facilitarii politicii sale. Ceea ce cred ca se si/va intampla.
"For the first time in American diplomatic history, one political party is devising its own foreign policy with its own entreaties to foreign governments. Not content with having Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu address Congress and the American people and tell them the President’s approach to Iran is wrong, Republican senators yesterday sent an “open letter” to Iran's leaders advising them that President Obama doesn’t have the constitutional authority to reach a meaningful understanding with them. The letter warned Tehran that any nuclear deal needs congressional approval in order to last beyond Obama's term and that without that step Iran will be left a "mere executive agreement" between Obama and Ayatollah Ali Khamenei.
Republicans are not only making common cause with hardliners in Iran, they’re also undermining our President’s capacity to deal with foreign governments and compromising his authority as Commander-in-Chief. In so doing, they’re jeopardizing the safety and security of the United States. In my forty-five years of political involvement, I don’t remember any act by a major party that comes as close as the Republicans' recent actions to what might be called treason.
What do you think?"
"For the first time in American diplomatic history, one political party is devising its own foreign policy with its own entreaties to foreign governments. Not content with having Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu address Congress and the American people and tell them the President’s approach to Iran is wrong, Republican senators yesterday sent an “open letter” to Iran's leaders advising them that President Obama doesn’t have the constitutional authority to reach a meaningful understanding with them. The letter warned Tehran that any nuclear deal needs congressional approval in order to last beyond Obama's term and that without that step Iran will be left a "mere executive agreement" between Obama and Ayatollah Ali Khamenei.
Republicans are not only making common cause with hardliners in Iran, they’re also undermining our President’s capacity to deal with foreign governments and compromising his authority as Commander-in-Chief. In so doing, they’re jeopardizing the safety and security of the United States. In my forty-five years of political involvement, I don’t remember any act by a major party that comes as close as the Republicans' recent actions to what might be called treason.
What do you think?"
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