duminică, 12 martie 2017

Asocieri politice

Asocieri politice – 18 februarie 2017

Dinica Roman shared Peter Turnley's post.

Unul care nu stiu cat stie despre Ceausescu sau Trump, dar stie ce nu trebuie sa stim despre ei.


Peter TurnleyFollow

February 18 at 3:00pm

Nicolae Ceausescu, Romania, 1989.

I have photographed dictators, autocrats, and I know what they look like. When I read that an American president calls the press "the enemy of the people", my blood goes cold, I am revolted, and I feel it is my duty to defend the values of freedom of expression that make a democracy strong and something worth being proud of. 
© Peter Turnley, Romania, August, 1989.

 Cat despre romanii care comenteaza la Turnley, sunt toti *in the know*, adica recita pentru Cantarea aRomaniei; ce(i mai) buni cetateni universali cu totii!


Preda Mihailescu Domnul este marca Harvard. Ne miram?


PA-z .
La Harvard s-a dus pentru specializare si/sau socializare. Pion avansat, spoit pe la toate scolile.

Preda Mihailescu https://www.facebook.com/images/emoji.php/v7/fa5/1.5/16/1f642.png:-)


Dinica Roman http://www.aljazeera.com/.../romania-2017-protests-1989...



Romania: The second fall of Ceausescu

The 2017 protests in Romania mirror the 1989 ones. They both brought down a corrupt kleptocratic order.



Smaranda Dobrescu Era o vreme cand CTP era in consens cu AMP. Pana si ea are propriul scenariu actual bazat pe servicii. CTP-ul insa poate e intr-o pasa dificila care ii afecteaza discernamantul histrionic.

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