duminică, 22 martie 2015

Si daca Basescu avea dreptate?

Si daca Basescu avea dreptate?-  28 februarie 2015
Victor Nichitus
nichitusvictor.blogspot.com|De Victor Nichitus
  Prospectiv A-z .
De ce nu se decupleaza Transnistria, e cumva ordin dela CENTRE? Uiti de teritorii mult mai romanesti/populate de romani si pastrezi acest focar de instabilitate in corp...

  Victor Nichitus idee decuplarii regiunii de peste Nistru de Moldova este mai veche - a fost auzita prin 2001-2002 lansata daca imi amintesc de O.Serebrian (dar as putea gresi). Din punct de vedere al corectitudinii politice (in aspectul moldav al acestei corectitudini) nu este acceptata. Ideea renuntarii la un teritoriu aduce aminte de renuntarea Romaniei la Basarabia. Un asemenea gest ar veni ca o manusa ideologilor rusi care sustin prezenta Grupului Operativ de Trupe Ruse in Tiraspol si administratiei din regiune care doreste alipirea la Federatia Rusa.Cine ar avea cel mai mult de castigat de pe urma unui asemenea gest politic? Rusia? Moldova? Romania? UE? NATO?
  P.A-z  .
Gandesc si eu cu voce tare si raspund: romanii. Domnule, daca ne uitam, minoritatile ne-integrabile sunt parghia prin care puterea centrului se transmite cel mai eficient.
  V.N   Domnia voastra draga domnule nu luati in ecuatia pe care o propuneti (asa cum o fac si unii de pe malul Dambovitei) ca in Republica Moldova locuiesc (deocamdata inca in liniste - fie sa tina cat mai mult aceasta pace) doua mari entitati - cea vorbitoare de rusa si cea care pe langa rusa cunoaste si romana. De asemenea in grupul mare al vorbitorilor de rusa gasim, ucraineni, rusi, gagauzi, bulgari. Ceea ce incerc sa sugerez e ca minoritatile din RM sunt integrate - iar acest lucru s-a facut limbii si culturii ruse odata dominata in RM. Nu afirm ca puterea integratoare a limbii si culturii ruse in Moldova e un factor bun ori rau - sunt altii care trebuie sa o faca, zic doar ca renuntarea la regiunea transnistreana ar slabi aceasta putere integratoare si ar demonta de tot statul moldovean.
  P.A-z .
Domnule, cum poti renunta la ceea ce nu ai? Transnistria o fi de jure a Rep. Moldova, dar de facto e altceva. Ma rog, daca moldovenii vor sa si moara pentru a pastra iluzia acestui spatiu integrat de limba rusa, n-au decat.

