luni, 14 noiembrie 2016

Economia politica a drepturilor omului

Economia politica a drepturilor omului – 22 octombrie 2016

Dinica Roman shared Diana Rosen's post.

Orice asemanare cu Romania colectiva a lui Ciolos sau aceea de dupa alegeri este aleator intentionata.


Diana Rosen to Chris Hedges

October 21 at 7:20am



The Washington Connection and Third World Fascism: The Political Economy of Human Rights: Volume I

A brilliant, shattering, and convincing account of United States-backed suppression of political and human rights in Latin America, Asia, and Africa and the role of the media in misreporting these policies The Washington Connection and Third World Fascism relentlessly dissects the official views of…



Dinica Roman



The Washington Connection and Third World Fascism (The Political Economy of…


Prospectiv A-z .
Cum spuneam, *iesirea* din situatia actuala a Romaniei va fi cu un Chavez sau Pinochet... Astia numiti pentru a fi alesi o vor lua pe urmele lui Carolica-doi.


Gheorghe Gradinaru Mult mai probabil cu un Pinochet in haine de Chavez!


Dinica Roman



Chris Hedges on our Political Nightmare


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