vineri, 28 octombrie 2016

haz de necaz/paguba

Richard Donnelly
Good to see Theresa May's 27-strong cabinet reflects the diversity of modern Britain: 18 white male millionaires, 7 white female millionaires and two Asian millionaires. It's uncanny - you could see any of these people down the Iceland on Streatham High Road.
Flavius Chircu
Tot in spiritul :-) comentez si eu, nu dau cu parul:
Cu inflatia de acum, milionul de azi de suta de mii de acum 20 ani...

Daca era sa dau cu marul, as fi zis ca 99% are mai putin decat acum 20 ani...
Draghi Puterity
Flavius Chircu
Draghi, nu-i asa ca si pensiile sunt o notiune retrograda, ca si copmunismul, de care trebuie sa scapam neaparat?! Nu de alta, dar sunt deja un obstacol in calea afirmarii si...
Draghi Puterity
Draghi Puterity Intr-o nota mai serioasa:

"The charity's report analysed data from Credit Suisse and found that the richest 10% of the UK population own over half of the country's total wealth, with the top 1% owning nearly a quarter (23%). The poorest 20% share just 0.8% of the UK's wealth between them."
Deci guvernul d-nei May e reprezentativ pentru ceva >0. E un inceput.

Intre timp, Corbyn s-a umplut de acuzatii de anti-semitism...
Draghi Puterity
Flavius Chircu
Sa nu cumva sa gandesti la c...tie, Draghi!
Draghi Puterity
Draghi Puterity "People think it matters who occupies that house. It doesn't. Multinational corporations and criminals run the world."

Raymond Reddington ;)
Flavius Chircu

Crima va deveni un mod de viata si pentru cei mai multi.


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