Care mai este influenta Marii Britanii in lume? – 9 martie 2015
Octavian Lupu
A PROPOS DE AXE Marea Britanie a inceput de ceva timp sa se concentreze pe agenda interna (vin alegerile si nimeni nu e in stare sa prezica ce va rezulta in urma acestora), agenda externa fiind tratata minimalist. Un general american reprosa Marii Britanii cu ceva putin timp in urma in cadrul revistei Defense one ca UK si-a redus dramatic cheltuielile militare fapt ce nu o mai face un partener viabil in actiunile de jandarmerie globala. UK si-a pierdut sub conservatori gradual statutul de mare putere, procesul de declin fiind in curs.<<More to the point, both ISIS and Putin want to destroy the global economic and political system in which Britain has long thrived. Maybe there aren’t any votes in defense, but do the British really believe they will be better off in a world where they have no influence?It’s hard to say, since none of them is really talking about it. Once upon a time, Britain was said to have acquired its empire in a “fit of absent-mindedness.” It may be about to lose its place on the world stage in exactly the same way.>>
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Britain is changing rapidly.
destule si prognoze dificil de facut:
"For one, the discontent with “establishment” politics that has convulsed so many European countries has finally reached the British Isles. There have been no mass marches here, as in Spain, and no anarchist riots, as in Greece. Instead, large numbers of Britons are cheerfully telling pollsters that they aren’t planning to vote for the Conservative Party in May’s general election, and that they don’t like the Labour Party or the Liberal Democrats either. If they are Scottish, they might be planning to vote for the Scottish National Party, which hopes to immediately reinvigorate its campaign for Scottish independence. If they are English, they might vote for the anti-European, anti-immigration United Kingdom Independence Party, or maybe for the Greens."
"For one, the discontent with “establishment” politics that has convulsed so many European countries has finally reached the British Isles. There have been no mass marches here, as in Spain, and no anarchist riots, as in Greece. Instead, large numbers of Britons are cheerfully telling pollsters that they aren’t planning to vote for the Conservative Party in May’s general election, and that they don’t like the Labour Party or the Liberal Democrats either. If they are Scottish, they might be planning to vote for the Scottish National Party, which hopes to immediately reinvigorate its campaign for Scottish independence. If they are English, they might vote for the anti-European, anti-immigration United Kingdom Independence Party, or maybe for the Greens."
Iani Velciov
unde atata jamdarmerie mondiala, cand au frontul intern nevazut paki-hindi ....
intrevad cateva posibilitati dupa alegeri: Coalitie Tory-UKIP; Coalitie Lab-Lib-ScotNat
; Guvern minoritar cu noi alegeri destul de curand; pana la clarificare.Pana
atunci, partenerul SUA va fi putin determinant in politica externa.
plan extern poate nici nu mai au nimic de castigat, asa ca se concentreaza in
plan intern unde pot sa aiba surprize de mari proportii de pe urma unor
chestiuni indelung neglijate.
si democratie liberala? Politica post liberala? Populism? Clasa politica va
trebui sa raspunda la mai multe probleme specifice englezilor, printre care si
la una de genul asta:
"Most people are rooted in communities and families—60 per cent of the population live within 20 miles of where they lived aged 14—often experience change as loss and have a hierarchy of moral obligations. Too often the language of modern politics ignores the real affinities of place and people. Those affinities are not obstacles to be overcome on the road to the good society; they are one of its foundations. People will always favour their own families and communities; it is the job of a post liberal politics to reconcile such feelings with fluid, open societies in which people expect high degrees of individual autonomy. Modern liberalism’s failure, to date, to achieve that reconciliation has left a large Nigel Farage-shaped hole in our politics."
"Most people are rooted in communities and families—60 per cent of the population live within 20 miles of where they lived aged 14—often experience change as loss and have a hierarchy of moral obligations. Too often the language of modern politics ignores the real affinities of place and people. Those affinities are not obstacles to be overcome on the road to the good society; they are one of its foundations. People will always favour their own families and communities; it is the job of a post liberal politics to reconcile such feelings with fluid, open societies in which people expect high degrees of individual autonomy. Modern liberalism’s failure, to date, to achieve that reconciliation has left a large Nigel Farage-shaped hole in our politics."|De David
UK incepe sa culeaga acasa, in sfarsit, ceea ce (elita lor) tot seamana prin lume de atata timp. Bring it on!
"The Iraq war turned many in Britain off the idea of ever cooperating with Americans, and the European recession explains a lot of the doubts about Europe. Provincialism is a factor, too. In a country where the political class is consumed by an argument over the constitutional status of Scotland, events in the Middle East or Ukraine seem far away."
Cand politica internationala nu se mai vede de problemele nationale, e timpul schimbarilor. Britanicii cred ca inteleg mult mai bine asta decat cei de peste garla, fiind mult mai expusi si fara privilegiul de odinioara al sterlinei.
UK incepe sa culeaga acasa, in sfarsit, ceea ce (elita lor) tot seamana prin lume de atata timp. Bring it on!
"The Iraq war turned many in Britain off the idea of ever cooperating with Americans, and the European recession explains a lot of the doubts about Europe. Provincialism is a factor, too. In a country where the political class is consumed by an argument over the constitutional status of Scotland, events in the Middle East or Ukraine seem far away."
Cand politica internationala nu se mai vede de problemele nationale, e timpul schimbarilor. Britanicii cred ca inteleg mult mai bine asta decat cei de peste garla, fiind mult mai expusi si fara privilegiul de odinioara al sterlinei.
istoric al parlamentului UK:
From #MagnaCarta to the present day, a fun and speedy guide to
how we are represented in #Parliament
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