miercuri, 15 aprilie 2015

De prin maruntaiele char(li)adei, 20 ianuarie 2015

"It seems that the French lower classes have been made into a scapegoat to explain all the evil that the Le Pen party stands for. Isn’t it strange that the political and media circles resent ‘populism’ so bitterly? ...
"It was not a poorly educated peasant who declared in 1983 that Renault strikers (who were mainly Algerian or Moroccan) were, in fact, “immigrant workers (…) roused by religious and political groups toward causes that had little to do with French social realities.”
"It was a socialist prime minister, much to the delight of his “enemies” from the right, who promoted these agendas. ...
"The left candidates keep declaring that they are waging a ruthless war, not so much against capitalist corruption or the tyranny of austere budgets, but against undocumented workers and juvenile repeat offenders, especially if they are black or Arab. When it comes to this, the right and the left have become impossible to distinguish. ...
"In truth, it is the intellectuals who have manufactured this violence against the common people, particularly aimed at the inner-city youth, which is at the core of Islamophobia. And it is the different administrations that are unable to build a civil society based on peace and justice. It is the immigrants - Arab workers and their families being first in line - that have been fed to an insecure and fearful electorate. As always, it is the idea, even if its wrong, that precedes authority and this in turn shapes public support. It is the intellectual, however deplorable, that precedes a leader who then builds a following."
The record vote for far-right candidate Marine Le Pen in this year’s French elections stunned everyone and left them scrambling for answers. The political...

  • Preda Mihailescu Alain Badiou - care a scris o carte pentru a spune ca unu este un concept teistic, religios, si salutand axiomele lui Peano pentru inlocuirea acestuia cu un concept neutru, multimea vida ... Argumentantii fascinante si destul de speriat ... pana unde au ajuns sa se fugareasca Marx cu Dumnezeu - sa il credem deci pe cuvant?

  • Prospectiv A-z .
    Filozofia lui e una, felul in care pune in context LePenismul si recentele evenimente e alta si rezoneaza cu incercarile de intelegere ale unora--cand intrebam, de exemplu, daca nu cumva aistam la efectele unei politici nu tocmai destepte post-neo-coloniale.

  • Preda Mihailescu Este inteligent, si ... a trait o viata lunga. La unii oameni asta poate este atenuant - ma gandesc spre exemplu la Mitterand ... La altii, dimpotriva ... nu ma mai intreba daca ma gandesc la unii in mod precis. Restul de comentarii daca am, tomorrow.

  • Mihai Ion Turcu Politicie post si neocoloniale se vor umaniste, democratice ,liberae, bune de lauda pentru nobletea lor deloc benevola, au fost si sunt mioape si fariseice. Analizele utile sunt obiective, nesentimentale- resentimentare si neteziste. Fostee metropole coloniale au judecat inr-un fel care a generat consecinte care se cer identificate si rezovate cumva, demers in care gargara nu foloseste.

  • Preda Mihailescu Francezii au un dar extraordinar de a folosi umbra realitatii pentru desbateri si polemici intestine, docte - in care definesc si redefinesc taberele, pentru a oferi o bucata de terre ferme celor ce ii sustin, si rezolvarea problemelor este mereu in al doilea plan. Nu este un demers numai inactiv, dar 

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