miercuri, 19 aprilie 2017

Conflict nou Turcia-Olanda

Conflict nou Turcia- Olanda – 13 martie 2017


Dinica Roman shared a link.

Despre Olanda pe turceste, la comentarii despre Turcia peromaneste

"Guvernul olandez a decis să interzică aterizarea avionului ministrului turc de externe Mevlut Cavusoglu, care a anunțat că se va deplasa sâmbătă în Olanda pentru a participa la un miting de susținere a schimbărilor constituționale pentru întărirea puterilor prezidențiale în Turcia"




Dinica Roman Erdogan ,Eroul Turciei
Erdogan este un cetatean turc cinstit , care a refuzat sa serveasca interesele neocolonialiste ale Olandei, Germaniei , Austriei in Turcia. Acest fapt a deranjat profund puterile europenne ca i n Turcia nu se poate gasi un presedinte slugarnic si umil gen Ciolannis , gata sa sacrifice interesele nationale ale Turciei pentru o poza de familie la Bruxelles. Dupa atatia presedinti ratati, lacomi si corupti , poate da Dumnezeu sa avem si noi in viitor, un presedinte gata sa moara pentru Romania, asa cum este presedintele Erdogan pentru Turcia , asa cum a fost Ceausescu pentru Romania, mai bine sa moara pentru tara decat sa tradeze pe cei multi saraci si cinstiti. Nu la ski, la tenis sau in America vesnic in vacanta. Erdogan este un demn urmas al fondatorului Turciei moderne Mustafa Kemal Atatürk , pe romaneste tatal turcilor, un conducator intelept , reformator si nationalist.

Cine-i Olanda , un ca-ca-t FOST , mare imperiu colonial care traeste inca in trecut . Un jeg , care ne tine pe loc cu MCV-ul si SCHENGHENUL , pentru ca nu vrem sa le dam portul Constanta . Niste ordinari , santajisti si in fimnal niste stfturi daca viata v-a decurge normal . Europa se zgiltiie din temeli dupa Brexit . Daca cu v-a schimba strategia , rusii si chinezii vor fi cistigatori . Europa , ca si America , vor esi din calcul iar noi , vom trece devla un stapin la altul .Aviz TFL-istilor din piata . Eu am trait si `89 si stiu ce inseamna debandada . Majoritatea nu inteleg ca Europa nu ne vrea , vrea doar bogatiile noastre , atitea cite au mai ramas ne furate . Vai mama noastra de timpiti care ridicam monumente celor care ne-au bombardat Bucurestiul in ww2 . Sintem mai timpiti ca nemtii care accepta distrugerea DREZDE-I .

Raluca Buturuga
Situatia in care a ajuns Romania, o tara mediu dezvoltata pana in anul 1990, demonstreaza ca de fapt in UE se dicteaza de tarile dezvoltate economic in dauna celor mai putin dezvoltate urmarindu-se ca acestea din urma sa fie exploatate exact cum se facea cu tarile care erau colonii. Metodele sunt perverse si in noile colonii cum a devenit Romania se recurge la promovarea in posturile de conducerte a nulitatilor si a tradatorilor interesului national. Cum sa explici altfel cedarea petrolului si industriei petrochimice unor societati austriece, cedarea in intregime a industriei siderurgice si a aluminiului unor cercuri straine dubioase care au distrus aceasta industrie dupa ce au intrat in posesia ei? Cum a fost posibil sa dai francezilor industria cimentului si distributia apei si a gazelor si italienilor distributia energiei electrice? Cum a fost posibil ca presedintel tarii, premierul si ministrii precum si parlamentarii sa accepte distrugerea industriei tarii incepand cu fabricile de avioane, industria de masini grele, fabricile de tractoare, autocamioane si autobuze pana la industria locala? Pe cine au slujit acesti tradatori ajunsi in posturi de comanda in tara, pentru ca ei nu au slujit poporul roman care a fost nevoit sa emigreze in alte tari? Din pacate si acum, dupa 27 de ani de tradare a intereselor poporului roman, actiunea cercurilor tradatoare ajunse in posturi de comanda si in parlament continua iar poporul roman nu se trezeste pentru a da cu ei de pamant si a-i inlocui cu patrioti. Tre facuta curatzene totala an Romania. Jigodiile astea capitaliste sorosiste au distrus totul, mai effectiv comparat cu bomba atomica sau o catastrofa naturala gen Fukusima.

