Intoarcerea fetei urate a Germaniei- Europa sociala – 28 iulie 2015
Smaranda Dobrescu
"But such thinking is based on a false premise. The path that Germany will pursue in the twenty-first century – toward a "European Germany" or a "German Europe" – has been the fundamental, historical question at the heart of German foreign policy for two centuries. And it was answered during that long night in Brussels, with German Europe prevailing over European Germany."
The Return Of The Ugly German » Social Europe
During the long night of negotiations over Greece on July 12-13, something fundamental to the European Union cracked. Since then, Europeans have been living in a different kind of EU. What changed that night was the Germany that...|De Joschka Fischer
Miriam Frankenfeld What a populistic aritlce. This coming from Fischer, someone, who in the 1960s threw stones and was actually a known terrorist is just ridiculous and embarrassing. Even more so because he is member of the Green party and preaches tolerance higher taxes for the richt etc, yet works for BMW. Wouldn't believe anything he says.
Preda Mihailescu Better than Gisy, no!? And someone HAS to say these things in Germany! Problem is it does not make a big change - since, as one of the first commentors to this article rightfully notices, it was their red-green government who started a race of lowering taxes in Germany and thus Europe. So who tries to add up two and two, will understand that Fischer is perfectly right when saying that Schäuble use the whole useless pressure to send a message at home. So it is. And true it is also, that when in power, both he and Schröder had to leave their "ideal direction" miles away to do the proper realpolitik. Just like they left it again becoming each of them golden servant of some major company. Such is life - but most of what he says is true, since truth sometimes comes from the mouth of children, sometimes from the mouth of hypocrites even, it comes out went it needs to do so!
S.D For me it was a surprise to listen such things from his part. I don`t know him very much and i have no reason to disapprove you. The fact is that more Germans I``ve read use similar approches. May be I use to read more articles hosted by Social European Journal . In these difficult times, all the world infortunately is divided. And Germany is a key of the problem: Good or bad. All of us we are expecting to be the appropiate key of the problem
M.F After WWII Germans have learned and were taught to sistematically bash their own country. It's engrained in their nature.
Mihai Ion Turcu Toate exagerarile sunt o forma de minciuna.
M.F Meaning?
S.D All the exgerations represent a form of lying
M.F I understood that, I just don't know what he is referring to.
S.D emoticon smile I hope M. Professor will be more specific.
M.F With the statement as such he is right ::).
M.I.T Domnul Fischer exagereaza.
M.F He is a bottom dweller.
Draghi Puterity Daca nu tocmai banditul asta de Joska Fisher as spune lucrurile astea, le-as lua de bune. Dar cand asa ceva vine din gura unei cartite neoliberale, prefer sa ma gandesc la care e scopul real al afirmatiilor lui.
M.F Totally agree!
S.D Am citit cateva comentarii ale nemtilor la articolul lui Fischer. Draghi,daca vrei citeste-le si poate te vei lamuri unde bate Fischer. Iata unul de exemplu:
"First, another sigh -- this time of relief. By standing her ground in the matter of Greece, Merkel saved the eurozone -- and more important -- the EU. If the likes of Tsipras and Varoufakis had successfully smeared and blackmailed Germany into surrender, they would have found plenty of opportunistic imitators in Portugal, Spain and Italy, to name only a few. I have absolutely no doubt that the results would -- to use your words -- "threaten the entire European project." A Europe that can be held to ransom by a single member is not sustainable."
Joschka Fischer - Project Syndicate
Joschka Fischer was German Foreign Minister and Vice Chancellor from 1998-2005, a term marked by Germany's strong support for NATO's intervention in Kosovo in 1999, followed by its opposition to the war in Iraq. Fischer entered electoral politics after participating in the anti-establishment protest…
Preda Mihailescu Puterity @ "Dar cand asa ceva vine din gura unei cartite neoliberale, prefer sa ma gandesc la care e scopul real al afirmatiilor lui." - ah, dar asta este cu totul alta poveste! Se pare ca el pentru a primi banii de la BMW si de unde va mai primi, nu este angajat sa laude carismele "doamnei piete". Are Narrenfreiheit! Si atunci nu este elementar sa marturisesti partea de adevar care incepe sa cam lipseasca de pe piata de informatie in Germania. Asa, pentru a o avea la Racnetul Carpatilor pentru ca, daca este nevoie, intr-o buna zi sa putem spune "Vezi, am spus eu!" Daca de costat nu il costa, why not? Crezi ca este mai multa decat o asigurare in baisse, acest "marturisitor"?
P.M Dar cand pe urma il citesti pe Schäuble avand nerusinarea sa afirme "A half a year ago, Greece was preparing to return to the capital markets. Today, the country's economy lies in ruins. That is the Greek government's responsibility. " nu mai ai mari indoieli despre veridicitatea zicalei "pacatosul adevar graieste" - cu privire la Fischer! Cum nu ii crapa obrazul acestui om, evident incercat de soarta, sa minta ca un birjar!?
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