A sasea varianta – 6 martie 2017
Smaranda Dobrescu shared a link.
Paul Mason, autorul lucrarii Postcapitalismul- un ghid pentru viitor, propune o a sasea varianta in completarea celor 5 din Carta Alba a lui Juncker. In principal varianta prevede:
Harmonised minimum wage
Harmonised social welfare systems
Converged labour market regulations
New tools to exclude states which flout the rule of law
New tools to prevent the emergence of fascist parties
New tools to prevent offshore tax evasion
A pan-EU industrial strategy with preference for EU-first
The rapid assimilation of refugees and migrants
The member states would re-commit to the project of a converged social market economy, with free movement and open-ness to migration from the outside world.
Commission White Paper Option Six: A Europe of Democracy And Social Justice
The White Paper by Jean-Claude Juncker on 1 March 2017 is a poor answer to the crisis of the European Union.
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