Astea sunt doua natii care au obiceiuri pe dos de cand se stiu. E normal sa se concureze!

Like · Reply · March 13 at 3:49am

Dinica Roman si retur

Premierul olandez, Mark Rutte, a exclus duminică posibilitatea de a prezenta scuze din partea guvernului pentru expulzarea cu o zi înainte a unui ministru turc și, în același timp, și-a exprimat speranța unei "dezescaladări" a crizei diplomatice dintre Haga și Ankara, transmite AFP, citată de Agerpres.

"Nu se pune problema să ne cerem scuze, ei ar trebui să își ceară scuze pentru ce au făcut ieri (sâmbătă)", a declarat Mark Rutte duminică, luând cuvântul la Haga în cadrul campaniei pentru legislativele organizate miercuri în Olanda.

"Este o cerere absolut imposibilă și nebunească", a adăugat el.

În timp ce apeluri la un nou miting duminică seară circula pe rețelele sociale, prim-ministrul a făcut un apel la calm.

"Păstrați-vă calmul. Aici sunteți în Olanda, avem o viață minunată în societatea în care este integrată o mare parte a olandezilor de origine turcă", a afirmat el într-un mesaj adresat populației.




Premierul olandez: Fără scuze

Premierul olandez, Mark Rutte, a exclus duminică posibilitatea de a prezenta scuze din partea guvernului…



Dinica Roman ISTANBUL — Turkey's quarrel with Europe worsened over the weekend after the Turkish president accused the Dutch government of Nazism, and Turkish politicians were barred or disinvited from events in two European countries, amid tensions ahead of a tight referendum on a new Turkish Constitution.

Having criticized German officials for barring their Turkish counterparts from campaign events this month, President Recep Tayyip Erdogan turned his ire on the Netherlands after the Dutch stopped the Turkish foreign minister from landing there for a rally on Saturday, and then escorted the Turkish family minister out of the country early on Sunday, citing risks to public order and security.

It was an unusually strong reaction from the Dutch, who have generally taken an open stance toward diverse points of view, but who are in the midst of an election campaign in which immigration and integration are major topics.

"When those incidents began, I said those are fascistic measures," Mr. Erdogan said in a speech on Sunday afternoon. "I said Nazism had risen from the dead. And then I added: I thought Nazism was over, but I was wrong."

The anti-Dutch remarks from Turkey inflamed tensions among the Turkish community in the Netherlands, who protested in Rotterdam until the early hours of Sunday, when they were dispersed by police officers wielding batons and water cannons. The police arrested 12 people, and seven were injured, including a policeman, whose hand was broken.

Though Turkish law technically bars the practice, Turkish ministers are touring Europe to persuade the Continent's sizable Turkish diaspora to vote yes to an expansion of Mr. Erdogan's powers, amid fears that the "no" campaign may hold the edge in the April referendum.

But this campaign has collided with closely fought local elections in the Netherlands and France, where right-wing politicians have sought political capital from stoking tensions with the Turks. The push for votes also comes at a time of increased European alarm over Turkey's democratic backslide and rising concerns over immigration and integration.

The Dutch government said it refused to allow the Turkish foreign minister's plane to land after the Turkish government publicly called on "Dutch nationals of Turkish origin to turn out in great numbers."

The two countries were negotiating over finding a smaller venue like the Turkish Consulate to hold the meeting, but "before these talks had been concluded," Turkey "publicly threatened the Netherlands with sanctions" making a "reasonable compromise" impossible, the Dutch Foreign Ministry said.