Mai mult, daca existenta Rep. Moldova e conditionata de lb. rusa, nu prea vad eu o unire in orizont. Ceea ce nu-i bai, oamenii obisnuiti vor sa traiasca si sa prospere in pace, nu neaparat ca parte dintr-un intreg mai mare. Ca veni vorba, pe cei multi si obsinuiti cine-i intreaba in Rep. Moldova?
  V.N   Sunteti sigur de afirmatia ca regiunea transnistreana nu este a Moldovei? Si daca din 1992 Moldova este un stat semi-federal, semi-confederal? Si daca elita politica moldava impreuna cu cei de la pupitreul de comanda al Tiraspolului, fara stirea maselor de cetateni fac ghesefturi peste ghesefturi, unele mai avantajoase decat altele? Si daca asa zisul teritoriu necontrolat de catre autoritatile de la Chisinau se supune intr-o oarecare masura? Moldovenii au murit pt regiunea transnistreana - razboiul din 91-92 s-a transformat intr-un mit fondator al Moldovei. Cat despre unire - cine va spune domniei voastre ca ea este dorita de marea masa de cetateni moldoveni, fie ei vorbitori de limba romana? Aduc aminte ca partidul unionist al domnului Rosca, PPCD-ul, in zilele lui bune nu a reusit sa adune mai mult de 10 % din cetatenii cu drept de vot. PL-ul domnului Ghimpu tot ata aduna. Despre care unire e vorba? Acel wishfull thing de la Bucuresti ori mitul transmis de la Chisinau elitelor nationaliste romanesti pentru ca finantarea sa continue?
  P.A-z .
Daca ar fi sa fie cum scrieti, mai cu seama catre final, de ce ne-am mai bate capul?
  V.N  Veniti la Chisinau. Sa vedeti cum e.
  P.A-z .
Va multumesc de invitatie. Poate ca este o idee buna pentru romanii care-si iau romanitatea ca firescul respiratiei sa vada *romanitatea* si din perspectiva celor din afara granitelor Romaniei. Eu fiind la randu-mi traitor de astfel de *romanitate* as putea compara note de drum.
  Cristi Pantelimon Asta se cheamă blocare în proiect. Există vreo soluţie, totuşi, de întrevăzut?
  Platon Florin Adecvarea la contextul geopolitic printr-o politica externa potrivita creeaza oportunitatile in discutie. Romania de la 1918 nu a fost realizata de politicienii romani sau sacrificiul soldatilor, ci de exploatarea unei oportunitati geopolitice, un accident istoric ce ne`a permis realizarea Romaniei Mari. Moldova e o carte dintr-un joc la care Romania inca nu are acces, sau mai precis, se autoexclude.
"The Moldovan population's sympathy for the EU has clearly been waning over the past few years. In 2009, a government took office in Chişinău, advocating a rapprochement with Brussels, which was favored by 70 percent of the population. In return for an IMF loan, the government imposed tough austerity measures, promoted stronger relations with the EU, finally signed an EU association agreement on June 27, 2014, (ratified July 2 by the Moldovan parliament). Particularly these austerity measures, required for closer ties with the EU, have caused sympathy for Brussels to significantly drop in this desperately poverty-stricken nation. The Liberal democratic (PLDM) and the Democratic Party (PDM), the two most important pro-EU parties - both under the leadership of highly unpopular oligarchs - have also made their contributions to this development in public opinion. As a German daily admitted in late November, in Moldova, the EU is "associated with the oligarchs."
These pro-EU parties, which receive support from German political party foundations (germa-foreign-policy.com reported [2]) could only win a parliamentary majority in the November 30 elections, though extensive manipulation. For example, a pro-Russian party, which, according to a survey, would have received up to 18 percent of the vote, was banned three days before the elections. Only 15,000 ballots were available at the polling stations abroad for the several hundred thousand Moldovans living in Russia. With their salaries earned in Russia, they contribute a double-digit percent of the gross domestic product. The large majority of these Moldovans were thus deprived of their right to vote. These manipulations, however, cannot hide the fact that those in favor of Moldova's closer ties to the EU have dropped by half, to 35 percent, while, in late 2014, 43 percent were in favor of closer ties to Russia, within the framework of the Eurasian Union. Through its interventions in Ukraine, the EU's popularity has not grown in Moldova outside the urban middle classes.
In spite of the signed agreement with Brussels, Moldova's EU association, in the long run, no longer seems assured. Since last week, the country has a new government. In spite of the manipulatively obtained majority, the three pro-EU parties have yet to agree on a prime minister. The current office holder, Chiril Gaburici, was elected with the votes of the parliamentary groups of the oligarch-dominated pro-western PLDM and PDM parties, along with the votes of the Communist Party, which would not support the country's permanent exclusive links to Brussels at the expense of relations to Moscow. Should this fragile government collapse and new elections be held, a pro-Russian victory could only be prevented with another massive manipulation. In this context German media is quoting NATO Supreme Commander Philip Breedlove's allegation that Moscow is waging "a strong information campaign,"[3] in Moldova. This means "Russia could target Moldova." This PR maneuver is meant to at least accuse Russian propaganda of being behind Moldova's tangible swing toward an anti-EU sentiment in opinion polls. It is unclear, whether this will serve as a justification for more extensive NATO measures.
Similarly fictitious allegations are flanking current NATO provocations in the Baltic, where a force of around 100 NATO troops, including US soldiers in armored vehicles, participated in a parade celebrating Estonia's Independence Day on Tuesday. In full combat gear, they drove by a Russian border checkpoint only a few meters away. Narva, a city with a 95 percent Estonian Russian-speaking minority was the scene of this provocation. Estonia continues to refuse its citizenship to many of its Russian-speaking inhabitants. It is estimated that this is the case for nearly half of that minority, which accounts for approx. a fourth of the total population. NATO countries are justifying this bellicose attempt to intimidate the minority with the allegation that Moscow could be planning an aggression against Estonia. The dangerous speculation that Russia would seek to potentially unleash nuclear war by attacking a NATO member country, is as unsubstantiated as the German government's 1999 "Operation Horseshoe" fabrication, during the war on Yugoslavia.[4] Berlin is not only implicated simply as a NATO member in these provocations, but also as the leading force for developing NATO's "Spearhead" rapid response force, with its bases in several East European countries - including Estonia - capable of engaging within two days against Russia. (german-foreign-policy.com reported.[5]) Troops from the Netherlands, with which the Bundeswehr is closely cooperating, participated in this parade in view of the Russian border guards."http://www.german-foreign-policy.com/en/fulltext/58830

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