Elsewhere in Europe, the Danish prime minister, Lars Lokke Rasmussen, canceled a meeting with his Turkish counterpart, Binali Yildirim, in protest of Turkey's "rhetorical attacks."

In Sweden, a lawmaker from Mr. Erdogan's party, Mehdi Eker, rearranged a campaign event after the meeting's initial hosts backed out for safety reasons.

In France, two right-wing candidates, François Fillon and Marine Le Pen, criticized the decision to allow the Turkish foreign minister, Mevlut Cavusoglu, to proceed with a rally in France.

Switzerland and Austria have previously made it clear that Mr. Erdogan's campaign is unwelcome there.



Dinica Roman Un anume T.W. Lydick scrie 
"I think Turkey realizes a sectarian Europe will never accept them. European and Western projection of their own religious prejudices onto Turkey has prevented their acceptance into the EU. Wilders only speaks openly about what all European Christians say privately. So, who can blame Erdogan for using this fact to eliminate a subversive CIA terrorist group that has infiltrated the government and plagued Turkey for 20 years. Europe and the West only accepts a weak and unstable Turkey as their poor servant. A strong Turkey with no IMF debt and with a sense of self-respect and pride in past contributions to worl history is unacceptable in the West. This is the real problem, as usual, European racism and sectarianism, not Turkey's."

O anume Mori Millet raspunde
"A sectarian Europe? Religious prejudices? I can tell you for a fact that Turkish people are culturally incompatible with Europeans. As someone living in Germany, being German and having had much experience with Turks and "Germans" of Turkish descent it's painfully clear. They do not wish to become a part of Europe and those living in European countries have no intent of being a part of their community. Quite the opposite is true, most Turks here even those born in Germany do not see themselves as Germans, they often happen to be anti-German in their sentiments. I see it almost every day. You couldn't ask for a more ungrateful and backstabbing group of people who at the same time make use of all the societal, social, cultural achievements of their host country. But as is often the case they see the fault in others not in themselves. It is painfully obvious that as a whole the Turkish community is both extremely arrogant and frankly ignorant. On top of that there's the issue that they happen to be Muslim, which is another factor making them incompatible. I think you can forget playing the "European racism" card. Turks will not be any less racist, but of course European and white racism is to blame for all that's wrong in the world. How convenient. And European sectarianism? What is that supposed to be? There's no such thing, unless you mean the EU. But the EU is not Europe and Europe is far more diverse politically than EU bureaucrats would make it look. By now the evidence should be sufficient that Turkey and Turkish people are not a fitting ally at all. And Turkish migrant communities in Europe are proving to be a huge problem and increasing danger. Speaking of sectarianism, you do know that Turkey is supporting the spread of Islam in Europe?"


PA-z .
Dosarul turcesc este extrem de complicat. Turcia, ca si Romania, a fost impusa EUropei, numai ca fiind o entitate atat de mare si distincta, cu o constiinta a valorii de sine in spectaculoasa redezvoltare, n-a putut fi inghitita. Se tot incearca o bagare la apa a ambitiilor turcesti, astia se incapataneaza sa supravietuiasca--ultima data se pare cu ajutor rusesc.

Faptul ca un politician strain vine pe teritoriul altei tari sa faca politica electorala, indiferent pentru ce subiect, mi se pare o problema de suveranitate. Asaincat, chiar daca olandezii nu-s cei mai populari in Romania, vor si ei tainul de consolare post-imperiala, cred ca pozitia lor pe problema asta e principial corecta. 

Iata niste foi ale dosarului turcesc ce duc la Washongton, pe o alta cale decat cele banuite...




Trump adviser linked to Turkish lobbying

A company tied to Erdogan's government hired retired general Michael Flynn's lobbying firm.



PA-z .


Cristian Dogaru

March 15 · 

In mod cert inflamarea turco-olandeza nu ajuta partidul extremist olandez care pierde voturi in favoarea premierului care si-a demostrat "barbatia"...dar daca chiar asta s-a vrut?

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